Creating and Using Relationships

A One-to-Many Relationship: A Re-Introduction to Relationships

In a typical database, you can create, among other things, two tables that each has a primary key and one of them has a foreign key. As seen previously, the foreign key allows a child table to get records from a parent table.

Normally, each record in the child table gets 0 or only one value from the parent table and a record in the parent table can provide one of its values to many records of the child table. An example would be a list of employees where each employee belongs to a department. Obviously, each employee can belong to only one department but many employees can belong to the same department. This can be illustrated as follows:

One-to-Many Relationship

This type of relationship is referred to as one-to-many. This is the most regular type of relationship used in a relational database and that's the type we have used so far.

We will create a new database for a computer training center. The database will be named ComputerTrainingCenter1 (Computer Training Center version 1.00). It will contain the following tables:

  • Departments: This will contain the different departments of the company. The table will have the following columns:
    • Department Code: This will be a unique number that represents a department
    • Department Name: This will be the name of the department
    • Manager: This will be the name of the employee who supervises the department
  • Employees: This will be the list of all personnel of the company. The table will have the following columns:
    • Employee #: This is a unique number that represents an employee
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Title
    • Department Code: This is used to identify the department where the employee works
  • Teachers: This is the list of people who teach courses. The table will have the following columns:
    • Teacher #: Each teach will have a unique number
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Last Name
    • Department Code: This is used to identify the department to which the teacher belongs
    • Start Date: The date the teacher was hired
    • Phone Number
    • Email Address
  • Courses Levels: The courses in a professional (or trading) school are organized by levels, such as introductory courses, intermediate courses, and advanced courses. Our database will use a table to define such levels
  • Courses: This table will hold a list of courses taught in this school. The table will have the following columns:
    • Course Code: A unique number that identifies a course
    • Course Name
    • Course Level
    • Notes
  • Students: This will be a list of past and present students
  • Schedule: The school must regular create a schedule of courses. The student will consult that schedule to know what courses are available and when. The table will contain the following columns:
    • Course Code: Used to identify what course is taught
    • Teacher #: The identification of the teacher is dispensing the course
    • Days Taught
    • Time Taught
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Room Number: This computer school uses only one building, which means we don’t need a table of locations or buildings. Instead, this column specifies the room where the course will be taught
  • Enrollments: After consulting the schedule, a student can register for a course. The Enrollments table will hold a list that includes an identification for each student who register for a course and an identification of the course for which a student registered

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Types of Joins

  1. Start the computer and log in
  2. Launch Microsoft SQL Server and click Connect
  3. Right-click the name of the server and click New Query
  4. To start a new database, type the following code:
    USE CTC1;
    CREATE SCHEMA Administration;
    CREATE SCHEMA Academics;
  5. Right-click inside the Query Editor and click Execute
  6. In the Object Explorer, right-click Databases and click Refresh
  7. Expand the Databases and the ComputerTrainingCenter1 nodes
  8. To start a new table, right-click Tables and click New Table...
  9. While the table is still displaying, in the Properties window, change the Schema field to Administration
  10. Click the box under Column Name and type DeptCode and press Tab
  11. Change its data type to nchar(5) (you will change only the length from 10 to 5)
  12. Right-click DeptCode and click Set Primary Key

A Mutual One-To-Many  Relationship

Mutual reference is a scenario in which each of two tables references the other. As a variant to a one-to-many relationship, some records of a table A may get their foreign value from a table B, then some records of table B may get their foreign value from a table C, and finally some records of table C would get their foreign value from table A.

Another variant is where some records of a table A would get their foreign value from a table B but also some records of the table B would get their foreign value from table A. To illustrate, once again imagine you have a table of employees and each employee is recorded as belonging to a certain department. Obviously, an employee can (should) belong to only one department. This can be illustrated as follows:

A department for one or many employees

For each department, you may want to specify who the manager is. Obviously, the manager must be an employee, from the table of employees. This can be illustrated as follows:

A manager for each department - the manager is an employee

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating a Mutual One-To-Many  Relationship

  1. Complete the table as follows:
    Column Name Data Type Allow Nulls
    DeptCode nchar(5) Unchecked
    DepartmentName nvarchar(50) Unchecked
    Manager nchar(7)  
  2. Close the table
  3. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes
  4. Set the name as Departments
  5. Click OK
  6. To visually create a new table, in the Object Explorer, under ComputerTrainingCenter1, right-click Tables and click New Table...
  7. While the table is selected, in the Properties window, set the Schema to Administration
  8. Click the box under Column Name and type EmployeeNumber and press Tab
  9. Right-click EmployeeNumber and click Set Primary Key
  10. Complete the table with the following columns:
    Column Name Data Type Computed Column Specification (Formula)
    EmployeeNumber nchar(7)  
    FirstName nvarchar(25)  
    LastName nvarchar(25)  
    EmployeeName   CONCAT(LastName, N', ', FirstName)
    Title nvarchar(50)  
    DeptCode nchar(5)  
  11. Close the table
  12. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes
  13. Set the name as Employees
  14. Click OK
  15. In the Object Explorer, under ComputerTrainingCenter1, click the Database Diagrams node
  16. A dialog box will inform you that this database doesn't have a diagram. Read the message and click Yes
  17. Right-click Database Diagrams and click New Database Diagram
  18. In the Add Table dialog box, click Employees (Administration) and click the Add button
  19. Double-click Departments (Administration) and click Close
  20. From the Departments (Administration) list, drag DeptCode and drop it on DeptCode in Employees (Administration)
    Tables and Columns
  21. On the Tables and Columns dialog box, click OK
  22. On the Foreign Key Relationships dialog box, click OK
  23. From the Employees table, drag EmployeeNumber and drop it on top of Manager in the Departments (Administration) list
  24. On the Tables and Columns dialog box, click OK
  25. On the Foreign Key Relationships dialog box, click OK:
    Database Diagram
  26. To close and save the diagram, close the window
  27. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes
  28. Set its name to dgmComputerTrainingCenter
  29. Click OK.
    If you receive an additional dialog box, read it and click Yes
  30. To start a new table, in the Object Explorer, under ComputerTrainingCenter1, right-click Tables and click New Table...
  31. While the table is selected, in the Properties window, set the Schema to Administration
  32. Click the box under Column Name and type TeacherNumber and press Tab
  33. Right-click TeacherNumber and click Set Primary Key
  34. Create the table using the following characteristics:
    Column Name Data Type Computed Column Specification (Formula)
    TeacherNumber nchar(7)  
    FirstName nvarchar(25)  
    MiddleName nvarchar(25)  
    LastName nvarchar(25)  
    TeacherName   CONCAT(LastName, N', ', FirstName)
    DeptCode nchar(5)  
    StartDate date  
    PhoneNumber nvarchar(20)  
    EmailAddress nvarchar(50)  
  35. Close the table
  36. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes
  37. Set the name as Teachers
  38. Click OK
  39. Click inside the Query Editor and press Ctrl + A
  40. To create a few records, type the following:
    USE CTC1;
    INSERT Administration.Departments(DeptCode, DepartmentName)
    VALUES(N'HRMNS', N'Human Resources'),
          (N'ITECH', N'Information Technology and Technical Support'),
          (N'CRSDM', N'Course Development and Management');
    INSERT Administration.Employees(EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, Title, DeptCode)
    VALUES(N'792-702', N'Frank', N'Cassini', N'General Manager', N'HRMNS'),
          (N'249-441', N'Patrick', N'Levine', N'Course Developer and Teaching Manager', N'CRSDM'),
          (N'302-484', N'Catherine', N'Borrow', N'Database Developer and Administrator', N'ITECH'),
          (N'485-052', N'Jerry', N'Fesman', N'Cashier', N'HRMNS'),
          (N'974-005', N'David', N'Miller', N'Intern', N'ITECH'),
          (N'381-848', N'John', N'Hough', N'Course Researcher', N'CRSDM'),
          (N'300-724', N'Matt', N'Kern', N'Technology Manager', N'ITECH'),
          (N'908-047', N'Grace', N'McDermott', N'Cashier', N'HRMNS'),
          (N'974-115', N'Elsa', N'Steinberg', N'Webmaster', N'ITECH'),
          (N'279-475', N'Alex', N'Simkins', N'Intern', N'HRMNS'),
          (N'273-941', N'Jessica', N'Redding', N'Teaching Coordinator', N'HRMNS'),
          (N'395-822', N'Craig', N'Newman', N'Network Administrator', N'ITECH');
    UPDATE Administration.Departments
    SET Manager = N'792-702' WHERE DeptCode = N'HRMNS';
    UPDATE Administration.Departments
    SET Manager = N'300-724' WHERE DeptCode = N'ITECH';
    UPDATE Administration.Departments
    SET Manager = N'249-441' WHERE DeptCode = N'CRSDM';
  41. To execute, press F5
  42. Click inside the Query Editor and press Ctrl + A
  43. To see the list of all employees, type the following:
    USE CTC1;
    SELECT empls.EmployeeNumber [Empl #],
           empls.FirstName [First Name], 
           empls.LastName [Last Name], 
           empls.DeptCode Department
    FROM Administration.Employees empls;
  44. To execute, press F5


  45. Click inside the Query Editor and press Ctrl + A
  46. To show the list of departments, type the following:
    SELECT depts.DeptCode [Dept Code],
           depts.DepartmentName [Department Name],
    FROM Administration.Departments depts;
  47. To execute, press F5:


  48. Click inside the Query Editor and press Ctrl + A
  49. Using joins, you can create a statement that would show the actual values of the fields. As an example, type the following code:
    SELECT empls.EmployeeNumber,
           depts.DepartmentName Department
    FROM   Administration.Employees empls INNER JOIN Administration.Departments depts
        ON empls.DeptCode = depts.DeptCode;
  50. To execute, press F5:


A One-to-One Relationship: A Self-Referencing Table

Imagine you have two lists where a value from one list can provide 0 or 1 value to a record of the other list, and only one record of a child list can get its foreign value from the other list. This can be illustrated as follows:

One-to-One Relationship

This type of relationship is referred to as one-to-one. To give you an example, imagine you have a list of employees and you want to specify the supervisor or manager of each employee. This can be illustrated as follows:

An employee who is a manager of other employees

By definition, a manager is primarily an employee like any other. This means that the primary information of a manager is the same as that of any other employee. This also implies that if you had to use separate tables, one for managers and another for employees, you would have two similar tables, and there is a chance that information would be duplicated in both tables. As a result, a one-to-one relationship is usually created using only one table, in which case the table would reference itself. In other words, some records would reference (be linked to) other records of the same table. This can be illustrated as follows:

An employee who is a manager of other employees

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating a Self-Referencing Table

  1. Click inside the Query window and press Ctrl + A to select everything
  2. To restart the database, type the following, which would create a table named Employees where a column named EmployeeNumber appears secondly with a different name, Supervisor:
    USE master;
    CREATE DATABASE ComputerTrainingCenter1;
    USE ComputerTrainingCenter1;
    CREATE SCHEMA Administration;
    CREATE SCHEMA Academics;
    CREATE TABLE Administration.Departments
    	DeptCode nchar(5) not null,
    	DepartmentName nvarchar(50),
    	Manager nchar(7),
    	Constraint PK_Departments Primary Key(DeptCode)
    CREATE TABLE Administration.Employees
    	EmployeeNumber nchar(7) not null,
    	FirstName nvarchar(25),
    	LastName nvarchar(25),
    	EmployeeName AS CONCAT(LastName, N', ', FirstName),
    	Title nvarchar(50),
    	Supervisor nchar(7) null,
    	DeptCode nchar(5),
    	Constraint PK_Employees Primary Key(EmployeeNumber),
    	Constraint FK_Departments Foreign Key(DeptCode)
    		References Administration.Departments(DeptCode)
    INSERT Administration.Departments(DeptCode, DepartmentName)
    VALUES(N'HRMNS', N'Human Resources'),
          (N'ITECH', N'Information Technology and Technical Support'),
          (N'CRSDM', N'Course Development and Management');
    INSERT Administration.Employees(EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, Title, DeptCode)
    VALUES(N'792-702', N'Frank', N'Cassini', N'General Manager', N'HRMNS'),
          (N'249-441', N'Patrick', N'Levine', N'Course Developer and Teaching Manager', N'CRSDM'),
          (N'302-484', N'Catherine', N'Borrow', N'Database Developer and Administrator', N'ITECH');
    UPDATE Administration.Departments
    SET Manager = N'792-702' WHERE DeptCode = N'HRMNS';
    UPDATE Administration.Departments
    SET Manager = N'300-724' WHERE DeptCode = N'ITECH';
    UPDATE Administration.Departments
    SET Manager = N'249-441' WHERE DeptCode = N'CRSDM';
    INSERT Administration.Employees(EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, Title, DeptCode, Supervisor)
    VALUES(N'485-052', N'Jerry', N'Fesman', N'Cashier', N'HRMNS', N'792-702'),
          (N'974-005', N'David', N'Miller', N'Intern', N'ITECH', N'302-484'),
          (N'381-848', N'John', N'Hough', N'Course Researcher', N'CRSDM', N'249-441'),
          (N'300-724', N'Matt', N'Kern', N'Technology Manager', N'ITECH', N'302-484'),
          (N'908-047', N'Grace', N'McDermott', N'Cashier', N'HRMNS', N'792-702'),
          (N'974-115', N'Elsa', N'Steinberg', N'Webmaster', N'ITECH', N'302-484'),
          (N'279-475', N'Alex', N'Simkins', N'Intern', N'HRMNS', N'792-702'),
          (N'273-941', N'Jessica', N'Redding', N'Teaching Coordinator', N'HRMNS', N'792-702'),
          (N'395-822', N'Craig', N'Newman', N'Network Administrator', N'ITECH', N'302-484');
  3. To execute, press F5
  4. To see the list of employees and their supervisors, type the following:
    USE ComputerTrainingCenter1;
    SELECT empls.EmployeeNumber [Empl #],
           empls.FirstName [First Name], 
           empls.LastName [Last Name], 
           empls.DeptCode Department
    FROM Administration.Employees empls;
  5. To execute, press F5.
    Notice that the supervisor of each employee appears only as a number, which can make it difficult to actually identify the supervisor:


  6. Click inside the Query Editor and press Ctrl + A
  7. To show the names of supervisors, change the statement as follows:
    USE ComputerTrainingCenter1;
    SELECT empls.EmployeeNumber [Empl #],
           empls.FirstName [First Name], 
           empls.LastName [Last Name], 
           managers.EmployeeName Manager,
           empls.DeptCode Department
    FROM Administration.Employees empls INNER JOIN Administration.Employees managers
    ON empls.EmployeeNumber = managers.Supervisor;
  8. Press F5 to execute:


  9. Just as done for many tables in a database, you can create a table that relates to itself. To start, the table must have a primary key. Since you are creating an actual relationship, the table must have a foreign key and that key must reference the primary key of the same table. Of course, the name of the column that represents the foreign key must have a different name than that of the primary key column. Here is an example (no need to type this code):
    CREATE TABLE Administration.Employees
    	EmployeeNumber nchar(7) not null,
    	FirstName nvarchar(25),
    	LastName nvarchar(25),
    	EmployeeName AS CONCAT(LastName, N', ', FirstName),
    	Title nvarchar(50),
    	Supervisor nchar(6) 
    		CONSTRAINT FK_Employees References Administration.Employees(EmployeeNumber),
    	DeptCode nchar(5),
    	Constraint PK_Employees Primary Key(EmployeeNumber),
    	Constraint FK_Departments Foreign Key(DeptCode)
    		References Administration.Departments(DeptCode)
    In the Object Explorer, under ComputerTrainingCenter1, click Database Diagrams
  10. Click the message box and click Yes
  11. Right-click Database Diagrams and click New Database Diagram
  12. In the Add Table dialog box, double-click Departments (Administration) and Employees (Administration)
  13. Click Close
  14. In the Employees (Administration) list, drag EmployeeNumber and drop it on Manager in the Departments (Administration) list
  15. Click OK on both dialog boxes
  16. In the Employees (Administration) list, click and hold the mouse on EmployeeNumber
  17. Drag away, and drop it on Supervisor
  18. Click OK on both dialog boxes.
    If you want, arrange the tables and the lines as follows:


  19. Close the diagram window
  20. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes
  21. Set the name to dgmComputerTrainingCenter
  22. Click OK
  23. When a message box asks you whether you want to save the tables, click Yes
  24. Click inside the Query Editor and press Ctrl + A
  25. As seen previously, you can then create a join that gets the records from the table. As an example, type the following:
    USE ComputerTrainingCenter1;
    SELECT empls.EmployeeNumber [Empl #],
           empls.FirstName [First Name], 
           empls.LastName [Last Name], 
           managers.EmployeeName Manager,
           depts.DepartmentName Department
    FROM Administration.Employees empls
    	 INNER JOIN Administration.Employees managers
    		ON empls.EmployeeNumber = managers.Supervisor
    	 INNER JOIN Administration.Departments depts
    		ON empls.DeptCode = depts.DeptCode;
  26. To execute, press F5:


  27. Click inside the Query Editor and press Ctrl + A
  28. To add some tables to the database, type the following code:
    USE ComputerTrainingCenter1;
    CREATE TABLE Academics.CourseLevels
    	CourseLevel nvarchar(20) not null,
    	[Description] nvarchar(max),
    	Constraint PK_CourseLevels Primary Key(CourseLevel)
    CREATE TABLE Academics.Courses
    	CourseCode nvarchar(10) not null,
    	CourseName nvarchar(60) not null,
    	CourseLevel nvarchar(20),
    	Notes nvarchar(max),
    	Constraint PK_Courses Primary Key(CourseCode),
    	Constraint FK_CourseLevels Foreign Key(CourseLevel) References Academics.CourseLevels(CourseLevel)
    CREATE TABLE Administration.Students
        StudentNumber nvarchar(10) not null,
        FirstName nvarchar(25),
        MiddleName nvarchar(25),
        LastName nvarchar(25),
        StudentName AS CONCAT(LastName, N', ', FirstName),
        PhoneNumber nvarchar(20),
        EmailAddress nvarchar(50),
        Constraint PK_Students Primary Key(StudentNumber)
    CREATE TABLE Administration.Teachers
        TeacherNumber nchar(7) not null,
        FirstName nvarchar(25),
        MiddleName nvarchar(25),
        LastName nvarchar(25),
        TeacherName AS CONCAT(LastName, N', ', FirstName),
        StartDate date,
        PhoneNumber nvarchar(20),
        EmailAddress nvarchar(50),
        Constraint PK_Teachers Primary Key(TeacherNumber)
    INSERT INTO Academics.CourseLevels
    VALUES(N'Beginning', N'This is an introductory class for which the student is not supposed to know anything about the subject.'),
          (N'Intermediate', N'The student is supposed to be familiar with introductory material. Some parts are used as a refresher. Some some other parts, it is assumed that the student meets the necessary pre-requisites.'),
    	  (N'Advanced', N'This level is for those who master the fundamentals and need knowledge beyond the regular use of the application.');
    INSERT INTO Academics.Courses
    VALUES(N'BGNKBD', N'Introduction to Keyboarding', N'Beginning', N'The course assumes no heavy use of the computer keyboard. The, student will be introduced to the keys on the keyboard, the categories of letters, and the special keys.'),
          (N'BGNWDP', N'Introduction to Text and Word Processing', N'Beginning', N'This is an introduction to all types of text manipulations, including text styles, the various characteristics of paragraphs, fonts, and paging. This course assumes no prior knowledge of word processing. Still, the student is supposed to be familiar with computers, namely the use of the keyboard, the mouse, the objects on the screen, and basic ways to use text.'),
          (N'BGNSPS', N'Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheets', N'Beginning', N'This course introduces the students to paper and electronic spreadsheets, the use of columns, rows, and cells. This course assumes no prior knowledge of spreadsheets or computer calculations. The student is supposed to be familiar with computers, namely the use of the keyboard, the mouse, and the objects on the screen.'),
          (N'BGNPRS', N'Introduction to Computer Presentations', N'Beginning', N'This course assumes no prior knowledge of presentations using the computer. The student will learn how to create slides and apply aesthetic features to text. Applications used are Google Presentation, Microsoft PowerPoint, and');
    INSERT INTO Academics.Courses(CourseCode, CourseName, CourseLevel)
    VALUES(N'BGNMKT', N'Introduction to Marketing', N'Beginning');
    INSERT INTO Academics.Courses
    VALUES(N'BGNRSC', N'Introduction to Research', N'Beginning', N'This course presents different types of research, including paper and the Web. Techniques of writing scholar papers, quoting, and creating references are reviewed.');
    INSERT INTO Academics.Courses(CourseCode, CourseName, CourseLevel)
    VALUES(N'BGNSMB', N'Starting a Small Business', N'Beginning');
    INSERT INTO Academics.Courses
    VALUES(N'BGNWDS', N'Introduction to Web Design', N'Beginning', N'This course introduces the student to the web, the concept of a web site, the appearance and layout of a web page, and a critique to web sites. The student is then introduced to HTML and other scripting languages with light (minimal) programming.'),
          (N'BGNDBS', N'Introduction to Computer Databases', N'Beginning', N'This course introduces the students to difference types of computer databases, including historical paper spreadsheets, electronic spreadsheets, and desktop databases. After the introduction, the student will start creating databases. The exercises are done using Microsoft Access, Oracle Express, Microsoft SQL Server Express, and MySQL.'),
          (N'BGNGRD', N'Introduction to Graphic Design', N'Beginning', N'This course introduces the student to various modern means of creating graphics, including paper and electronic. The student will learn to use create own graphics, to use own pictures, to use other pictures, and to manipulate all types of graphics in the environment.'),
          (N'NTMKBD', N'Intermediate Keyboarding', N'Intermediate', N'This is a continuation to introduction to keyboarding. The student must be familiar with the keyboard to know the letter-based keys, the positions of the control, shift, and other special keys. The student will learn to type fast.'),
          (N'NTMWDP', N'Intermediate Word Processing', N'Intermediate', N'This course teaches advanced techniques of producing text to create industrial papers. The student will get familiar with various features of Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, and Writer, including embedding objects, performing calculations in tables, etc.'),
          (N'NTMPRS', N'Intermediate and Graphic Presentations', N'Intermediate', N'This course advances the techniques of delivering a presentation, including optical media presentation, screen recording and production, tutorial productions, and web presentation.'),
          (N'NTMSPS', N'Spreadsheets and Data Analysis', N'Intermediate', N'This course presents various ways of using statistics, functions, graphs, and other techniques of electronically analyzing data. Macros and programming are introduced.');
    INSERT INTO Academics.Courses(CourseCode, CourseName, CourseLevel)
    VALUES(N'NTMSMB', N'Running and Growing a Small Business', N'Intermediate');
    INSERT INTO Academics.Courses
    VALUES(N'NTMDBS', N'Database Design and Implementation', N'Intermediate', N'In this course, the student will learn to create a complete database, distribute, and maintain it. Intermediate to advanced techniques of using the SQL are used to further create and manipulate queries.'),
          (N'NTMGRD', N'Intermediate Graphic Design', N'Intermediate', N'This course shows various ways of using both traditional (static) graphics and animations. The course also including sessions on advanced photo manipulation, commercial billboards, and TV announcements.');
    INSERT INTO Academics.Courses(CourseCode, CourseName, CourseLevel)
    VALUES(N'NTMMKT', N'Marketing and New Technologies', N'Intermediate');
    INSERT INTO Academics.Courses
    VALUES(N'NTMWDS', N'Introduction to Web Development', N'Advanced', N'In this course, the student will create, publish, and maintain a web site accessed from the Internet. The student will also learn to create interactive web sites using a scripting language such as PHP and a database such as MySQL and/or Microsoft Access.'),
          (N'ADVGRD', N'Advanced Graphic Design and Production', N'Advanced', N'In this course, the student will learn to produce industrial graphics for advertisement, both paper and TV. The student will also learn to create short animations, using static pictures, moving objects, and film.'),
          (N'ADVWDP', N'Advanced Word Processing and Publishing', N'Advanced', N'This course is for people who use Microsoft Word intensely, such as in a production environment. The student will learn to produce business papers, catalogues, and newspapers. The student will also learn how Microsoft Word can interact with other aplications.'),
          (N'ADVDBS', N'Databases Distribution and Maintenance', N'Advanced', N'This course introduces database production in a distribution or network environment. Enterprise databases are reviewed, including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM DB2 are explored. Client/Server applications and enterprise connectivity are also reviewed.');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress)
    VALUES(N'290-80-249', N'Rose', N'Marie', N'Hobson', N'202-208-0058', N'');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber)
    VALUES(N'805-15-691', N'Ayodele	', N'Adegbosun', N'703-203-1405');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'402-48-885', N'Laura', N'Claire', N'Wayne');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, EmailAddress)
    VALUES(N'280-14-513', N'Kimberly', N'Danielle', N'Barnett', N'');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'108-24-972', N'Meghan', N'Brawer');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber)
    VALUES(N'481-85-913', N'Fatima', N'Djouda', N'(301) 701-1583');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress)
    VALUES(N'108-96-156', N'Matthew', N'Richard', N'Perez', N'(240) 901-8094', N'');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'393-46-377', N'Joan', N'York');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress)
    VALUES(N'681-07-049', N'Faustino', N'Raymondo', N'Castanuela', N'410-928-4795', N'');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'186-04-379', N'Judith', N'Wu');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress)
    VALUES(N'104-46-624', N'James', N'Arnold', N'Hornett', N'(202) 400-3807', N'');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'183-04-202', N'Patricia', N'Graham');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'179-38-027', N'Jennifer', N'Gabriella', N'Rubenstein');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'208-58-050', N'Patrick', N'Dixon');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'927-40-351', N'Daniel', N'Gibson');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'273-04-775', N'Noëlle', N'Gabrielle', N'Pellotti');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, EmailAddress)
    VALUES(N'574-36-379', N'Laetishia', N'Justine', N'Roberts', N'');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'279-97-405', N'James', N'Dixxon');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, PhoneNumber)
    VALUES(N'284-95-006', N'Joshua', N'Gregory', N'Efemba', N'443-394-8275');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress)
    VALUES(N'920-92-270', N'Ahmed', N'Khamil', N'240-927-0053', N'');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'293-74-635', N'Arthur', N'Drewise');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress)
    VALUES(N'695-88-473', N'Lynette', N'Michelle', N'Lace', N'(301) 700-8304', N'');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'357-96-927', N'Courtney', N'Jane', N'Kemp');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'842-50-960', N'John', N'Lucas', N'Finelly');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'294-80-275', N'Edward', N'Vasquez');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'949-29-204', N'Anna', N'Hutchinson');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'296-61-805', N'Mary', N'Danielle', N'Means');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress)
    VALUES(N'606-39-722', N'Daniel', N'Lewis', N'Jefferson', N'(301) 806-9300', N'');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'485-05-940', N'Aaron', N'Paul', N'Fox');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Students(StudentNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName)
    VALUES(N'530-47-225', N'Erin', N'Joan', N'Spears');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Teachers(TeacherNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, StartDate, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress)
    VALUES(N'624-633', N'Denise', N'Jane', N'Harrington', N'20110411', N'301-201-8405', N'');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Teachers(TeacherNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, StartDate)
    VALUES(N'264-005', N'William', N'Philippe', N'Melton', N'20101214');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Teachers(TeacherNumber, FirstName, LastName, StartDate, PhoneNumber,	EmailAddress)
    VALUES(N'726-115', N'Saheed', N'Hussieni', N'26-October-2011', N'240-209-8160', N'');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Teachers(TeacherNumber, FirstName, LastName, StartDate, PhoneNumber)
    VALUES(N'420-108', N'Saheer', N'Aliou', N'14-Aug-2009', N'(240) 901-8304');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Teachers(TeacherNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, StartDate, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress)
    VALUES(N'100-326', N'Joseph', N'Harry', N'Lemeck', N'20101006', N'(202) 208-4135', N'');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Teachers(TeacherNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, StartDate)
    VALUES(N'740-925', N'Margareth', N'Felicia', N'Gundlehach', N'04-JAN-2012');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Teachers(TeacherNumber, FirstName, LastName, StartDate, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress)
    VALUES(N'685-108', N'Joan', N'Tilton', N'20081028', N'703-601-8044', N'');
    INSERT INTO Administration.Teachers(TeacherNumber, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, StartDate)
    VALUES(N'292-572', N'Daniel', N'Robert', N'Coppit', N'20120104');
  29. To execute, press F5
  30. In the Object Explorer, under ComputerTrainingCenter1, right-click Tables and click New Table...
  31. While the table is selected, in the Properties window, set the Schema to Academics
  32. Click the box under Column Name and type ScheduleID and press Tab
  33. Type int to set its data type to an integer
  34. Right-click ScheduleID and click Set Primary Key
  35. In the bottom section of the window, click the + button of Identity Specification
  36. Set the (Is Identity) field to Yes
  37. Complete the table as follows:
    Column Name Data Type
    ScheduleID int
    CourseCode nvarchar(10)
    TeacherNumber nchar(7)
    DaysTaught nvarchar(20)
    TimeTaught nvarchar(20)
    StartDate date
    EndDate date
    RoomNumber nvarchar(10)
  38. Close the table
  39. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes
  40. Set the name as CoursesSchedules
  41. Click OK
  42. Click inside the Query Editor and press Ctrl + A to select everything
  43. Type:
    USE ComputerTrainingCenter1;
    INSERT INTO Academics.CoursesSchedules(CourseCode, TeacherNumber, DaysTaught,
        TimeTaught, StartDate, EndDate, RoomNumber)
    VALUES(N'BGNKBD', N'420-108', N'Mon, Wed', N'1800-2200', N'20120116', N'20120206', N'101'),
          (N'BGNWDP', N'624-633', N'Mon, Wed', N'1800-2200', N'20120116', N'20120206', N'102'),
          (N'BGNPRS', N'740-925', N'Mon, Wed', N'1800-2200', N'20120116', N'20120206', N'103'),
          (N'BGNSPS', N'292-572', N'Mon, Wed', N'1800-2200', N'20120116', N'20120207', N'104'),
          (N'BGNGRD', N'740-925', N'Tue, Thu', N'1800-2200', N'20120117', N'20120207', N'101'),
          (N'BGNDBS', N'100-326', N'Tue, Thu', N'1800-2200', N'20120117', N'20120207', N'102'),
          (N'BGNMKT', N'264-005', N'Tue, Thu', N'1800-2200', N'20120117', N'20120207', N'103'),
          (N'BGNSMB', N'624-633', N'Tue, Thu', N'1800-2200', N'20120117', N'20120207', N'104'),
          (N'BGNWDS', N'740-925', N'Sat',      N'0900-1700', N'20120121', N'20120211', N'102'),
          (N'NTMKBD', N'420-108', N'Mon, Wed', N'1800-2200', N'20120220', N'20120312', N'101'),
          (N'NTMWDP', N'685-108', N'Mon, Wed', N'1800-2200', N'20120220', N'20120312', N'102'),
          (N'NTMPRS', N'264-005', N'Mon, Wed', N'1800-2200', N'20120220', N'20120312', N'103'),
          (N'NTMSPS', N'292-572', N'Mon, Wed', N'1800-2200', N'20120220', N'20120312', N'104'),
          (N'NTMGRD', N'740-925', N'Tue, Thu', N'1800-2200', N'20120221', N'20120313', N'101'),
          (N'NTMDBS', N'726-115', N'Tue, Thu', N'1800-2200', N'20120221', N'20120313', N'102'),
          (N'NTMMKT', N'264-005', N'Tue, Thu', N'1800-2200', N'20120221', N'20120313', N'103'),
          (N'NTMSMB', N'420-108', N'Tue, Thu', N'1800-2200', N'20120221', N'20120313', N'104'),
          (N'NTMWDS', N'264-005', N'Sat',      N'0900-1700', N'20120225', N'20120317', N'102');
  44. To execute, on the SQL Editor toolbar, click the Execute button Execute
  45. Click inside the Query Editor and press Ctrl + A to select everything
  46. Type the following:
    SELECT * FROM Academics.CoursesSchedules;
  47. To see the result of the above statement, press F5

A Many-To-Many Relationship: Junction Tables

Consider a database for a university with its tables of students and courses:

USE University6;
CREATE TABLE Studies.Courses
	CourseCode nchar(10) not null,
	CourseName nvarchar(100),
	Credits smallint not null,
	CourseDescription nvarchar(max),

INSERT INTO Studies.Courses(CourseCode, CourseName, Credits)
VALUES(N'CMIS 101', N'Introduction to Problem Solving and Algorithm Design', 3),
      (N'CMIS 170', N'Introduction to XML', 3),  
      (N'CMIS 320', N'Relational Databases', 3),
      (N'CMIS 420', N'Advanced Relational Databases', 3),
      (N'CMST 306', N'Introduction to Visual Basic Programming', 3),
      (N'CMST 385', N'Internet and Web Design', 3);

CREATE TABLE Admissions.Students
	StudentNumber nchar(20) not null,
	FirstName nvarchar(20),
	MiddleName nvarchar(20),
	LastName nvarchar(20),
	CONSTRAINT PK_Students PRIMARY KEY(StudentNumber)
INSERT INTO Admissions.Students
VALUES(N'8130480', N'Frank', N'Daniel', N'Bigg'),
      (N'2946681', N'Marianne', NULL, N'Roberts'),
      (N'7113159', N'Angele', N'Cecilia', N'Douala'),
      (N'2049220', N'James', NULL, N'Davidson'),
      (N'7927413', N'Larry', N'Herbert', N'Bibang'),
      (N'2048800', N'Ann', NULL, N'Roberts'),
      (N'9701328', N'Celia', N'Gabriela', N'Edison'),
      (N'9720048', N'Hermine', NULL, N'Nkolo');

Imagine you have a list of students who are registering for courses in a new semester:

Many-to-Many Relationship

Many-to-Many Relationship

Many-to-Many Relationship

Many-to-Many Relationship

This type of relationship is referred to as many-to-many.

Most of the time, to implement a many-to-many relationship, besides the two tables that hold the normal records, you would create one more table referred to as a junction table. The job of the junction table is to get a value from one table, associate it to the desired value of another table, repeat this step as many times as necessary, and produce the necessary list. This can be illustrated as follows:

Many-to-Many Relationship

Obviously, the junction table should (must) have a foreign key for each of the concerned tables. Here is an example of such a table:

CREATE TABLE Admissions.Registrations
    StudentNumber nchar(20),
    CourseCode nchar(10),

In reality, you can add as many fields as  you judge necessary. Here is an example:

CREATE TABLE Admissions.Registrations
    RegistrationID int identity(1, 1) not null,
    StudentNumber nchar(20),
    CourseCode nchar(10),
    CONSTRAINT PK_Registrations PRIMARY KEY(RegistrationID)

As mentioned already, when creating the records, you get a value from one table and another value from the other table. Here are examples:

INSERT INTO Admissions.Registrations(StudentNumber, CourseCode)
VALUES(N'8130480', N'CMIS 101'),
      (N'2946681', N'CMIS 170'),
      (N'7113159', N'CMST 385'),
      (N'2049220', N'CMIS 320'),
      (N'7927413', N'CMIS 320'),
      (N'2946681', N'CMST 306'),
      (N'2048800', N'CMIS 420'),
      (N'2049220', N'CMST 306'),
      (N'7113159', N'CMST 306'),
      (N'9701328', N'CMIS 170'),
      (N'9720048', N'CMIS 420'),
      (N'9701328', N'CMST 306');

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating a Many-To-Many Relationship

  1. In the Object Explorer, right-click Tables and click New Table...
  2. While the table is selected, in the Properties window, set the Schema to Academics
  3. Click the box under Column Name and type EnrollmentID and press Tab
  4. Type int to set its data type to an integer
  5. Right-click ScheduleID and click Set Primary Key
  6. In the bottom section of the window, click the + button of Identity Specification
  7. Set the (Is Identity) field to Yes
  8. Complete the table as follows:
    Column Name Data Type
    EnrollmentID int
    StudentNumber nvarchar(10)
    ScheduleID int
  9. Close the table
  10. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes
  11. Set the name as Enrollments
  12. Click OK
  13. In the Object Explorer, right-click Academics.Enrollments and click Edit Top 200 Rows
  14. Create records as follows:
    StudentNumber ScheduleID
    104-46-624 9
    108-96-156 2
    280-14-513 1
    284-95-006 9
    290-80-249 1
    481-85-913 1
    606-39-722 1
    681-07-049 3
    695-88-473 4
    805-15-691 2
    920-92-270 4
    974-36-379 1
    208-58-050 2
    402-48-885 2
    296-61-805 4
    293-74-635 3
    530-47-225 3
    842-50-960 4
    927-40-351 3
    974-36-379 5
    280-14-513 5
    104-46-624 5
    280-14-513 10
    290-80-249 10
    481-85-913 10
    606-39-722 10
    974-36-379 10
    485-05-940 7
    606-39-722 9
    290-80-249 5
    280-14-513 9
    949-29-204 6
    393-46-377 6
    186-04-379 6
    183-04-202 6
    104-46-624 18
    284-95-006 18
    280-14-513 18
    606-39-722 18
    357-96-927 7
    273-04-775 7
    294-80-275 7
    279-97-405 7
    695-88-473 13
    290-80-249 8
    481-85-913 8
    606-39-722 8
    974-36-379 8
    179-38-027 8
    108-96-156 11
    805-15-691 11
    208-58-050 11
    402-48-885 11
    681-07-049 12
    293-74-635 12
    530-47-225 12
    927-40-351 12
    179-38-027 17
    920-92-270 13
    296-61-805 13
    842-50-960 13
    104-46-624 14
    280-14-513 14
    290-80-249 14
    974-36-379 14
    949-29-204 16
    393-46-377 16
    186-04-379 16
    183-04-202 16
    290-80-249 17
    481-85-913 17
    606-39-722 17
    974-36-379 17
    108-24-972 4
    108-24-972 6
  15. Close the table

A Variance to a Many-To-Many Relationship

As a variance of a many-to-many relationship, instead of just two tables, you can create a junction table that unites three or more tables. Once again, consider the example of students registering for courses:

Many-to-Many Relationship

Many-to-Many Relationship

Many-to-Many Relationship

You create the junction table the same way you do for two tables: Add a foreign key for each of the tables. During data entry:

  1. Select a value from the first table. For our example, this would be the student number of the student who is registering for the course
  2. Select a value from the second table. The value must appropriately correspond to that of the first table. For our example, this would be the semester during which the selected student wants to attend one or more courses
  3. Select a value from the third table. The value must appropriately correspond to that of the first table and that of the second table. For our example, this would be the course that the student selected in the first table wants to attend during the semester selected in the second tabe

The beauty of this variant of a many-to-many relationship would be revealed during data analysis when you want to find out

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Ending the Lesson

  1. Close Microsoft SQL Server
  2. If asked whether you want to save the file, click No

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