
Data Analysis



Fundamentals of Data Analysis



Data analysis consists of visiting the values stored in the tables of a database, for any reason judged necessary. It can be performed to check the accuracy of a series of values, to apply new changes to one or more records, to look for the existence or state of a record, or else. Microsoft SQL Server itself is equipped with all the tools, including visual tools, needed to perform data analysis. If you want to perform data analysis in a Windows Forms Application, you must know what the SQL offers so you can apply the SQL as a language to your programming language and use these in your Windows controls.

If you are working in the SQL Server Enterprise Manager, before performing data analysis, you should first open the table in a view that shows its records. To do this, after locating the desired table, you can right-click it, position the mouse on Open Table, and click Return All Rows. After displaying the table, to access the view that allows data analysis, click the Show SQL Pane button .

To perform data analysis, you must write a SQL statement. After writing the statement, you must execute it. If you are working with a table from the SQL Server Enterprise Manager, to execute the statement, you can click the Run button .

If you are working in the SQL Query Analyzer, to execute a statement, you can click the Execute Query button or press F5.

If you are working in a Windows Forms Application, to perform data analysis, the .NET Framework provides the DataView class. The DataView class is defined in the System::Data namespace of the System.Data.dll library. To use a DataView object in your application, you can declare a pointer to DataView using one of its three constructors. The default constructor allows you to declare the variable without giving its details. As an alternative to declaring a DataView variable, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET provides the DataView button DataView in the Data section of the Toolbox. You can click it and click your form. This is equivalent to declaring a DataView variable using the default constructor, except that this variable would be available at the class level.

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Introducing Data Analysis

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and create a Microsoft Visual C++ .NET Windows Forms Application
  2. Name the application ROSH1

Data Selection

In order to perform any type of data analysis, you must specify the table and the columns that would be involved. This is done using the same type of SELECT statement we introduced for the data adapter in the previous lesson. The fundamental formula of selecting columns of a table is:

SELECT What FROM TableName

Based on this formula, you use the TableName to specify the name of the table that holds the records you want to retrieve. The table must exist in the database you specified when establishing your connection. If you want to use the records of only one column, you can specify its name as the What placeholder of our formula. Here is an example:

If you want to use more than one column, separate them with commas. Here is an example:

If you want to use all columns of the table, replace the What placeholder of our formula with *. Here is an example:

If you are working in a Windows Forms Application and plan to perform data analysis, after declaring a DataView variable, the first action you should take is to specify the table that holds the records you want to examine. If you have declared the DataView variable using its default constructor, to specify the table, you can assign the name of the database table to the Table property of the DataView object. Alternatively, you can specify the table when declaring the DataView class. To do this, you can use the following constructor:

Visual Basic
Public Sub New(ByVal table As DataTable)
public DataView(DataTable table);
public: DataView(DataTable* table);
public function DataView(table : DataTable);
public DataView(System.Data.DataTable table);

As you can see, this constructor expects a pointer to a DataTable as argument. After declaring the DataView variable, the records stored in the table argument would accessible for operations performed using the DataView object. The name of the table can also be specified in the Table field of the Properties window for the DataView object.

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Selecting Data

  1. Make sure the form is displaying.
    In the Server Explorer, expand the name of the computer, followed by the SQL Servers node, followed by the name of the server, followed by the ROSH nodes, followed by the Tables node.
  2. In the Tables node of the ROSH database, drag the Students node and drop it on the form
  3. To create the associated DataSet object, on the main menu, click Data -> Generate Dataset...
  4. In the Generate Dataset dialog box, accept the New radio button. Change the name to dsROSH and click OK
  5. In the Data section of the Toolbox, click the DataView button DataView and click the form
  6. In the Properties, change the (Name) to dvwStudents and click the Table field
  7. Click the arrow of the Table field. Click the + button of dsROSH1 and click Students
  8. Save all

Sorting Records


Ascending Order

If you create a table that includes an identity column and that column is the first (or the most left) column of the table, when the user performs data entry, the records are arranged in the incremental order of the numbers of that identity column. Here is an example:

If you want, you can allow the user to arrange the list of records based on another column. This other column would be used as reference. Rearrange the list of records is referred to as sorting and there are two options: ascending and descending.

When a list is sorted in ascending order:

  • If the list is made or numeric values, the lowest value would become the first, followed by the second to lowest value, and the highest value would become the last. This is the case for the EmployeeID column of the above table
  • If the list is made of strings (words), the alphabet would be used. The string whose first letter is the highest in the alphabet from a, b, c, etc would be the first. In this case, the ascending order is the same as the alphabetical order. For example, in a list made Paul, Walter, Anne, and John, in that order, when sorted in ascending order, the list would become Anne, John, Paul, Walter. If various strings in the list start with the same letter, as is the case for the above FirstName column, the strings with the same starting letter would be grouped first. Then among the strings with the same starting letter, the second letter would be considered and the same algorithm would be applied
  • If the list is made of dates, the earliest date would become the first and the most recent date would become the last
  • If the list is a combination of numbers and strings, the numbers would be arranged in incremental order firs, followed by the list of strings in alphabetical order
  • If the list contains empty values, the empty values would be the first, the other values would be arranged in order depending on their type

All of the techniques used to sort records on a table can also be applied to a query that displays in Datasheet View. To create more advanced queries, the SQL allows you to sort a field on a query and use this arrangement as part of the query.

To sort a column in ascending order, you can include the ORDER BY clause in your statement. The formula used is:

SELECT What FROM TableName ORDER BY ColumnName;

The What and the TableName factors are the same as described earlier. The ColumnName placeholder allows you to specify the column used as reference. When this operation is performed, the values under the ColumnName column would be sorted in ascending order. The value or the other columns would be used to correspond to those of this column. Consider the following example:

Notice that the records under the LastName column are sorted in alphabetical order, and the other values in the other columns simply follow this order.

If you use the * operator to include all fields, you can order the list based on any of the table's column.

By default, records are ordered in ascending order. Nevertheless, the ascending order is controlled using the ASC keyword specified after the column used as basis. Here is an example:

If you create a database application that contains a table and you want the users to be able to sort values of that table, probably the fastest means of supporting this operation is through the DataGrid control. Its columns are already configured to be sorted in ascending or descending order.

If you are working in a Windows Forms Application and using a DataView object, to sort records, the DataView class is equipped with the Sort property that is of type String. To specify the sort order to apply to the records, assign a formatted string to this property.

Descending Order

Instead of sorting a list in ascending order, you can rearrange its values in reverse order. This is referred to as descending order. The algorithms used are the same as for ascending, except that they are applied in reverse.

If you want to sort records in descending order, use the DESC keyword after the name of the column, in place of ASC. The DESC keyword produces the opposite result to the ASC effect. Here is an example:

Once again, if you are working in a Windows Forms Application and using a DataView object, to sort records, assign an appropriately built string to the DataView::Sort property.


Practical Learning Practical Learning: Sorting Records

  1. Design the form as follows:
    Control Name Text/CaptionText Other Properties
    Label   Sort:  
    ComboBox cboColumns   DropDownStyle: DropDownList
    Label   in  
    ComboBox cboSortOrder   DropDownStyle: DropDownList
    Label   order  
    DataGrid   Students Records Auto Format: Colorful 2
    Anchor: Top, Bottom, Left, Right
    DataSource: dvwStudents
    Button btnClose Close  
  2. Access the Items property of the right combo box and create two strings as Ascending and Descending 
  3. In the Windows Forms section of the Toolbox, click ContextMenu and click the form
  4. Create the menu items as follows:
    Text (Name)
    Filter By Selection mnuFiltBySel
    Filter Excluding Selection mnuFiltExclSel
    Sort Ascending mnuSortAsc
    Sort Descending mnuSortDesc
    Remove Filter/Sort mnuRemFiltSort
  5. On the form, click the DataGrid control and, in the Properties window, set its ContextMenu property to contextMenu1
  6. Double-click an occupied area of the form to access its Load event
  7. In the class, declare a DataColumn variable named colSelected
    		/// <summary>
    		/// Required designer variable.
    		/// </summary>
    		System::ComponentModel::Container * components;
    			 DataColumn *colSelected;
  8. Implement the Load event of the form as follows:
    System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
    	 DataTable *tblStudents = this->dsROSH1->Tables->Item[S"Students"];
    	 DataColumnCollection *colStudents = tblStudents->Columns;
    	 for(int i = 0; i < colStudents->Count; i++)
    	 this->cboColumns->SelectedIndex = 0;
    	 this->cboSortOrder->SelectedIndex = 0;
    	 colSelected = new DataColumn;
  9. Return to the form and click the DataGrid control. In the Events section of the Properties window, generate the MouseDown event and implement it as follows:
    System::Void dataGrid1_MouseDown(System::Object *  sender,
    				System::Windows::Forms::MouseEventArgs *  e)
    	 DataGrid::HitTestInfo *hti = this->dataGrid1->HitTest(e->X, e->Y);
    	 DataGridCell curCell;
    	 curCell.RowNumber = hti->Row;
    	 curCell.ColumnNumber = hti->Column;
    	 this->dataGrid1->CurrentCell = curCell;
    	 colSelected = this->dsROSH1->Tables->Item[S"Students"]->Columns->Item[hti->Column];
  10. Return to the form. Double-click the combo box on the right side of the Sort label and implement its SelectedIndexChanged event as follows:
    System::Void cboColumns_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
    	 String *strAscDesc = S"ASC";
    	 if( this->cboSortOrder->Text->Equals(S"Descending") )
    		 strAscDesc = S"DESC";
    	 this->dvwStudents->Sort = String::Concat(this->cboColumns->Text, S" ", strAscDesc);
  11. Return to the form and double-click the combo box on the right side of the in label
  12. As done for the first combo boc, implement the SelectedIndexChanged event as follows:
    System::Void cboSortOrder_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
    	 String *strAscDesc = S"ASC";
    	 if( this->cboColumns->SelectedIndex == -1 )
    	 if( this->cboSortOrder->Text->Equals(S"Descending") )
    		 strAscDesc = S"DESC";
    	 this->dvwStudents->Sort = String::Concat(this->cboColumns->Text, S" ", strAscDesc);
  13. Return to the form and click contextMenu1
  14. In the menu, double-click Sort Ascending and implement its event as follows:
    System::Void mnuSortAsc_Click(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
    	 this->dvwStudents->Sort = String::Concat(colSelected->ColumnName, S" ASC");
  15. Return to the form. In the menu, double-click Sort Descending and implement its Click event as follows:
    System::Void mnuSortDesc_Click(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
    	 this->dvwStudents->Sort = String::Concat(colSelected->ColumnName, S" DESC");
  16. Return to the form. In the menu, double-click Remove Filter/Sort and implement its Click event as follows:
    System::Void mnuRemFiltSort_Click(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
    	 this->dvwStudents->RowFilter = 0;
    	 this->dvwStudents->Sort = String::Concat(S"StudentID", S" ASC");
  17. Return to the form and double-click the Close button
  18. Implement its Click event as follows:
    System::Void btnClose_Click(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
  19. the Properties window, click the Events button and, in the Click field, select 

A Criterion for Data Analysis



Besides selecting and sorting records, data analysis also consists of restricting the list of records to examine at one time. To do this, you would include a clause in your SQL statement to create a particular. The interpreter would select only records that abide by the rule of your choice. The rule used to restrict the list of available records is called a criterion. The plural is criteria but it can also be used in singular.

WHERE is Data

To set a criterion in your SQL statement, you use the WHERE keyword in the following formula:

SELECT What FROM TableName WHERE Condition

The What and the TableName factors follow the same rules we have applied so far.

The Condition factor is used to specify the rule applied to restrict the list of records. A condition is formulated as a logical expression that produces a Boolean result. To create an expression, you use comparison operators supported by the SQL. You are already familiar with some of the operators. Some others are not used in C++ but may be familiar to Visual Basic or Pascal programmers.

Comparison Operators



A comparison operator is used to compare one value to another. Normally, from your knowledge of C++, you should already be familiar with all the routine comparisons performed on values and variables. Most operators used in SQL for comparison are the same as those used in C++ except the inequality <>. Based on this, you can perform your comparisons on column names and constant values.

If you are using .NET Framework classes of the System::Data::SqlTypes namespace in your code, each one of its classes has an overloaded method that corresponds to each comparison operator we will review.

Equal =

The equality operator is used to compare one value to another. For a WHERE condition, this operator can be used to compare the values of a column to a particular value for a match. The condition would have the following formula:

ColumnName = 'Value'

In this case, you can specify a name for the column that holds the type of value you want to use as a criterion. Once you have identified the column, you can assign it the particular value of its records that would excluding non-abiding columns. For example, imagine you have a list of business customers in different countries, to get a list of only the customers who live in Mexico, you would set the criterion as Country = 'Mexico'. Here is an example of such a statement:

If you are using a class from the System::Data::SqlTypes namespace, each class is equipped with an Equals() method overloaded with two versions. The first corresponds to the routine Equals() method that all .NET Framework class inherit from the Object class. The second version allows you to compare, for equality, two columns created with the same data type.

Comparison Operators: Not Equal <>

To find out if two fields hold different values, you can use the inequality operator which is represented by <>. Its syntax is:

Value1 <> Value2

This comparison is performed between Value1 and Value2. If they hold different values, then the comparison produces a TRUE value. If they hold the same value, the comparison produces FALSE. This shows that the equality (=) and the inequality (<>) operators are opposite each other.

Here is an example:

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Gender
FROM Students
WHERE Gender <> 'Female';

If you are using a class from the System::Data::SqlTypes namespace, each class is equipped with an NotEquals() method used to compare, for inequality, two columns created with the same data type.


Comparison Operators: Less Than <

The "Less Than" operator uses the following formula:

Value1 < Value2

If Value1 holds a value that is lower than that of Value2, the comparison produces TRUE. If Value1 holds a value that is greater than or similar to that of Value2, the comparison renders FALSE. You can formulate the condition as follows:

SELECT     FirstName, LastName, Gender, DateOfBirth
FROM        Students
WHERE     DateOfBirth < '1988-06-01'

Here is an example:

If you are using a class from the System::Data::SqlTypes namespace, each class is equipped with an LessThan() method used to compare two columns created with the same data type. The value of the first argument to this method is compared with the value of the second argument. If the first value is lower than the second, this method returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

Comparison Operators: Less Than or Equal <=

When comparing two values, you may want to know whether two fields hold the same value or if one is lower than the other. This comparison can be performed with the "Less Than Or Equal To" operator. It is represented by <= and its formula is:

Value1 <= Value2

If both operands (Value1 and Value2) hold the same value, then the comparison produces a TRUE result. If Value1 holds a value that is lower than that of Value2, the comparison still produces a TRUE result. By contrast, if the value of Value1 is higher than that of Value2, the comparison renders a FALSE result. Notice that the > and the <= operators are opposite each other.

Here is an example:

SELECT FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth, EmailAddress
FROM Students
WHERE DateOfBirth <= '1990-01-01';

If you are using a class from the System::Data::SqlTypes namespace, each class is equipped with an LessThanOrEqual() method used to compare two columns created with the same data type. The value of the first argument to this method is compared with the value of the second argument. If the first value is lower than the second or both are equal, this method returns true. If the value of the first argument is strictly less than that of the second, this method returns false.


Comparison Operators: Greater Than >

The > operator is used to find out whether one value is "Greater Than" another. Its syntax is:

Value1 > Value2

The operation is performed on the values of Value1 and Value2. If Value1 holds a value greater than that of Value2, then the comparison produces TRUE. Otherwise, the comparison produces FALSE. That is, if the value of Value2 is greater than or equal to that of Value1, then the comparison produces FALSE.

If you are using a class from the System::Data::SqlTypes namespace, each class is equipped with an GreaterThan() method used to compare two columns created with the same data type. The value of the first argument to this method is compared with the value of the second argument. If the first value is higher than the second, this method returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.


Comparison Operators: Greater Than or Equal >=

If you have two values and want to find out whether they hold similar values or the first is greater than the second, you can use the >= operator whose syntax is:

Value1 >= Value2

If both Value1 and Value2 hold the same value, then the comparison renders a TRUE result. Similarly, if the left operand, Value1, holds a value greater than that of the right operand, Value2, the comparison still produces TRUE. If the value of Value1 is less than the value of Value2, the comparison produces a FALSE result. Therefore, < and >= are opposite.

If you are using a class from the System::Data::SqlTypes namespace, each class is equipped with an LessThanOrEqual() method used to compare two columns created with the same data type. The value of the first argument to this method is compared with the value of the second argument. If the first value is higher than the second or both are equal, this method returns true. If the value of the first argument is strictly higher than that of the second, this method returns false.

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Filtering Records

  1. In the bottom section of the form, add the following controls:
    Control Name Text Items Other Properties
    Label   Filter For:   Anchor: Bottom, Left
    ComboBox cboFilterFor     Anchor: Bottom, Left
    DropDownStyle: DropDownList
    ComboBox cboOperator   = Equals
    <> Not Equal
    < Less Than
    <= Less Than or Equal To
    > Greater Than
    >= Greater Than or Equal To
    Anchor: Bottom, Left
    DropDownStyle: DropDownList
    ComboBox cboRecValue     Anchor: Bottom, Left
    DropDownStyle: DropDownList
  2. Double-click an unoccupied area of the form and change the Load event as follows:
    System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
    	 DataTable *tblStudents = this->dsROSH1->Tables->Item[S"Students"];
    	 DataColumnCollection *colStudents = tblStudents->Columns;
    	 for(int i = 0; i < colStudents->Count; i++)
    	 this->cboColumns->SelectedIndex = 0;
    	 this->cboSortOrder->SelectedIndex = 0;
    	 colSelected = new DataColumn;
    	 for(int i = 0; i < colStudents->Count; i++)
  3. Return to the form and click contextMenu1
  4. In the menu, double-click Filter By Selection and implement its event as follows:
    System::Void mnuFiltBySel_Click(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
    	 DataGridCell curCell = this->dataGrid1->CurrentCell;
    	 Text = dataGrid1->Item[curCell]->ToString();
    	 this->dvwStudents->RowFilter = String::Concat(colSelected->ColumnName,
    			S" = '", dataGrid1->Item[curCell]->ToString(), S"'");
  5. Return to the form. In the menu, double-click Filter Excluding Selection and implement its event as follows:
    System::Void mnuFiltExclSel_Click(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
    	 DataGridCell curCell = this->dataGrid1->CurrentCell;
    	 Text = dataGrid1->Item[curCell]->ToString();
    	 this->dvwStudents->RowFilter = String::Concat(colSelected->ColumnName,
    			S" <> '", dataGrid1->Item[curCell]->ToString(), S"'");
  6. Below the form, double-click the most left combo box and implement its SelectedIndexChanged event as follows:
    System::Void cboFilterFor_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
    	 String *strColSelected = this->cboFilterFor->Text;
    	 DataRowCollection *colRows = this->dsROSH1->Tables->Item[S"Students"]->Rows;
    	 for(int i = 0; i < colRows->Count; i++)
    		 String *strRecValue = colRows->Item[i]->Item[strColSelected]->ToString();
    		 if( strRecValue->Equals(S"") )
    		 if( this->cboRecValue->Items->Contains(strRecValue) )
    	 this->cboOperator->SelectedIndex = 0;
  7. Return to the form. Below the form, double-click the most right combo box and implement its SelectedIndexChanged event as follows:
    private: System::Void cboRecValue_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
    	 String *strColSelected  = this->cboFilterFor->Text;
    	 String *strOperSelected = this->cboOperator->Text;
    	 String *strRecValue     = this->cboRecValue->Text;
    	 if( strColSelected->Equals(S"") )
    	 String *strOperator = S"=";
    	 if( strOperSelected->Equals(S"<> Not Equal") )
    		 strOperator = S"<>";
    	 else if( strOperSelected->Equals(S"< Less Than") )
    		 strOperator = S"<";
    	 else if( strOperSelected->Equals(S"<= Less Than or Equal To") )
    		 strOperator = S"<=";
    	 else if( strOperSelected->Equals(S"> Greater Than") )
    		 strOperator = S">";
    	 else if( strOperSelected->Equals(S">= Greater Than or Equal To") )
    		 strOperator = S">=";
    	 if( strRecValue->Equals(S"NULL") )
     this->dvwStudents->RowFilter = String::Concat(S"IsNull(", strColSelected, S", 'Null Column') = 'Null Column'");
     this->dvwStudents->RowFilter = String::Concat(strColSelected, S" ", strOperator, S" '",  strRecValue, S"'");
     Text = String::Concat(S"ROSH - Student Analysis: ", this->dvwStudents->Count.ToString(), S" Records Found"); 
  8. Return to the form. Below the form, double-click the middle combo box and implement its SelectedIndexChanged event as follows:
    System::Void cboOperator_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
    	 // This event should work only if the used has already selected
    	 // a column in the most right combo box
    	 if( this->cboRecValue->Text->Equals(S"") )
    	 cboRecValue_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e);
  9. Execute the application

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