
Conditional Selections

The Select...Case Statement


If you have a large number of conditions to examine, the If...Then...Else statement will go through each one of them. The Visual Basic language offers the alternative of jumping to the statement that applies to the stated condition. This is done with the Select Case operator.

The formula of the Select Case statement is:

Select Case expression
    Case expression1
    Case expression2
    Case expressionX
End Select

The statement starts with Select Case and ends with End Select. On the right side of Select Case, enter a value or an expression that will be checked.

Boolean Case Selections

The value of expression can be a Boolean value. In this case, one case would be True and the other would be False.

The expression can produce a character or a string (a String type). In this case, each Case would deal with a value in double-quotes.

Finding a Character or a Sub-String in a String

The expression can be a natural number from a Byte, an Integer, or a Long type.

Practical Learning: Introducing Case Selection

  1. Start Microsoft Accecss
  2. In the list of files, click Business Mathematics from the previous lesson
  3. In the Navigation Pane, right-click Income Tax Preparation and click Design View
  4. On the form, right-click the Calculate button and click Build Event...
  5. In the Choose Builder dialog box, click Code Builder and click OK
  6. Implement the event as follows:
    Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
        Dim incomeTax As Double
        Dim hourlySalary As Double, timeWorked As Double
        Dim grossSalary As Double, netPay As Double
        Dim payrollFrequency  As Integer
        hourlySalary = CDbl(Nz(txtHourlySalary))
        timeWorked = CDbl(Nz(txtTimeWorked))
        grossSalary = hourlySalary * timeWorked
        payrollFrequency = CInt(InputBox("Enter a number for the frequency by which " & vbCrLf & _
                                         "the payroll is processed:" & vbCrLf & _
                                         "1 - Weekly" & vbCrLf & _
                                         "2 - Biweekly" & vbCrLf & _
                                         "3 - Semimonthly" & vbCrLf & _
                                         "4 - Monthly", _
                                         "Payroll Frequency", "1"))
        If (payrollFrequency < 1) Or (payrollFrequency > 4) Then payrollFrequency = 1
        Select Case payrollFrequency
            Case 1
                incomeTax = 99.1 + (grossSalary * 0.25)
            Case 2
                incomeTax = 35.5 + (grossSalary * 0.15)
            Case 3
                incomeTax = 38.4 + (grossSalary * 0.15)
            Case 4
                incomeTax = 76.8 + (grossSalary * 0.15)
        End Select
        netPay = grossSalary - incomeTax
        TxtHourlySalary = TxtHourlySalary
        txtTimeWorked = txtTimeWorked
        txtGrossSalary = FormatNumber(grossSalary)
        Select Case payrollFrequency
            Case 1
                txtPayrollFrequency = "Weekly"
            Case 2
                txtPayrollFrequency = "Biweekly"
            Case 3
                txtPayrollFrequency = "Semimonthly"
            Case 4
                txtPayrollFrequency = "Monthly"
        End Select
        txtIncomeTax = FormatNumber(incomeTax)
        txtNetPay = FormatNumber(netPay)
    End Sub
  7. Return to Microsoft Access and switch the to Form View

    Introducing Case Selection

  8. Click Hourly Salary and type a decimal number such as 18.50
  9. Click Time Worked and type a decimal number such as 44.50
  10. Click the Calculate button
  11. In the input box, type a number as 1, 2, 3, or 4 such as 1
  12. Click OK

    Introducing Case Selection

  13. Click the Calculate button
  14. In the input box, type a number different from the previous one, such as 2, and press Enter

    Introducing Case Selection

  15. Save and close the form

An Enumerated Case Selection

The expression can be an enumeration. In this case, the expression would be the name of the enumeration. Each Case would deal with one of the members of the enumeration.

The Character Cases of a String

What Case Else?

If you anticipate that there could be no match between the expression and one of the values in the cases, you can use a Case Else statement at the end of the list. The statement would then look like this:

Select Case expression
    Case expression1
    Case expression2
    . . .

    Case expression-n
    Case Else
End Select

In this case, the statement after the Case Else will execute if none of the values of the cases matches the expression.

Practical Learning: Introducing Case Selection

  1. On the Ribbon, click File and click Open
  2. In the list of files, click Chemistry1 from Lesson 10
  3. In the Navigation Pane, right-click Compound Properties and click Design View
  4. On the form, right-click the Find button and click Build Event...
  5. Change the statement as follows:
    Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
        Dim chemicalSymbol As String
        Dim atomicNumber As Integer
        Dim elementName As String
        Dim atomicMass As Single
        atomicNumber = CInt(Nz(txtAtomicNumber))
        Select Case atomicNumber
            Case 1
                chemicalSymbol = "H"
                elementName = "Hydrogen"
                atomicMass = 1.0079
            Case 2
                chemicalSymbol = "He"
                elementName = "Helium"
                atomicMass = 4.002682
            Case 3
                chemicalSymbol = "Li"
                elementName = "Lithium"
                atomicMass = 6.941
            Case 4
                chemicalSymbol = "Be"
                elementName = "Berylium"
                atomicMass = 9.0122
            Case 5
                chemicalSymbol = "B"
                elementName = "Boron"
                atomicMass = 10.811
            Case 6
                chemicalSymbol = "C"
                elementName = "Carbon"
                atomicMass = "12.01074"
            Case Else
                chemicalSymbol = "N/A"
                elementName = "Unknown"
                atomicMass = 0#
        End Select
        txtChemicalSymbol = CStr(chemicalSymbol)
        txtElementName = CStr(elementName)
        txtAtomicMass = CStr(atomicMass)
    End Sub
  6. Return to Microsoft Access and switch the form to Form View
  7. Click the Find button

    Introducing Case Selection

  8. Click Atomic Number, type 6, and click Find

    Introducing Case Selection

  9. Save and close the form
  10. On the Ribbon, click File and click Open
  11. In the list of files, click Business Mathematics used earlier
  12. In the Navigation Pane, right-click Income Tax Preparation and click Design View
  13. On the form, right-click the Calculate button and click Build Event...
  14. Change the code as follows:
    Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
        Dim incomeTax As Double
        Dim hourlySalary As Double, timeWorked As Double
        Dim grossSalary As Double, netPay As Double
        Dim payrollFrequency  As Integer
        hourlySalary = CDbl(Nz(TxtHourlySalary))
        timeWorked = CDbl(Nz(txtTimeWorked))
        grossSalary = hourlySalary * timeWorked
        payrollFrequency = CInt(InputBox("Enter a number for the frequency by which " & vbCrLf & _
                                         "the payroll is processed:" & vbCrLf & _
                                         "1 - Weekly" & vbCrLf & _
                                         "2 - Biweekly" & vbCrLf & _
                                         "3 - Semimonthly" & vbCrLf & _
                                         "4 - Monthly", _
                                         "Payroll Frequency", "1"))
        If (payrollFrequency < 1) Or (payrollFrequency > 4) Then payrollFrequency = 1
        Select Case payrollFrequency
            Case 1
                incomeTax = 35.5 + (grossSalary * 0.15)
            Case 2
                incomeTax = 38.4 + (grossSalary * 0.15)
            Case 3
                incomeTax = 76.8 + (grossSalary * 0.15)
            Case Else
                incomeTax = 99.1 + (grossSalary * 0.25)
        End Select
        netPay = grossSalary - incomeTax
        TxtHourlySalary = TxtHourlySalary
        txtTimeWorked = txtTimeWorked
        txtGrossSalary = FormatNumber(grossSalary)
        Select Case payrollFrequency
            Case 1
                txtPayrollFrequency = "Biweekly"
            Case 2
                txtPayrollFrequency = "Semimonthly"
            Case 3
                txtPayrollFrequency = "Monthly"
            Case Else
                txtPayrollFrequency = "Weekly"
        End Select
        txtIncomeTax = FormatNumber(incomeTax)
        txtNetPay = FormatNumber(netPay)
    End Sub
  15. Return to Microsoft Access and switch the to Form View

    Introducing Case Selection

  16. Click Hourly Salary and type a decimal number such as 32.27
  17. Click Time Worked and type a decimal number such as 36.00
  18. Click the Calculate button
  19. In the input box, type a number as 1, 2, 3, or 4 such as 1
  20. Click OK

    Introducing Case Selection

  21. Click the Calculate button
  22. In the input box, type a high number such as 9, and press Enter

    Introducing Case Selection

  23. Save and close the form

Combining Cases

When creating a Select Case situation, you may end up using two or more cases that proceed to the same outcome. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdFunction_Click()
    Dim Gender As String

    Gender = "f"

    Select Case Gender
        Case "f"
        Case "female"
        Case "m"
        Case "male"
        Case Else
    End Select
End Sub

Instead of using one value for a case, you can apply more than one. To do this, on the right side of the Case keyword, you can separate the expressions with commas. Here are examples:

Private Sub cmdFunction_Click()
    Dim Gender As String

    Gender = "F"

    Select Case Gender
        Case "f", "female"
        Case "m", "male"
        Case Else
    End Select
End Sub

Applying a Range of Values for a Case

You can use a range of values for a case. To do this, on the right side of Case, enter the lower value, followed by To, followed by the higher value. Here is an example:

<script runat="server">
Sub Find()
    Dim nbr As Integer
    nbr = 24

    Select Case nbr
        Case 0 To 17
        Case 18 To 55
        Case Else
        End Select
    End Sub

End Sub

Validating a Range of Cases

You can use a range of values for a case. To do this, on the right side of a Case, enter the lower value, followed by To, followed by the higher value. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdFunction_Click()
    Dim Age As Integer
    Age = 24

    Select Case Age
        Case 0 To 17
        Case 18 To 55
        Case Else
    End Select
End Sub

Checking Whether a Value IS

Consider the following procedure:

Private Sub cmdFunction_Click()
    Dim Number As Integer

    Number = 448

    Select Case Number
        Case -602
            MsgBox "-602"
        Case 24
            MsgBox "24"
        Case 0
            MsgBox "0"
    End Select
End Sub

Obviously, this Select Case statement will work in rare cases only when the expression of a case exactly matches the value sought for. In reality, for this type of scenario, you could validate a range of values. The Visual Basic language provides an alternative. You can check whether the value of the Expression responds to a criterion instead of an exact value. To create it, you use the Is operator with the following formula:

Is Operator Value

You start with the Is keyword. It is followed by one of the Boolean operators we know already: =, <>, <, <=, >, or >=. On the right side of the Boolean operator, type the desired value. Here are examples:

Private Sub cmdFunction_Click()
    Dim Number As Integer

    Number = -448

    Select Case Number
        Case Is < 0
            MsgBox("The number is negative")
        Case Is > 0
            MsgBox("The number is positive")
        Case Else
    End Select
End Sub

Although we used a natural number here, you can use any appropriate logical comparison that can produce a True or a False result. You can also combine it with the other alternatives we saw previously, such as separating the expressions of a case with commas.

Select...Case and Conditional Built-In Functions

To functionaly apply select cases, the Visual Basic language provides a function named Choose that can check a condition and take an action. The Choose() function is presented as follows:

Public Function Choose( _
   ByVal Index As Double, _ 
   ByVal ParamArray Choice() As Variant _
) As Variant

This function takes two required arguments. The first argument is equivalent to the expression of our Select Case formula. The first argument must be a number (a Byte, an Integer, a Long, a Single, or a Double value). In place of the Case sections, for the second argument, provide the equivalent expression-x as a list of values. The values are separated by commas. Here is an example:

Choose(payrollFrequency, "Weekly", "Biweekly", "Semimonthly", "Monthly")

As mentioned already, the values of the second argument are provided as a list. Each member of the list uses an index. The first member of the list, which is the second argument of this function, has an index of 1. The second value of the argument, which would be the third argument of the function, has an index of 2. You can continue adding the values of the second argument as you see fit.

When the Choose() function has been called, it returns a value of type Variant. You can retrieve that value, store it in a variable and use it as you see fit.

The value of the Choose() function can be expressions. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
    Dim incomeTax As Double
    Dim hourlySalary As Double, timeWorked As Double
    Dim grossSalary As Double, netPay As Double
    Dim payrollFrequency  As Integer

    hourlySalary = CDbl(Nz(TxtHourlySalary))
    timeWorked = CDbl(Nz(txtTimeWorked))

    grossSalary = hourlySalary * timeWorked

    payrollFrequency = CInt(InputBox("Enter a number for the frequency by which " & vbCrLf & _
                                     "the payroll is processed:" & vbCrLf & _
                                     "1 - Weekly" & vbCrLf & _
                                     "2 - Biweekly" & vbCrLf & _
                                     "3 - Semimonthly" & vbCrLf & _
                                     "4 - Monthly", _
                                     "Payroll Frequency", "1"))

    If (payrollFrequency < 1) Or (payrollFrequency > 4) Then payrollFrequency = 1
    incomeTax = Choose(payrollFrequency, 99.1 + (grossSalary * 0.25), 35.5 + (grossSalary * 0.15), 38.4 + (grossSalary * 0.15), incomeTax = 76.8 + (grossSalary * 0.15))

    netPay = grossSalary - incomeTax

    TxtHourlySalary = TxtHourlySalary
    txtTimeWorked = txtTimeWorked
    txtGrossSalary = FormatNumber(grossSalary)

    txtPayrollFrequency = Choose(payrollFrequency, "Weekly", "Biweekly", "Semimonthly", "Monthly")
    txtIncomeTax = FormatNumber(incomeTax)
    txtNetPay = FormatNumber(netPay)
End Sub

Select...Case-Related Functions: Switch()

As another alternative to an If...Then condition, the Visual Basic language provides a function named Switch. Its syntax is:

Public Function Switch( _
    ByVal ParamArray VarExpr() As Variant _
) As Variant

This function takes one required argument. To use it in an If...Then scenario, pass the argument as follows:

Switch(ConditionToCheck, Statement)

In the ConditionToCheck placeholder, pass a Boolean expression that can be evaluated to True or False. If that condition is true, the second argument would be executed.

When the Switch() function has been called, it produces a value of type Variant (such as a string) that you can use as you see fit. For example, you can store it in a variable. Here is an example:

Private Sub cmdFunction_Click()
    Dim Status As Integer, EmploymentStatus As String

    Status = 1
    EmploymentStatus = "Unknown"

    EmploymentStatus = Switch(Status = 1, "Full Time")

    MsgBox "Employment Status: " & EmploymentStatus
End Sub

In this example, we used a number as argument. You can also use another type of value, such as an enumeration. When using the Switch function, if you call it with a value that is not checked by the first argument, the function produces an error. To apply this function to an If...Then...Else scenario, you can call it using the following formula:

Switch(Condition1ToCheck, Statement1, Condition2ToCheck, Statement2)

In the Condition1ToCheck placeholder, pass a Boolean expression that can be evaluated to True or False. If that condition is true, the second argument would be executed. To provide an alternative to the first condition, pass another condition as Condition2ToCheck. If the Condition2ToCheck is true, then Statement2 would be executed. Once gain, remember that you can get the value returned by the Switch() function and use it.

Nesting a Conditional Statement in a Case Selection

A conditional statement can be created in the body of a Case statement, which is referred to as nesting. In fact, a Select statement can be created in a Case or a Case Else section.

A conditional statement can be created or nested in a case of a conditional selection.

Learning: Nesting a Conditional Statement in a Case Selection

  1. In the Navigation Pane, right-click Federal Withholding Taxes and click Design View
  2. On the form, right-click the Calculate button and click Build Event...
  3. Change the statement as follows:
    Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
        Dim salary As Double
        Dim exemptions As Double
        Dim allowanceRate As Double
        Dim maritalStatus As Integer
        Dim withheldAmount As Double
        Dim taxableGrossWages As Double
        Dim withholdingAllowances As Double
        allowanceRate = 76.9
        salary = CDbl(txtSalary)
        exemptions = CDbl(txtExemptions)
        withholdingAllowances = allowanceRate * exemptions
        taxableGrossWages = salary - withholdingAllowances
        maritalStatus = CInt(InputBox("Enter the employee's marital status:" & vbCrLf & _
                                      "1 for Single" & vbCrLf & _
                                      "2 for Married" & vbCrLf & _
                                      "3 for Separated" & vbCrLf & _
                                      "4 for Widow", _
                                      "Marital Status", "1"))
        Select Case maritalStatus
            Case 1
                If taxableGrossWages <= 44# Then
                    withheldAmount = 0#
                ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 44#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 222#) Then
                    withheldAmount = (taxableGrossWages - 44#) * 10# / 100#
                ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 222#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 764#) Then
                    withheldAmount = 17.8 + ((taxableGrossWages - 222#) * 15# / 100#)
                ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 764#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 1789#) Then
                    withheldAmount = 99.1 + ((taxableGrossWages - 764#) * 25# / 100#)
                ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 1789#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 3685#) Then
                    withheldAmount = 355.05 + ((taxableGrossWages - 1789#) * 28# / 100#)
                ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 3685#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 7958#) Then
                    withheldAmount = 886.23 + ((taxableGrossWages - 3685#) * 33# / 100#)
                ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 7958#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 7990#) Then
                    withheldAmount = 2296.32 + ((taxableGrossWages - 7958#) * 35# / 100#)
                    withheldAmount = 2307.52 + ((taxableGrossWages - 7990#) * 39.6 / 100#)
                End If
            Case 2
                If taxableGrossWages <= 165# Then
                    withheldAmount = 0#
                ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 165#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 520#) Then
                    withheldAmount = (taxableGrossWages - 165#) * 10# / 100#
                ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 520#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 1606#) Then
                    withheldAmount = 35.5 + ((taxableGrossWages - 520#) * 15# / 100#)
                ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 1606#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 3073#) Then
                    withheldAmount = 198.4 + ((taxableGrossWages - 1606#) * 25# / 100#)
                ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 3073#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 4597#) Then
                    withheldAmount = 565.15 + ((taxableGrossWages - 3073#) * 28# / 100#)
                ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 4597#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 8079#) Then
                    withheldAmount = 991.87 + ((taxableGrossWages - 4597#) * 33# / 100#)
                ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 8079#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 9105#) Then
                    withheldAmount = 2140.93 + ((taxableGrossWages - 8079#) * 35# / 100#)
                    withheldAmount = 2500.03 + ((taxableGrossWages - 9105#) * 39.6 / 100#)
                End If
            Case Else
                withheldAmount = 0#
        End Select
        txtMaritalStatus = Choose(maritalStatus, "Single", "Married", "Separated", "Widow")
        txtAllowances = FormatNumber(withholdingAllowances)
        txtTaxableGrossWages = FormatNumber(taxableGrossWages)
        txtFederalIncomeTax = FormatNumber(withheldAmount)
    End Sub
  4. Return to Microsoft Access
  5. Return to Microsoft Access and switch the to Form View

    Nesting a Conditional Statement in a Case Selection

  6. Click Salary and type 3500
  7. Click Exemptions and type 2
  8. Click the Calculate button
  9. In the input box, type 2 and click OK

    Nesting a Conditional Statement in a Case Selection

  10. Click Exemptions and type 3
  11. Click the Calculate button
  12. In the input box, accept 1 and press Enter

    Nesting a Conditional Statement in a Case Selection

  13. Return to Microsoft Visual Basic
  14. In the same way, you can nest a conditional statement that itself is nested in a matching pattern that itself is nested in another conditional statement or in another matching pattern, etc. To see an example, change the code as follows:
    Public Enum MaritalStatus
        StatusSingle = 1
        StatusMarried = 2
        StatusSeparated = 3
        StatusWidow = 4
    End Enum
    Public Enum PayrollFrequency
        Weekly = 1
        Biweekly = 2
    End Enum
    Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
        Dim salary As Double
        Dim exemptions As Double
        Dim allowanceRate As Double
        Dim withheldAmount As Double
        Dim taxableGrossWages As Double
        Dim marriedStatus As MaritalStatus
        Dim withholdingAllowances As Double
        Dim payFrequency As PayrollFrequency
        allowanceRate = 76.9
        salary = CDbl(txtSalary)
        exemptions = CDbl(txtExemptions)
        withholdingAllowances = allowanceRate * exemptions
        taxableGrossWages = salary - withholdingAllowances
        marriedStatus = CInt(InputBox("Enter the employee's marital status:" & vbCrLf & _
                                      "1 for Single" & vbCrLf & _
                                      "2 for Married" & vbCrLf & _
                                      "3 for Separated" & vbCrLf & _
                                      "4 for Widow", _
                                      "Marital Status", "1"))
        payFrequency = CInt(InputBox("Enter the frequency by which the payroll is processed:" & vbCrLf & _
                                      "1 - Weekly" & vbCrLf & _
                                      "2 - Biweekly", _
                                      "Payroll Frequency", "1"))
        Select Case payFrequency
            Case PayrollFrequency.Weekly
                Select Case marriedStatus
                    Case MaritalStatus.StatusSingle
                        If taxableGrossWages <= 44# Then
                            withheldAmount = 0#
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 44#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 222#) Then
                            withheldAmount = (taxableGrossWages - 44#) * 10# / 100#
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 222#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 764#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 17.8 + ((taxableGrossWages - 222#) * 15# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 764#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 1789#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 99.1 + ((taxableGrossWages - 764#) * 25# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 1789#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 3685#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 355.05 + ((taxableGrossWages - 1789#) * 28# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 3685#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 7958#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 886.23 + ((taxableGrossWages - 3685#) * 33# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 7958#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 7990#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 2296.32 + ((taxableGrossWages - 7958#) * 35# / 100#)
                            withheldAmount = 2307.52 + ((taxableGrossWages - 7990#) * 39.6 / 100#)
                        End If
                    Case MaritalStatus.StatusMarried
                        If taxableGrossWages <= 165# Then
                            withheldAmount = 0#
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 165#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 520#) Then
                            withheldAmount = (taxableGrossWages - 165#) * 10# / 100#
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 520#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 1606#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 35.5 + ((taxableGrossWages - 520#) * 15# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 1606#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 3073#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 198.4 + ((taxableGrossWages - 1606#) * 25# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 3073#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 4597#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 565.15 + ((taxableGrossWages - 3073#) * 28# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 4597#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 8079#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 991.87 + ((taxableGrossWages - 4597#) * 33# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 8079#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 9105#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 2140.93 + ((taxableGrossWages - 8079#) * 35# / 100#)
                            withheldAmount = 2500.03 + ((taxableGrossWages - 9105#) * 39.6 / 100#)
                        End If
                End Select
            Case PayrollFrequency.Biweekly
                Select Case marriedStatus
                    Case MaritalStatus.StatusSingle
                        If taxableGrossWages <= 88# Then
                            withheldAmount = 0#
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 88#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 443#) Then
                            withheldAmount = (taxableGrossWages - 88#) * 10# / 100#
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 443#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 1529#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 35.5 + ((taxableGrossWages - 443#) * 15# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 1529#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 3579#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 198.4 + ((taxableGrossWages - 1529#) * 25# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 3579#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 7369#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 710.9 + ((taxableGrossWages - 3579#) * 28# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 7369#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 15915#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 1772.1 + ((taxableGrossWages - 7369#) * 33# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 15915#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 15981#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 4592.28 + ((taxableGrossWages - 15915#) * 35# / 100#)
                            withheldAmount = 4615.38 + ((taxableGrossWages - 15981#) * 39.6 / 100#)
                        End If
                    Case MaritalStatus.StatusMarried
                        If taxableGrossWages <= 331# Then
                            withheldAmount = 0#
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 331#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 1040#) Then
                            withheldAmount = (taxableGrossWages - 331#) * 10# / 100#
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 1040#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 3212#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 70.9 + ((taxableGrossWages - 1040#) * 15# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 3212#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 6146#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 396.7 + ((taxableGrossWages - 3212#) * 25# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 6146#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 9194#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 1130.2 + ((taxableGrossWages - 6146#) * 28# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 9194#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 16158#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 1983.64 + ((taxableGrossWages - 9194#) * 33# / 100#)
                        ElseIf (taxableGrossWages > 16158#) And (taxableGrossWages <= 18210#) Then
                            withheldAmount = 4281.76 + ((taxableGrossWages - 16158#) * 35# / 100#)
                            withheldAmount = 4999.96 + ((taxableGrossWages - 18210#) * 39.6 / 100#)
                        End If
                End Select
        End Select
        txtMaritalStatus = Choose(marriedStatus, "Single", "Married", "Separated", "Widow")
        txtAllowances = FormatNumber(withholdingAllowances)
        txtTaxableGrossWages = FormatNumber(taxableGrossWages)
        txtFederalIncomeTax = FormatNumber(withheldAmount)
    End Sub
  15. Return to Microsoft Access
  16. Click Salary and type 6288
  17. Click Exemptions and type 3
  18. Click the Calculate button
  19. In the Marital Status input box, type 2 and click OK
  20. In the Payroll Frequency input box, type 2 and click OK

    Nesting a Conditional Statement in a Case Selection

  21. Save and close the form
  22. Close Microsoft Access

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