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Introduction to Record Sets in the DAO |
A record set is a group of records of a table, a form, a query, a report, or a combination of different objects. To support record sets, the DAO library provides a class named Recordset.
Practical Learning: Introducing Records in DAO
The Type of a Record Set
A record set primarily contains records. The records can be retrieved from a table or gotten directly from a table. When creating a record set, you can specify whether to use one or more tables and what record(s) would be included. How the record set is created, the number of tables, the number of records, and the types of operations that can be performed on the records lead to various types of record sets:
Creating a Recordset
The primary way to start a record set is to declare a variable of type DAO.Recordset. How you get the set of records depends on the technique you use.
Once again, remember that the MAOL and DAO do things the same way:
expression.OpenRecordset(Name, Type, Options, LockEdit)Only the first argument is required. Therefore, to create a record set from a table, assign the name of that table to the DAO.Database.OpenRecordset() method and use the Set operator to get the returned value. Here is an example:
Private Sub cmdGetRecordSet_Click()
Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmployees As DAO.Recordset
Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
Set rsEmployees = dbExercise.OpenRecordset("Employees")
Set dbExercise = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCreateRecordSet_Click()
Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
Dim rsCustomers As DAO.Recordset
Dim tblCustomers As DAO.TableDef
' Get a reference to the current database
Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
' Get a reference to a table named Customers
Set tblCustomers = dbExercise.TableDefs("Customers")
' Create a Recordset object from the specified table
Set rsCustomers = tblCustomers.OpenRecordset
Set dbExercise = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGetRecordSet_Click()
Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmployees As DAO.Recordset
Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
Set rsEmployees = Me.Recordset
Set dbExercise = Nothing
End Sub
After using a DAO.Recordset object, you should close it. To close a record set, you can call its Close() method. Here is an example:
Private Sub cmdCreateRecordSet_Click()
Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
Dim rsCustomers As DAO.Recordset
Dim tblCustomers As DAO.TableDef
Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
Set tblCustomers = dbExercise.TableDefs("Customers")
Set rsCustomers = tblCustomers.OpenRecordset
Set dbExercise = Nothing
End Sub
Alternatively, assign Nothing to the DAO.Recordset object. Here is an example:
Private Sub cmdCreateRecordSet_Click()
Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
Dim rsCustomers As DAO.Recordset
Dim tblCustomers As DAO.TableDef
Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
Set tblCustomers = dbExercise.TableDefs("Customers")
Set rsCustomers = tblCustomers.OpenRecordset
Set rsCustomers = Nothing
Set dbExercise = Nothing
End Sub
Introduction to Records
Introduction to Data Entry
Before performing actions on a table, you first need to get a reference to that table, which is equivalent to opening a record set. To do that, upi can call the OpenRecordset() method of the Database class. Remember that there are other ways to create or open a record set. Once you have the record set, you can perform data entry on it. This is done using the same steps as the MAOL. To start, call the AddNew() method of the Recordset class. Here is an example of calling it:
Private Sub cmdCreateEmployee_Click()
Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmployees As DAO.Recordset
Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
Set rsEmployees = dbExercise.OpenRecordset("Employees")
Set dbExercise = Nothing
End Sub
To let you specify the value of a field, first access that field using either its index or its name applied to the Recordset variable. Use its Value property to assign the desired value. You can do this for the various fields whose values you want to create. To finalize the action, call the Update method of the Recordset class.
Data Entry on Strings
The way you provide a value for a field depends on its type. For example, the value of a text-based column must be provided in double-quotes. Here is an example:
Private Sub cmdCreateEmployee_Click()
Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmployees As DAO.Recordset
Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
Set rsEmployees = dbExercise.OpenRecordset("Employees")
rsEmployees("EmployeeName").Value = "John Schwartz"
Set dbExercise = Nothing
End Sub
If the value is coming from a Windows control such as a text box, you can directly assign the name of the control to the field.
Learning: Performing Data Entry on Text
Private Sub CreateAccountsTypesTable() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim fldAccountType As Field Dim fldDescription As Field Dim fldAccountIndex As Field Dim idxAccountsTypes As Index Dim tblAccountsTypes As TableDef ' Get a reference to the current database Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb ' Create a new table named Students Set tblAccountsTypes = dbKoloBank.CreateTableDef("AccountsTypes") Set fldAccountType = tblAccountsTypes.CreateField("AccountType", dbText, 20) tblAccountsTypes.Fields.Append fldAccountType Set fldDescription = tblAccountsTypes.CreateField("Description", dbMemo) tblAccountsTypes.Fields.Append fldDescription ' Start creating an index that will be, or control, the primary key Set idxAccountsTypes = tblAccountsTypes.CreateIndex("PK_AccountsTypes") ' Specify this index as the primary key idxAccountsTypes.Primary = True ' Mak,e sure each value of the primary key will be unique idxAccountsTypes.Unique = True ' Make surre the user will provide a value for each record of the primary key idxAccountsTypes.Required = True Set fldAccountIndex = idxAccountsTypes.CreateField("AccountType") idxAccountsTypes.Fields.Append fldAccountIndex tblAccountsTypes.Indexes.Append idxAccountsTypes ' Add the Students table to the current database dbKoloBank.TableDefs.Append tblAccountsTypes dbKoloBank.Close End Sub Private Sub CreateAccountsTypesRecords() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim rsAccountsTypes As Recordset Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set rsAccountsTypes = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("AccountsTypes") rsAccountsTypes.AddNew rsAccountsTypes("AccountType").Value = "CD" rsAccountsTypes("Description").Value = "Certificate of Deposit" rsAccountsTypes.Update rsAccountsTypes.AddNew rsAccountsTypes("AccountType").Value = "Saving" rsAccountsTypes("Description").Value = "This is the type of account where customers keep money for a relative amount of time without withdrawing it." rsAccountsTypes.Update rsAccountsTypes.AddNew rsAccountsTypes("AccountType").Value = "Checking" rsAccountsTypes("Description").Value = "This is the most common type of bank account where customers simply keep their money." rsAccountsTypes.Update dbKoloBank.Close Set dbKoloBank = Nothing End Sub Private Sub cmdAccountsTypes_Click() CreateAccountsTypesTable CreateAccountsTypesRecords Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow cmdAccountsTypes.Enabled = False End Sub
Private Sub CreateTransactionsTypesTable() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim fldDescription As Field Dim fldTransactionType As Field Dim idxTransactionsTypes As Index Dim tblTransactionsTypes As TableDef Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set tblTransactionsTypes = dbKoloBank.CreateTableDef("TransactionsTypes") Set fldTransactionType = tblTransactionsTypes.CreateField("TransactionType", DB_TEXT, 20) tblTransactionsTypes.Fields.Append fldTransactionType Set fldDescription = tblTransactionsTypes.CreateField("Description", DB_MEMO) tblTransactionsTypes.Fields.Append fldDescription Set idxTransactionsTypes = tblTransactionsTypes.CreateIndex("PK_TransactionsTypes") idxTransactionsTypes.Unique = True idxTransactionsTypes.Primary = True idxTransactionsTypes.Required = True Set fldTransactionType = idxTransactionsTypes.CreateField("TransactionType") idxTransactionsTypes.Fields.Append fldTransactionType tblTransactionsTypes.Indexes.Append idxTransactionsTypes dbKoloBank.TableDefs.Append tblTransactionsTypes dbKoloBank.Close End Sub Private Sub AddTransactionsTypesRecords() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim rsTransactionsTypes As Recordset Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set rsTransactionsTypes = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("TransactionsTypes") rsTransactionsTypes.AddNew rsTransactionsTypes("TransactionType").Value = "Deposit" rsTransactionsTypes("Description").Value = "This operation involves the customer adding money to his or her account." rsTransactionsTypes.Update rsTransactionsTypes.AddNew rsTransactionsTypes("TransactionType").Value = "Withdrawal" rsTransactionsTypes("Description").Value = "This operation involves the customer retrieving money from his or her account." rsTransactionsTypes.Update rsTransactionsTypes.AddNew rsTransactionsTypes("TransactionType").Value = "Money Order" rsTransactionsTypes("Description").Value = "This allows customers to purchase a money order. During this operation, if the customer has an account with the bank, there is no fee. Otherwise, the customer is charged a small fee, such as $1.58." rsTransactionsTypes.Update rsTransactionsTypes.AddNew rsTransactionsTypes("TransactionType").Value = "Fund Transfer" rsTransactionsTypes("Description").Value = "In this operation, a customer transfers from one account to another." rsTransactionsTypes.Update rsTransactionsTypes.AddNew rsTransactionsTypes("TransactionType").Value = "Service Charge" rsTransactionsTypes("Description").Value = "In this operation, a customer transfers from one account to another." rsTransactionsTypes.Update dbKoloBank.Close Set dbKoloBank = Nothing End Sub Private Sub cmdTransactionsTypes_Click() CreateTransactionsTypesTable AddTransactionsTypesRecords Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow cmdTransactionsTypes.Enabled = False End Sub
Private Sub CreateAccountsStatusTable() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim fldDescription As Field Dim fldStatusIndex As Field Dim fldAccountStatus As Field Dim idxAccountsStatus As Index Dim tblAccountsStatus As TableDef Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set tblAccountsStatus = dbKoloBank.CreateTableDef("AccountsStatus") Set fldAccountStatus = tblAccountsStatus.CreateField("AccountStatus", dbText, 20) tblAccountsStatus.Fields.Append fldAccountStatus Set fldDescription = tblAccountsStatus.CreateField("Description", dbMemo) tblAccountsStatus.Fields.Append fldDescription Set idxAccountsStatus = tblAccountsStatus.CreateIndex("PK_AccountsStatus") idxAccountsStatus.Unique = True idxAccountsStatus.Primary = True idxAccountsStatus.Required = True Set fldStatusIndex = idxAccountsStatus.CreateField("AccountStatus") idxAccountsStatus.Fields.Append fldStatusIndex tblAccountsStatus.Indexes.Append idxAccountsStatus dbKoloBank.TableDefs.Append tblAccountsStatus dbKoloBank.Close End Sub Private Sub AddAccountsStatusRecords() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim rsAccountsStatus As Recordset Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set rsAccountsStatus = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("AccountsStatus") rsAccountsStatus.AddNew rsAccountsStatus("AccountStatus").Value = "Active" rsAccountsStatus("Description").Value = "The customer currently has an account with this bank." rsAccountsStatus.Update rsAccountsStatus.AddNew rsAccountsStatus("AccountStatus").Value = "Closed" rsAccountsStatus("Description").Value = "The customer bank account has been closed." rsAccountsStatus.Update rsAccountsStatus.AddNew rsAccountsStatus("AccountStatus").Value = "Suspended" rsAccountsStatus("Description").Value = "The account has been suspended (but is still active), for any reason." rsAccountsStatus.Update dbKoloBank.Close Set dbKoloBank = Nothing End Sub Private Sub cmdAccountsStatus_Click() CreateAccountsStatusTable AddAccountsStatusRecords Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow cmdAccountsStatus.Enabled = False End Sub
Private Sub CreateChargesReasonsTable() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim fldDescription As Field Dim fldReasonIndex As Field Dim fldChargeReason As Field Dim idxChargesReasons As Index Dim tblChargesReasons As TableDef Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set tblChargesReasons = dbKoloBank.CreateTableDef("ChargesReasons") Set fldChargeReason = tblChargesReasons.CreateField("ChargeReason", DB_TEXT, 20) tblChargesReasons.Fields.Append fldChargeReason Set fldDescription = tblChargesReasons.CreateField("Description", DB_MEMO) tblChargesReasons.Fields.Append fldDescription Set idxChargesReasons = tblChargesReasons.CreateIndex("PK_ChargesReasons") idxChargesReasons.Unique = True idxChargesReasons.Primary = True idxChargesReasons.Required = True Set fldReasonIndex = idxChargesReasons.CreateField("ChargeReason") idxChargesReasons.Fields.Append fldReasonIndex tblChargesReasons.Indexes.Append idxChargesReasons dbKoloBank.TableDefs.Append tblChargesReasons dbKoloBank.Close End Sub Private Sub AddChargesReasonsRecords() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim rsChargesReasons As Recordset Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set rsChargesReasons = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("ChargesReasons") rsChargesReasons.AddNew rsChargesReasons("ChargeReason").Value = "Other Fee" rsChargesReasons("Description").Value = "This is a general fee for any type of service, such as a monthly fee applied to some account. A service fee may also be charged when an account is overdraft." rsChargesReasons.Update rsChargesReasons.AddNew rsChargesReasons("ChargeReason").Value = "Overdraft Fee" rsChargesReasons("Description").Value = "An amount applied if a customer's account remains negative for 72 hours." rsChargesReasons.Update rsChargesReasons.AddNew rsChargesReasons("ChargeReason").Value = "Monthly Charge" rsChargesReasons("Description").Value = "An amount applied every month to each accounts" rsChargesReasons.Update rsChargesReasons.AddNew rsChargesReasons("ChargeReason").Value = "Service Charge" rsChargesReasons("Description").Value = "This is a general fee for any type of service, such as a monthly fee applied to some account. A service fee may also be charged when an account is overdraft." rsChargesReasons.Update dbKoloBank.Close Set dbKoloBank = Nothing End Sub Private Sub cmdChargesReasons_Click() CreateChargesReasonsTable AddChargesReasonsRecords Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow cmdChargesReasons.Enabled = False End Sub
Private Sub CreateCurrenciesTypesTable() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim fldDescription As Field Dim fldCurrencyType As Field Dim idxCurrenciesTypes As Index Dim tblCurrenciesTypes As TableDef Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set tblCurrenciesTypes = dbKoloBank.CreateTableDef("CurrenciesTypes") Set fldCurrencyType = tblCurrenciesTypes.CreateField("CurrencyType", dbText, 20) tblCurrenciesTypes.Fields.Append fldCurrencyType Set fldDescription = tblCurrenciesTypes.CreateField("Description", dbMemo) tblCurrenciesTypes.Fields.Append fldDescription Set idxCurrenciesTypes = tblCurrenciesTypes.CreateIndex("PK_CurrenciesTypes") idxCurrenciesTypes.Unique = True idxCurrenciesTypes.Primary = True idxCurrenciesTypes.Required = True Set fldCurrencyType = idxCurrenciesTypes.CreateField("CurrencyType") idxCurrenciesTypes.Fields.Append fldCurrencyType tblCurrenciesTypes.Indexes.Append idxCurrenciesTypes dbKoloBank.TableDefs.Append tblCurrenciesTypes dbKoloBank.Close End Sub Private Sub AddCurrenciesTypesRecords() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim rsCurrenciesTypes As Recordset Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set rsCurrenciesTypes = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("CurrenciesTypes") rsCurrenciesTypes.AddNew rsCurrenciesTypes("CurrencyType").Value = "Cash" rsCurrenciesTypes("Description").Value = "The operation was performed using cash." rsCurrenciesTypes.Update rsCurrenciesTypes.AddNew rsCurrenciesTypes("CurrencyType").Value = "Check" rsCurrenciesTypes("Description").Value = "A personal or business check was used for the transaction." rsCurrenciesTypes.Update rsCurrenciesTypes.AddNew rsCurrenciesTypes("CurrencyType").Value = "Direct Deposit" rsCurrenciesTypes("Description").Value = "A deposit was made electronically from an external entity to this bank." rsCurrenciesTypes.Update rsCurrenciesTypes.AddNew rsCurrenciesTypes("CurrencyType").Value = "External Transfer" rsCurrenciesTypes("Description").Value = "The transfer is/was made from an account from another bank." rsCurrenciesTypes.Update rsCurrenciesTypes.AddNew rsCurrenciesTypes("CurrencyType").Value = "Local Transfer" rsCurrenciesTypes("Description").Value = "The transfer is/was made from another account of our bank." rsCurrenciesTypes.Update rsCurrenciesTypes.AddNew rsCurrenciesTypes("CurrencyType").Value = "Money Order" rsCurrenciesTypes("Description").Value = "The transaction was carried through a money order." rsCurrenciesTypes.Update dbKoloBank.Close Set dbKoloBank = Nothing End Sub Private Sub cmdCurrenciesTypes_Click() CreateCurrenciesTypesTable AddCurrenciesTypesRecords Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow cmdCurrenciesTypes.Enabled = False End Sub
Private Sub BuildBankLocations() Dim fldLocation As Field Dim idxLocations As Index Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim tblLocations As TableDef Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set tblLocations = dbKoloBank.CreateTableDef("Locations") Set fldLocation = tblLocations.CreateField("LocationCode", dbText, 10) tblLocations.Fields.Append fldLocation Set fldLocation = tblLocations.CreateField("LocationName", DB_TEXT, 50) tblLocations.Fields.Append fldLocation Set fldLocation = tblLocations.CreateField("Address", dbText, 50) tblLocations.Fields.Append fldLocation Set fldLocation = tblLocations.CreateField("City", DB_TEXT, 40) tblLocations.Fields.Append fldLocation Set fldLocation = tblLocations.CreateField("State", dbText, 2) tblLocations.Fields.Append fldLocation Set fldLocation = tblLocations.CreateField("ZIPCode", DB_TEXT, 20) tblLocations.Fields.Append fldLocation Set fldLocation = tblLocations.CreateField("Notes", dbMemo) tblLocations.Fields.Append fldLocation Set idxLocations = tblLocations.CreateIndex("PK_Locations") idxLocations.Unique = True idxLocations.Primary = True idxLocations.Required = True Set fldLocation = idxLocations.CreateField("LocationCode") idxLocations.Fields.Append fldLocation tblLocations.Indexes.Append idxLocations dbKoloBank.TableDefs.Append tblLocations dbKoloBank.Close End Sub Private Sub AddBankLocations() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim rsLocations As Recordset Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set rsLocations = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("Locations") rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "1ONLIN" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "Online" rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "0ALXML" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "ATM Alexandria Mall West" rsLocations("City").Value = "Alexandria" rsLocations("State").Value = "VA" rsLocations("Notes").Value = "ATM located inside the Alexandria Mall, on the west side." rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "0CLGPK" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "ATM UMD College Park - Math Building" rsLocations("City").Value = "College Park" rsLocations("State").Value = "MD" rsLocations("Notes").Value = "ATM located in front of the Math Building of the University of University of MD, College Park Campus." rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "0GRNML" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "ATM Greenbelt Mall" rsLocations("City").Value = "Greenbelt" rsLocations("State").Value = "MD" rsLocations("Notes").Value = "ATM in Greenbelt Mall" rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "0LNFPL" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "ATM L'Enfant Plaza" rsLocations("City").Value = "Washington" rsLocations("State").Value = "DC" rsLocations("Notes").Value = "ATM located at the main entrance of the L'Enfant Plaza metro station." rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "0MNGML" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "ATM Montgomery Mall - North Entrance" rsLocations("City").Value = "Bethesda" rsLocations("State").Value = "MD" rsLocations("Notes").Value = "ATM located in the North side entrance of the Montgomery Mall." rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "0SSCTPL" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "ATM Silver Spring City Place" rsLocations("City").Value = "Silver Spring" rsLocations("State").Value = "MD" rsLocations("Notes").Value = "ATM located inside the City Place mall in downtown Silver Spring." rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "0SSMTR" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "ATM Silver Spring Metro Station" rsLocations("City").Value = "Silver Spring" rsLocations("State").Value = "MD" rsLocations("Notes").Value = "ATM located inside the Silver Spring Metro Station." rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "0UNSDC" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "ATM Union Station" rsLocations("City").Value = "Washington" rsLocations("State").Value = "DC" rsLocations("Notes").Value = "ATM inside Union Station in DC." rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "0WPLZM" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "ATM Wheaton Plaza Mall" rsLocations("City").Value = "Silver Spring" rsLocations("State").Value = "MD" rsLocations("Notes").Value = "ATM inside Wheaton Plaza Mall." rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "0WTFML" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "ATM White Flint Mall" rsLocations("City").Value = "Rockville" rsLocations("State").Value = "MD" rsLocations("Notes").Value = "ATM located in front of the branch on the first floor of the White Flint Mall." rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "0SLS7LCK" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "ATM Silver Spring 7-Locks" rsLocations("City").Value = "Silver Spring" rsLocations("State").Value = "MD" rsLocations("Notes").Value = "ATM located outside the Kolo Bank branch in the Seven-Locks shopping center in Silver Spring." rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "ALXJPZ" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "Junino Plaza" rsLocations("Address").Value = "3382 Junino Ave" rsLocations("City").Value = "Alexandria" rsLocations("State").Value = "VA" rsLocations("ZIPCode").Value = "22132" rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "CPKUMD" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "University of Maryland" rsLocations("Address").Value = "808 Vieira Drive" rsLocations("City").Value = "College Park" rsLocations("State").Value = "MD" rsLocations("ZIPCode").Value = "20707" rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "DCK10S" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "Kennedy & 10th Street" rsLocations("Address").Value = "10368 Sesame Lolane Rd N.E." rsLocations("City").Value = "Washington" rsLocations("State").Value = "DC" rsLocations("ZIPCode").Value = "20012" rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "GTWMST" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "Georgetown M Street" rsLocations("Address").Value = "2602 M Street N.W." rsLocations("City").Value = "Washington" rsLocations("State").Value = "DC" rsLocations("ZIPCode").Value = "20008" rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "SLVSSL" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "Seven Lock Corner" rsLocations("Address").Value = "3925 Euler Ave" rsLocations("City").Value = "Silver Spring" rsLocations("State").Value = "MD" rsLocations("ZIPCode").Value = "20904" rsLocations("Notes").Value = "Branch located in the Seven-Locks shopping center in Silver Spring." rsLocations.Update rsLocations.AddNew rsLocations("LocationCode").Value = "WHTFLT" rsLocations("LocationName").Value = "White Flint Mall" rsLocations("Address").Value = "12044 Rte 255" rsLocations("City").Value = "Rockville" rsLocations("State").Value = "MD" rsLocations("ZIPCode").Value = "20854" rsLocations("Notes").Value = "The branch is located in the first floor of the mall." rsLocations.Update rsLocations.Close dbKoloBank.Close End Sub Private Sub cmdBankLocations_Click() BuildBankLocations AddBankLocations Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow cmdBankLocations.Enabled = False End Sub
Private Sub cmdEmployeesTable_Click() Dim fldEmployee As Field Dim idxEmployees As Index Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim tblEmployees As TableDef Dim relEmployees As Relation Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set tblEmployees = dbKoloBank.CreateTableDef("Employees") Set fldEmployee = tblEmployees.CreateField("EmployeeNumber", dbText, 10) tblEmployees.Fields.Append fldEmployee tblEmployees.Fields.Append tblEmployees.CreateField("FirstName", dbText, 20) tblEmployees.Fields.Append tblEmployees.CreateField("MiddleName", DB_TEXT, 20) tblEmployees.Fields.Append tblEmployees.CreateField("LastName", dbText, 20) tblEmployees.Fields.Append tblEmployees.CreateField("LocationCode", DB_TEXT, 10) tblEmployees.Fields.Append tblEmployees.CreateField("Title", dbText, 50) tblEmployees.Fields.Append tblEmployees.CreateField("CanCreateNewAccount", dbBoolean) tblEmployees.Fields.Append tblEmployees.CreateField("Address", dbText, 50) tblEmployees.Fields.Append tblEmployees.CreateField("City", dbText, 40) tblEmployees.Fields.Append tblEmployees.CreateField("State", DB_TEXT, 2) tblEmployees.Fields.Append tblEmployees.CreateField("ZIPCode", DB_TEXT, 20) tblEmployees.Fields.Append tblEmployees.CreateField("HourlySalary", dbDouble) Set idxEmployees = tblEmployees.CreateIndex("PK_Employees") idxEmployees.Unique = True idxEmployees.Primary = True idxEmployees.Required = True Set fldEmployee = idxEmployees.CreateField("EmployeeNumber") idxEmployees.Fields.Append fldEmployee tblEmployees.Indexes.Append idxEmployees dbKoloBank.TableDefs.Append tblEmployees Set relEmployees = dbKoloBank.CreateRelation("EmployeesLocations", "Locations", "Employees", _ dbRelationUpdateCascade Or dbRelationDeleteCascade Or dbRelationLeft) relEmployees.Fields.Append relEmployees.CreateField("LocationCode") relEmployees.Fields!LocationCode.ForeignName = "LocationCode" dbKoloBank.Relations.Append relEmployees Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow dbKoloBank.Close cmdEmployeesTable.Enabled = False End Sub
Private Sub cmdCustomersTable_Click() Dim fldCustomer As Field Dim idxCustomers As Index Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim relEmployees As Relation Dim tblCustomers As TableDef Dim relAccountsTypes As Relation Dim relAccountsStatus As Relation Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set tblCustomers = dbKoloBank.CreateTableDef("Customers") tblCustomers.Fields.Append tblCustomers.CreateField("AccountNumber", dbText, 15) tblCustomers.Fields.Append tblCustomers.CreateField("EmployeeNumber", dbText, 10) tblCustomers.Fields.Append tblCustomers.CreateField("DateCreated", dbDate) tblCustomers.Fields.Append tblCustomers.CreateField("AccountType", DB_TEXT, 20) tblCustomers.Fields.Append tblCustomers.CreateField("FirstName", DB_TEXT, 20) tblCustomers.Fields.Append tblCustomers.CreateField("MiddleName", DB_TEXT, 20) tblCustomers.Fields.Append tblCustomers.CreateField("LastName", dbText, 20) tblCustomers.Fields.Append tblCustomers.CreateField("Address", dbText, 50) tblCustomers.Fields.Append tblCustomers.CreateField("City", dbText, 40) tblCustomers.Fields.Append tblCustomers.CreateField("State", dbText, 2) tblCustomers.Fields.Append tblCustomers.CreateField("ZIPCode", DB_TEXT, 20) tblCustomers.Fields.Append tblCustomers.CreateField("AccountStatus", DB_TEXT, 20) Set idxCustomers = tblCustomers.CreateIndex("PK_Customers") idxCustomers.Unique = True idxCustomers.Primary = True idxCustomers.Required = True Set fldCustomer = idxCustomers.CreateField("AccountNumber") idxCustomers.Fields.Append fldCustomer tblCustomers.Indexes.Append idxCustomers dbKoloBank.TableDefs.Append tblCustomers Set relEmployees = dbKoloBank.CreateRelation("AccountsCreators", "Employees", "Customers", _ dbRelationUpdateCascade Or dbRelationDeleteCascade Or dbRelationLeft) relEmployees.Fields.Append relEmployees.CreateField("EmployeeNumber") relEmployees.Fields!EmployeeNumber.ForeignName = "EmployeeNumber" dbKoloBank.Relations.Append relEmployees Set relAccountsTypes = dbKoloBank.CreateRelation("CustomersAccountsTypes", "AccountsTypes", "Customers", _ dbRelationUpdateCascade Or dbRelationDeleteCascade Or dbRelationLeft) relAccountsTypes.Fields.Append relAccountsTypes.CreateField("AccountType") relAccountsTypes.Fields!AccountType.ForeignName = "AccountType" dbKoloBank.Relations.Append relAccountsTypes Set relAccountsStatus = dbKoloBank.CreateRelation("CustomersAccountsStatus", "AccountsStatus", "Customers", _ dbRelationUpdateCascade Or dbRelationDeleteCascade Or dbRelationLeft) relAccountsStatus.Fields.Append relAccountsStatus.CreateField("AccountStatus") relAccountsStatus.Fields!AccountStatus.ForeignName = "AccountStatus" dbKoloBank.Relations.Append relAccountsStatus Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow dbKoloBank.Close cmdCustomersTable.Enabled = False End Sub
Private Sub cmdAccountsHistoriesTable_Click() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim fldAccountHistory As Field Dim idxAccountsHistories As Index Dim tblAccountsHistories As TableDef Dim relCustomers As Relation, relAccountsStatus As Relation Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set tblAccountsHistories = dbKoloBank.CreateTableDef("AccountsHistories") Set fldAccountHistory = tblAccountsHistories.CreateField("AccountHistoryID", dbLong) fldAccountHistory.Attributes = dbAutoIncrField tblAccountsHistories.Fields.Append fldAccountHistory tblAccountsHistories.Fields.Append tblAccountsHistories.CreateField("AccountNumber", dbText, 20) tblAccountsHistories.Fields.Append tblAccountsHistories.CreateField("AccountStatus", DB_TEXT, 20) tblAccountsHistories.Fields.Append tblAccountsHistories.CreateField("DateChanged", dbDate) tblAccountsHistories.Fields.Append tblAccountsHistories.CreateField("TimeChanged", DB_DATE) tblAccountsHistories.Fields.Append tblAccountsHistories.CreateField("ShortNote", dbText, 150) tblAccountsHistories.Fields.Append tblAccountsHistories.CreateField("DetailedNotes", dbMemo) Set idxAccountsHistories = tblAccountsHistories.CreateIndex("PK_AccountsHistories") idxAccountsHistories.Unique = True idxAccountsHistories.Primary = True idxAccountsHistories.Required = True Set fldAccountHistory = idxAccountsHistories.CreateField("AccountHistoryID") idxAccountsHistories.Fields.Append fldAccountHistory tblAccountsHistories.Indexes.Append idxAccountsHistories dbKoloBank.TableDefs.Append tblAccountsHistories Set relCustomers = dbKoloBank.CreateRelation("AccountsSummaries", "Customers", "AccountsHistories", _ dbRelationUpdateCascade Or dbRelationDeleteCascade Or dbRelationLeft) relCustomers.Fields.Append relCustomers.CreateField("AccountNumber") relCustomers.Fields!AccountNumber.ForeignName = "AccountNumber" dbKoloBank.Relations.Append relCustomers Set relAccountsStatus = dbKoloBank.CreateRelation("StatusOfHistories", "AccountsStatus", "AccountsHistories", _ dbRelationUpdateCascade Or dbRelationDeleteCascade Or dbRelationLeft) relAccountsStatus.Fields.Append relAccountsStatus.CreateField("AccountStatus") relAccountsStatus.Fields!AccountStatus.ForeignName = "AccountStatus" dbKoloBank.Relations.Append relAccountsStatus Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow dbKoloBank.Close cmdAccountsHistoriesTable.Enabled = False End Sub
Private Sub cmdTransactionsTable_Click() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim fldTransaction As Field Dim idxTransactions As Index Dim tblTransactions As TableDef Dim relTransactions As Relation Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set tblTransactions = dbKoloBank.CreateTableDef("Transactions") Set fldTransaction = tblTransactions.CreateField("TransactionNumber", dbLong) fldTransaction.Attributes = dbAutoIncrField tblTransactions.Fields.Append fldTransaction tblTransactions.Fields.Append tblTransactions.CreateField("EmployeeNumber", dbText, 10) tblTransactions.Fields.Append tblTransactions.CreateField("LocationCode", DB_TEXT, 10) tblTransactions.Fields.Append tblTransactions.CreateField("TransactionDate", dbDate) tblTransactions.Fields.Append tblTransactions.CreateField("TransactionTime", DB_DATE) tblTransactions.Fields.Append tblTransactions.CreateField("AccountNumber", dbText, 20) tblTransactions.Fields.Append tblTransactions.CreateField("TransactionType", DB_TEXT, 20) tblTransactions.Fields.Append tblTransactions.CreateField("CurrencyType", dbText, 20) tblTransactions.Fields.Append tblTransactions.CreateField("Deposit", dbDouble) tblTransactions.Fields.Append tblTransactions.CreateField("Withdrawal", DB_DOUBLE) tblTransactions.Fields.Append tblTransactions.CreateField("Charge", dbDouble) tblTransactions.Fields.Append tblTransactions.CreateField("ChargeReason", dbText, 20) tblTransactions.Fields.Append tblTransactions.CreateField("Balance", DB_DOUBLE) tblTransactions.Fields.Append tblTransactions.CreateField("Notes", DB_MEMO) Set idxTransactions = tblTransactions.CreateIndex("PK_Transactions") idxTransactions.Unique = True idxTransactions.Primary = True idxTransactions.Required = True Set fldTransaction = idxTransactions.CreateField("TransactionNumber") idxTransactions.Fields.Append fldTransaction tblTransactions.Indexes.Append idxTransactions dbKoloBank.TableDefs.Append tblTransactions Set relTransactions = dbKoloBank.CreateRelation("TransactionsProcessors", "Employees", "Transactions", _ dbRelationUpdateCascade Or dbRelationDeleteCascade Or dbRelationLeft) relTransactions.Fields.Append relTransactions.CreateField("EmployeeNumber") relTransactions.Fields!EmployeeNumber.ForeignName = "EmployeeNumber" dbKoloBank.Relations.Append relTransactions Set relTransactions = dbKoloBank.CreateRelation("TransactionsLocations", "Locations", "Transactions", _ dbRelationUpdateCascade Or dbRelationDeleteCascade Or dbRelationLeft) relTransactions.Fields.Append relTransactions.CreateField("LocationCode") relTransactions.Fields!LocationCode.ForeignName = "LocationCode" dbKoloBank.Relations.Append relTransactions Set relTransactions = dbKoloBank.CreateRelation("TransactionsAccounts", "Customers", "Transactions", _ dbRelationUpdateCascade Or dbRelationDeleteCascade Or dbRelationLeft) relTransactions.Fields.Append relTransactions.CreateField("AccountNumber") relTransactions.Fields!AccountNumber.ForeignName = "AccountNumber" dbKoloBank.Relations.Append relTransactions Set relTransactions = dbKoloBank.CreateRelation("TypesOfTransactions", "TransactionsTypes", "Transactions", _ dbRelationUpdateCascade Or dbRelationDeleteCascade Or dbRelationLeft) relTransactions.Fields.Append relTransactions.CreateField("TransactionType") relTransactions.Fields!TransactionType.ForeignName = "TransactionType" dbKoloBank.Relations.Append relTransactions Set relTransactions = dbKoloBank.CreateRelation("TransactionsCurrencies", "CurrenciesTypes", "Transactions", _ dbRelationUpdateCascade Or dbRelationDeleteCascade Or dbRelationLeft) relTransactions.Fields.Append relTransactions.CreateField("CurrencyType") relTransactions.Fields!CurrencyType.ForeignName = "CurrencyType" dbKoloBank.Relations.Append relTransactions Set relTransactions = dbKoloBank.CreateRelation("TransactionsCharges", "ChargesReasons", "Transactions", _ dbRelationUpdateCascade Or dbRelationDeleteCascade Or dbRelationLeft) relTransactions.Fields.Append relTransactions.CreateField("ChargeReason") relTransactions.Fields!ChargeReason.ForeignName = "ChargeReason" dbKoloBank.Relations.Append relTransactions Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow dbKoloBank.Close cmdTransactionsTable.Enabled = False End Sub
Private Sub cmdClose_Click() DoCmd.Close End Sub
Data Entry on Numeric Values
To specify the value of a number-based field, simply assign the desired value to its Value property. Here is an example:
Private Sub cmdCreateEmployee_Click()
Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmployees As DAO.Recordset
Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
Set rsEmployees = dbExercise.OpenRecordset("Employees")
rsEmployees("EmployeeNumber").Value = 92073
rsEmployees("EmployeeName").Value = "John Schwartz"
rsEmployees("IsFullTime").Value = True
Set dbExercise = Nothing
End Sub
If the value is stored in, or coming from, a Windows control such as a text box, you can first convert it before assigning it to the field.
Data Entry on Boolean Fields
To specify the value of a Boolean field, assign True or False to its Value property. Here is an example:
Private Sub cmdCreateEmployee_Click()
Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmployees As DAO.Recordset
Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
Set rsEmployees = dbExercise.OpenRecordset("Employees")
rsEmployees("EmployeeName").Value = "John Schwartz"
rsEmployees("IsFullTime").Value = True
Set dbExercise = Nothing
End Sub
Data Entry on Date/Time Fields
To perform data entry of date or time fields in DAO, create the date and/or time value between # and #, then assign it to the Value property of the DAO.Field object. Here is an example:
Private Sub cmdCreateEmployee_Click()
Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmployees As DAO.Recordset
Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
Set rsEmployees = dbExercise.OpenRecordset("Employees")
rsEmployees("EmployeeNumber").Value = 92073
rsEmployees("DateHired").Value = #4/12/2010#
rsEmployees("EmployeeName").Value = "John Schwartz"
rsEmployees("IsFullTime").Value = True
Set dbExercise = Nothing
End Sub
You can also provide the value in double-quotes. Here is an example:
Private Sub cmdCreateEmployee_Click()
Dim dbExercise As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmployees As DAO.Recordset
Set dbExercise = CurrentDb
Set rsEmployees = dbExercise.OpenRecordset("Employees")
rsEmployees("EmployeeNumber").Value = 94055
rsEmployees("DateHired").Value = "10/05/2008"
rsEmployees("EmployeeName").Value = "Alain Binam"
rsEmployees("IsFullTime").Value = False
Set dbExercise = Nothing
End Sub
Of course, if the value is gotten trough a Windows control and especially if it is not obviously such as a date or time value from a text box, you should first convert it.
Learning: Performing Data Entry on Number-Based Fields
Private Sub cmdSubmitPayroll_Click() Dim dbSweetStar As Database Dim rsPayrolls As Recordset If IsNull(txtPayDate) Or Not IsDate(txtPayDate) Then MsgBox "You must provide a valid pay date.", _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Sweet Star Clothers" Exit Sub End If If IsNull(txtEmployeeNumber) Then MsgBox "You must provide a employee number.", _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Sweet Star Clothers" Exit Sub End If Set dbSweetStar = CurrentDb Set rsPayrolls = dbSweetStar.OpenRecordset("Payrolls", _ RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenTable, _ RecordsetOptionEnum.dbAppendOnly, _ LockTypeEnum.dbPessimistic) rsPayrolls.AddNew rsPayrolls!PayDate = CDate(txtPayDate) rsPayrolls!EmployeeNumber = txtEmployeeNumber rsPayrolls!WorkUnits = txtWorkUnits rsPayrolls!NetPay = CDbl(Nz(txtNetPay)) rsPayrolls.Update Set rsPayrolls = Nothing Set dbSweetStar = Nothing MsgBox "The payroll has been processed and approved.", _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Sweet Star Clothers" DoCmd.Close End Sub
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