
Show Message



A message box is a relatively small dialog box used to display a message and provide one or more buttons. Here is an example of a message box:

Message Box

A message box is used to provide information to the user or to request a decision (from the user). By clicking the button or one of the buttons (if the message box displays more than one), the user makes a decision and the program continues.

Message boxes are created from built-in functions from the VCL and the Win32 library. The necessary functions shipped with the compiler.


Message Showing

The ShowMessage() function provides the most fundamental of Embarcadero's message boxes. This function takes one string argument and does not return any value. It is used to display a message to the user who acknowledges it by clicking the OK button. The syntax of the ShowMessage() function is:

procedure ShowMessage(const Msg: string);

A message box created with the ShowMessage() function uses the name of the project as its caption. The message to display is a string that can be provided by the developer. Here is an example:

ShowMessage('Welcome to the Sellers Bank.')

This would produce:

Message Box

The string can also come from a control on the application. The string can also be a combination of other strings:

procedure TForm1.btnMessageBoxClick(Sender: TObject);
var strName, strMessage : String;
    strName := 'Andy Bossal';
    strMessage := ' is not in our records.';
    ShowMessage('The name ' + strName + strMessage);

This would produce:

Message Box

As with other message boxes that we will study here, to display the message on various lines of text, you can separate lines using the sLineBreak constant. Here are examples:

procedure TForm1.btnMessageBoxClick(Sender: TObject);
var strMessage, strCountry, strCity, strFinal : String;
    strMessage := 'Your record has been registered';
    strCountry := 'Country Name: Australia';
    strCity    := 'City to visit: Melbourne';
    strFinal   := 'Have a nice strip.';

    ShowMessage(strMessage + sLineBreak + strCountry + sLineBreak +
		strCity + sLineBreak + strFinal);

This would produce:

Message Box




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