To complete the creation of a table, you must
save it. If you are freshly creating a table and decide to save it, you
would be prompted to name it. The name of a table:
- Can be made of digits only. For example you can have a table called
- Can start with a digit, a letter, or an underscore
- Can be made of letters, digits, and spaces
Besides these rules, you can make up yours. To avoid
confusion, here are the rules we will use to name our tables:
- A name will start with a letter. Examples are act or Second
- After the first character as an underscore or a letter, the name
will have combinations of underscores, letters, and digits. Examples
are _n24, act_52_t
- A name will not include special characters such as !, @, #, $, %, ^,
&, or *
- We will not use spaces in a name
- If the name is a combination of words, each word will start in
uppercase. Examples are DateHired, RealSport, or DriversLicenseNumber