


Overview of Views



When studying data analysis, a query is a technique of isolating a series of columns and/or records of a table. This is usually done for the purpose of data analysis. This can also be done to create a new list of items for any particular reason. Most of the time, a query is created temporarily, such as during data analysis while using a table, a form, or a web page. After using such a temporary list, it is then dismissed. Many database applications, including Microsoft SQL Server, allow you to create a query and be able to save it for later use, or even to use it as if it were its own table. This is the idea behind a view.



A view is a list of columns or a series of records retrieved from one or more existing tables, or as a combination of one or more views and one or more tables. Based on this, before creating a view, you must first decide where its columns and records would come from. Obviously the easiest view is one whose columns and records come from one table.

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Introducing Views

  • Start Microsoft SQL Server and connect to the server.
    Make sure you have the RealEstate2 database created in the previous lesson. If you didn't create them, do it now

Fundamentals of Creating Views


Visually Creating a View

To create a view, you can use the Object Explorer or a query window. Before starting the view, you would have to specify the table(s) that would be involved. To create a view from the Object Explorer, you can expand the database, right-click Views and click New View. This would open the Add Table dialog box:

The basic functionality is exactly the same as we reviewed in the previous lesson:

  • To specify the table that would be used as the source, you can click it in the list box of the Tables property page
  • If you would be using another existing view, from the Views property page, you can click the name of the desired view
  • If a function would be used to generate the records, you can locate it in the Functions property page. After selecting the source object, you can either double-click it or you can click it once and click Add. In in the previous lesson, we saw that you could add more than one existing table. the same way, you can add more than one view or functions
  • After selecting the source(s), you can click Close on the Add Table dialog box
  • After selecting the objects, as we saw in the previous lesson, they would display in the window
  • As seen in the previous lesson, if you are using more than one table and they are not (yet) related, you can drag a column from one table and drop it on another table to create a JOIN between them
  • As we saw in previous lessons, to select a column, you can click its check box in the top list. This would display it in the first empty box under the Column column and would add its name to the SELECT statement. Alternatively, you can click an empty box in the Column column to reveal its combo box, then click the arrow of the combo box and select the desired column from the list
  • After selecting the column, its check box would be checked in the top section of the window, its name would be displayed in the Column column, and it would be added to the SELECT statement. If you know the name of the column you want to add, you can manually type it in the SELECT statement.

To structure of a view can be considered complete when the SELECT statement is as complete as possible. At any time, to test the results of a view, you can run it. To do this, you can click the Execute SQL button . This would cause the bottom section of the view to display the results of the query. Here is an example:

As stated already, one of the reasons for creating a view is to be able to use it over and over again. To achieve this, the view must be saved. Like most objects in SQL Server, a view must have a name and it is saved in its own file. To save a view from the view window, you can click the Save button on the toolbar. You can also attempt to close the window. You would then be prompted to save it. When saving a view, you should give it a name that follows the rules and suggestions of SQL.

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Visually Creating a View

  1. In the Object Explorer, expand the Databases and the RealEstate2 nodes
  2. Right-click Views and click New View
  3. In the Add Table dialog box, double-click PropertyTypes, Properties, and Conditions
  4. Click Close
  5. From the PropertyTypes table, drag PropertyTypeID and drop it on the PropertyTypeID field of the Properties table
  6. From the Conditions table, drag ConditionID and drop it on the ConditionID field of the Properties table
  7. On the tables, select the following fields: PropertyNumber, PropertyType, Condition, City, ZIPCode, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, FinishedBasement, Stories, YearBuilt, and MarketValue
  8. In the Criteria section, click PropertyType and press Tab 6 times. In its Filter field, type Single Family
  9. Press Tab and, in its Or field, type Townhouse

The Name of a View

In our lessons, here are the rules we will use to name our views:

  • A name will start with a letter. Examples are n, act, or Second
  • After the first letter, the name will have combinations of underscores, letters, and digits. Examples are n24, act_52_t
  • A name will not include special characters such as !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, or *
  • A name will not have spaces
  • If the name is a combination of words, each word will start in uppercase. Examples are DateHired, RealSport, or DriversLicenseNumber

After saving a view, it becomes part of the Views node of its database: a node would be created for it and its name would appear in the Views node of its database.

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Saving a View

  1. To save the view, on the Standard toolbar, click the Save button
  2. Set the Name to Homes and click OK
  3. Close the view window
  4. In the Object Explorer, under RealEstate2, right-click Views and click New View
  5. In the Add Table dialog box, double-click PropertyTypes, Properties, and Conditions
  6. Click Close
  7. From the PropertyTypes table, drag PropertyTypeID and drop it on the PropertyTypeID field of the Properties table
  8. From the Conditions table, drag ConditionID and drop it on the ConditionID field of the Properties table
  9. On the tables, select the following fields: PropertyNumber, PropertyType, Condition, City, ZIPCode, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, and MarketValue
  10. In the Criteria section, click PropertyType. Press Tab 3 times and press the Space bar to remove the check mark of its Output field
  11. Press Tab 3 times. In its Filter field, type  Condominiums and press Enter
  12. On the main menu, click File -> Save
  13. Set the Name to Condos and click OK
  14. Close the view window

With Transact-SQL

To programmatically create a view, you use the following SQL syntax:

SELECT Statement

Microsoft SQL Server can generate skeleton code of a view for you. To use it, first create an empty query window. Display the Template Explorer. In the Template Explorer, expand the View node. From the View node, drag Create View and drop it in the query window.

The creation of a view starts with the CREATE VIEW expression followed by a name. The name of a view follows the rules and suggestions we reviewed above. After the name of the view, use the AS keyword to indicate that you are ready to define the view.

Because a view is primarily a SQL statement, it is defined using a SELECT statement, using the same rules we studied for data analysis. Here is an example of a view:

SELECT dbo.Genders.Gender,
       dbo.Persons.FirstName, dbo.Persons.LastName
FROM   dbo.Genders INNER JOIN dbo.Persons
ON     dbo.Genders.GenderID = dbo.Persons.GenderID
WHERE  (dbo.Genders.Gender = 'Male');

After creating the SQL statement that defines the view, you must execute the statement. If using a query window, you can do this by pressing F5. Once the statement is executed, its name is automatically added to the Views node of its database even if you don't save its code.

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Creating a View

  1. Make sure you have the Yugo National Bank database created in the Lesson13. If you didn't create it, do it now.
    In the Object Explorer, right-click YugoNationalBank and click New Query
  2. To create a new view, type the following code
    Use YugoNationalBank;
    CREATE VIEW PayrollPreparation
    SELECT 	dbo.Employees.EmployeeNumber, 
    	dbo.Employees.LastName + ', ' +
    	dbo.Employees.FirstName AS [Full Name],
            dbo.TimeSheets.TimeSheetCode, dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Monday,
            dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Tuesday, dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Wednesday,
            dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Thursday, dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Friday,
            dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Saturday, dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Sunday,
            dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Monday, dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Tuesday, 
            dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Wednesday, dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Thursday, 
            dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Friday, dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Saturday, 
    FROM    dbo.Employees INNER JOIN dbo.TimeSheets 
    ON      dbo.Employees.EmployeeNumber = dbo.TimeSheets.EmplNumber;
  3. To execute the code, press F5
  4. Delete the content of the whole view window

Opening or Executing a View


Opening a View

As stated already, a view is a technique of selecting records to view or use over an over again. After a view has been created, you can open it. You have two main options.

  • To see the structure of a view, such as the table(s) on which it is based and the relationships, if any that compose it, in the Object Explorer, right-click the view and click Design
  • To see the SQL code that makes up a view, in the Object Explorer, right-click the view and click Edit

Executing a View

Executing a view consists of seeing its results. To do this, you have various options. To view the results of a view:

  • Open an empty query window associated with the database that contains the view. In the query window, write a SELECT statement using the same formulas and rules we saw for tables. Here is an example:
  • From the Object Explorer, expand the database and its Views node. Right-click the name of the view and click Open View

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Executing a View

  1. In the Object Explorer, under RealEste2, expand Views if necessary. Right-click Condos and click Open View
  2. Close the view window
  3. In the Object Explorer, right-click YugoNationalBank and click New Query
  4. To execute the view, in the empty view window, type the following
    USE YugoNationalBank;
    SELECT PayrollPreparation.* FROM PayrollPreparation;
  5. To execute the view, press F5
  6. Delete the content of the window

View Maintenance


The Properties of a View

In Transact-SQL, a view is considered an object. As such, it can be viewed, changed, or deleted. Like any regular object, a view has its own characteristics. To see them, you can right-click the view and click Properties. A View Properties dialog box would come up. It can give you information such as the name of the database the view belongs to, the date the view was created, etc.

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Accessing the Properties of a View

  1. To create another view, type the following:
    -- =============================================
    -- Database: YugoNationalBank
    -- View:     TimeSheet
    -- =============================================
    USE YugoNationalBank
    IF object_id(N'TimeSheet', 'V') IS NOT NULL
    	DROP VIEW dbo.TimeSheet
    CREATE VIEW dbo.TimeSheet
    SELECT EmplNumber, StartDate, 
           Week1Monday, Week1Tuesday, Week1Wednesday,
           Week1Thursday, Week1Friday,
           Week1Saturday, Week1Sunday,
           Week2Monday, Week2Tuesday, Week2Wednesday, 
           Week2Thursday, Week2Friday, Week2Saturday, 
           Week2Sunday, Notes
    FROM   TimeSheets;
  2. Press F5 to execute the statement
  3. Delete the content of the window
  4. In the Object Explorer, under YugoNationalBank, right-click Views and click Refresh
  5. Expand Views if necessary. Right-click TimeSheet and click Properties
  6. Press Esc to close the Properties dialog box

Modifying a View

After a view has been created, either by you or someone else, you may find out that it has an unnecessary column, it needs a missing column, it includes unnecessary records, or some records are missing. Fortunately, you can change the structure or the code of a view. This is referred to as altering a view. You have two main options:

  • To visually change a view, in the Object Explorer, right-click the view and click Design. From the view window, you can add or remove the columns. You can also change any options in one of the sections of the window. After modifying the view, save it and close it
  • To change the code of a view, in the Object Explorer, right-click it and view Edit. After editing the view's code, you can save it
  • From the Object Explorer, right-click the view, position the mouse on Script View As -> ALTER To -> New Query Editor Window

The basic formula to programmatically modify a view is:

SELECT Statement

You start the alteration with the ALTER VIEW expression followed by the name of the view. After the name of the view, use the AS keyword to specify that you are ready to show the change. After the AS keyword, you can then define the view as you see fit. For example, you can create a SELECT statement that includes a modification of the existing code or a completely new statement.

In the view we created to show a list of men of a table, we included a column for the gender. This column is useless or redundant because we already know that the list includes only men. Here is an example of altering the view to remove (or rather omit) the Gender column of the Persons table:

ALTER VIEW dbo.ListOfMen
SELECT dbo.Persons.FirstName, dbo.Persons.LastName
FROM   dbo.Genders INNER JOIN dbo.Persons
ON     dbo.Genders.GenderID = dbo.Persons.GenderID
WHERE  (dbo.Genders.Gender = 'Male');

Deleting a View

Instead of modifying a view, if you find it altogether useless, you can remove it from its database. You have various options. To delete a view:

  • In the Object Explorer, in a database, right-click the name of the view and click Delete. You would be given the opportunity to confirm your intention or to change your mind
  • In the Object Explorer, right-click the view, position the mouse on Script View As -> DROP To New Query Editor Window
  • Open an empty query window associated with the database that has the undesired view. From the Template Explorer, in the View node, drag Drop View and drop it in the query window

The formula to programmatically delete a view is:


On the right side of the DROP VIEW expression, enter the name of the undesired view and execute the statement. You will not be warned before the interpreter deletes the view.

Using a View


Data Entry With a View

As seen so far, a view is a selected list of records from a table. As you may suspect, the easiest view is probably one created from one table. Imagine you have a table of employees and you want to create a view that lists only their names. You may create a view as follows:

CREATE VIEW dbo.EmployeesNames
SELECT FirstName,
       LastName + ', ' + FirstName AS FullName FROM Persons;

On such a view that is based on one table, you can perform data entry, using the view, rather than the table. To do this, you follow the same rules we reviewed in Lesson 9. Here is an example:

INSERT INTO dbo.EmployeesNames(FirstName, LastName)
VALUES('Peter', 'Justice');

If you perform data entry using a view, the data you provide would be entered on the base table; this means that the table would be updated automatically. Based on this feature, you can create a view purposely intended to update a table so that, in the view, you would include only the columns that need to be updated.

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Performing Data Entry Using a View

  1. To create a function we will use, enter the following code:
    -- Database: YugoNationalBank
    -- Function: CreateTimeSheetCode
    -- Purpose:  This function takes an employee number
    --           and the start date of a time sheet.
    --           Then it creates a unique number
    --           in the format 0000000000000
    --           The first 5 digits represent the
    --           employee number,
    --           the second 4 digits represent the year,
    --           the 2 digits represent the month,
    --           that last 2 digits represent the day
    USE YugoNationalBank
    IF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.CreateTimeSheetCode') IS NOT NULL
       DROP FUNCTION dbo.CreateTimeSheetCode
    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CreateTimeSheetCode(@EmplNbr varchar(6),
    					@dteStart datetime)
    RETURNS varchar(15)
        DECLARE @strMonth AS varchar(20);
        DECLARE @strDay   AS varchar(20);
        DECLARE @iMonth AS int;
        DECLARE @iDay AS int;
        DECLARE @strTimeSheetCode varchar(20);
        SET @iMonth   = CONVERT(varchar(20), MONTH(@dteStart));
        SET @iDay     = CONVERT(varchar(20), DAY(@dteStart));
        IF @iMonth < 10
    	    SET @strMonth = CONVERT(varchar(20), YEAR(@dteStart)) + 
    			    '0' + CONVERT(varchar(20), @iMonth);
            SET @strMonth = CONVERT(varchar(20), YEAR(@dteStart)) + 
    			CONVERT(varchar(20), @iMonth);
        IF @iDay < 10
    	    SET @strDay = @strMonth + '0' + 
    			  CONVERT(varchar(20), @iDay);
            SET @strDay = @strMonth + CONVERT(varchar(2), @iDay);
        SET @strTimeSheetCode = @EmplNbr + @strDay;
        RETURN @strTimeSheetCode;
  2. Press F5 to execute
  3. To perform data entry using a view, enter the following code:
    USE YugoNationalBank
    -- The following code performs data entry using a view
    INSERT INTO dbo.TimeSheet 
    VALUES('46288', '1/1/2007', 
           0.00, 8.50, 9.50, 8.50, 9.00, 0.00, 0.00,
           10.00, 9.50, 8.50, 10.50, 9.00, 0.00, 0.00, '');
    INSERT INTO dbo.TimeSheet
    VALUES('66286', '1/1/2007',  
           0.00, 8.50, 6.50, 5.50, 6.50, 0.00, 0.00, 
           4.00, 6.00, 6.50, 6.00, 5.50, 0.00, 0.00, '');	
    INSERT INTO dbo.TimeSheet     
    VALUES('92493', '1/1/2007', 
           0.00, 8.00, 9.00, 8.50, 9.50, 0.00, 0.00,
           5.50, 6.50, 4.50, 6.00, 4.00, 0.00, 0.00, '');
    INSERT INTO dbo.TimeSheet     
    VALUES('27199', '1/15/2007',
           6.00, 8.50, 0.00, 4.00, 6.50, 0.00, 0.00,
           4.00, 0.00, 6.00, 4.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, '');
    INSERT INTO dbo.TimeSheet
    VALUES('39538', '1/15/2007',
           8.00, 8.00, 6.00, 8.50, 6.00, 0.00, 0.00,
           9.50, 10.50, 8.00, 8.00, 8.50, 0.00, 0.00,
           'There were a few missing times in the time sheet. ' +
           'They have been recorded.');
    INSERT INTO dbo.TimeSheet     
    VALUES('40550', '1/15/2007',
           8.50, 8.00, 0.00, 8.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 
           6.00, 6.50, 6.50, 0.00, 4.00, 0.00, 0.00, '');
    INSERT INTO dbo.TimeSheet
    VALUES('66286', '1/29/2007',
            8.00, 6.50, 9.50, 8.00,  7.50, 0.00, 0.00,
           10.50, 9.50, 8.50, 8.00, 10.00, 0.00, 0.00, '');
    INSERT INTO dbo.TimeSheet
    VALUES('90026', '2/12/2007',
           8.50, 6.50, 8.00, 8.00, 9.50, 0.00, 0.00, 
           9.50, 8.00, 8.50, 8.00, 8.00, 0.00, 0.00, '');	
    INSERT INTO dbo.TimeSheet
    VALUES('92493', '2/12/2007',
           4.00, 6.50, 5.50, 8.00, 6.50, 0.00, 0.00,
           8.00, 8.00, 8.00, 6.00, 8.00, 0.00, 0.00, '');
    -- The following code updates a table using a function
    UPDATE dbo.TimeSheets
    SET TimeSheetCode = dbo.CreateTimeSheetCode('46288', '1/1/2007')
    WHERE (EmplNumber = '46288') AND (StartDate = '1/1/2007');
    UPDATE dbo.TimeSheets
    SET TimeSheetCode = dbo.CreateTimeSheetCode('66286', '1/1/2007')
    WHERE (EmplNumber = '66286') AND (StartDate = '1/1/2007');
    UPDATE dbo.TimeSheets
    SET TimeSheetCode = dbo.CreateTimeSheetCode('92493', '1/1/2007')
    WHERE (EmplNumber = '92493') AND (StartDate = '1/1/2007');
    UPDATE dbo.TimeSheets
    SET TimeSheetCode = dbo.CreateTimeSheetCode('27199', '1/15/2007')
    WHERE (EmplNumber = '27199') AND (StartDate = '1/15/2007');
    UPDATE dbo.TimeSheets
    SET TimeSheetCode = dbo.CreateTimeSheetCode('39538', '1/15/2007')
    WHERE (EmplNumber = '39538') AND (StartDate = '1/15/2007');
    UPDATE dbo.TimeSheets
    SET TimeSheetCode = dbo.CreateTimeSheetCode('40550', '1/15/2007')
    WHERE (EmplNumber = '40550') AND (StartDate = '1/15/2007');
    UPDATE dbo.TimeSheets
    SET TimeSheetCode = dbo.CreateTimeSheetCode('66286', '1/29/2007')
    WHERE (EmplNumber = '66286') AND (StartDate = '1/29/2007');
    UPDATE dbo.TimeSheets
    SET TimeSheetCode = dbo.CreateTimeSheetCode('90026', '2/12/2007')
    WHERE (EmplNumber = '90026') AND (StartDate = '2/12/2007');
    UPDATE dbo.TimeSheets
    SET TimeSheetCode = dbo.CreateTimeSheetCode('92493', '2/12/2007')
    WHERE (EmplNumber = '92493') AND (StartDate = '2/12/2007');
  4. Press F5 to execute
  5. Delete the content of the window

A View With Alias Names

It is important to know that a view is more of a table type than any other object. This means that a view is not a function but it can use a function. The word argument here only means that some values can be passed to a view but these values can be specified only when creating the view. They are not real arguments.

When structuring a view, you can create placeholders for columns and pass them in the parentheses of the view. This would be done as follows:

CREATE VIEW CarIdentifier([Tag #], Manufacturer, [Type of Car], Available)
. . .

If you use this technique, the names passed in the parentheses of the view are the captions that would be displayed in place of the columns of the view. This technique allows you to specify the strings of your choice for the columns. If you want a column header to display the actual name of the column, write it the same. Otherwise, you can use any string you want for the column. If the name is in one word, you can just type it. If the name includes various words, include them between an opening square bracket "[" and a closing square bracket "]".

After listing the necessary strings as the captions of columns, in your SELECT statement of the view, you must use the exact same number of columns as the number of arguments of the view. In fact, each column of your SELECT statement should correspond to an argument of the same order.

Here is an example:

CREATE VIEW dbo.MenAndWomen([First Name], [Last Name], Gender)
SELECT dbo.Persons.FirstName,
FROM   dbo.Genders INNER JOIN dbo.Persons
ON     dbo.Genders.GenderID = dbo.Persons.GenderID;

Because, as we stated already, a view is not a function and the values passed to the view are not real arguments, when executing the view, don't specify the names of arguments. Simply create a SELECT statement and specify the name of the view as the source. Here is an example:

Views and Conditional Statements

Besides its querying characteristics that allow it to perform data analysis, probably the most important feature of a query is its ability to be as complex as possible by handling conditional statements. This makes it possible to use a view instead of a table in operations and expressions that would complicate the code or structure of a table. When creating a view, in its SELECT statement, you can perform column selections, order them, and set criteria to exclude some records.

Here is an example:


Views and Functions

To create more complex or advanced views, you can involve functions. As always, probably the easiest functions to use are those built-in. 

If there is no built-in function that performs the operation you want, you can create your own. Here is an example:

USE People;
	@FName varchar(20),
	@LName varchar(20)
RETURNS varchar(41)
	RETURN @LName + ', ' + @FName;

 Once you have a function you want to use, you can call it in the body of your view as you judge it necessary. Here is an example:

CREATE VIEW dbo.MyPeople
SELECT dbo.GetFullName(FirstName, LastName) AS [Full Name],
FROM   Genders INNER JOIN dbo.Persons
ON     dbo.Genders.GenderID = dbo.Persons.GenderID;

This would produce:

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Using a Function in a View

  1. In the Object Explorer, under YugoNationalBank, expand Views if necessary.
    Right-click PayrollPreparation, position the mouse on Script View As -> ALTER To -> New Query Editor Window
  2. Change the code as follows:
    USE [YugoNationalBank]
    ALTER VIEW [dbo].[PayrollPreparation]
    SELECT 	dbo.Employees.EmployeeNumber,
            dbo.Employees.LastName + ', ' +
    	dbo.Employees.FirstName AS [Full Name],
            dbo.TimeSheets.TimeSheetCode, dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Monday,
            dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Tuesday, dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Wednesday,
            dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Thursday, dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Friday,
            dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Saturday, dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Sunday,
            dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Monday, dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Tuesday, 
            dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Wednesday, dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Thursday, 
            dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Friday, dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Saturday, 
        	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Monday AS SmallMoney) +
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Tuesday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Wednesday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Thursday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Friday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Saturday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Sunday AS SmallMoney)
    	AS [Total Week1], 
            CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Monday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Tuesday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Wednesday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Thursday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Friday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Saturday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Sunday AS SmallMoney)
    	AS [Total Week2], 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Monday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Tuesday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Wednesday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Thursday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Friday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Saturday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week1Sunday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Monday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Tuesday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Wednesday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Thursday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Friday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Saturday AS SmallMoney) + 
    	CAST(dbo.TimeSheets.Week2Sunday AS SmallMoney)
    	AS [Total Time Sheet]
    FROM    dbo.Employees INNER JOIN dbo.TimeSheets 
    ON      dbo.Employees.EmployeeNumber = dbo.TimeSheets.EmplNumber;
  3. To update the query, on the main menu, click Query -> Execute
  4. Delete the content of the window
  5. To see the result of the query, type the following:
    Use YugoNationalBank;
    USE YugoNationalBank;
    SELECT PayrollPreparation.* FROM PayrollPreparation;
  6. Delete the content of the window
  7. Delete the content of the window

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