produce a true result. Therefore, in anticipation of such an occurrence, you should provide an alternate statement that would embrace any condition that doesn't fit in the possible true results. This is done by combining an If...Then...Else and an If...Then...ElseIf statements. The resulting syntax to use is: If Condition1 Then Statement1 ElseIf Condition2 Then Statement2 ElseIf Condition3 Then Statement3 Else Statement_False End If In this case, if neither of the If and ElseIfs conditions was validated, then the last statement, in this case Statement_False, would execute.
To assist you with checking a condition and its alternative, the Visual Basic language provides a function named IIf. Its syntax is: Public Function IIf( _ ByVal Expression As Boolean, _ ByVal TruePart As Variant, _ ByVal FalsePart As Variant _ ) As Variant This function operates like an If...Then...Else condition. It takes three required arguments and returns a result of type Variant. This returned value will hold the result of the function. The condition to check is passed as the first argument:
As mentioned already, you can retrieved the value of the right argument and assign it to the result of the function. The expression we saw early can be written as follows: Private Sub cmdFunction_Click()() Dim MemberAge As Integer Dim MemberCategory As String MemberAge = 16 MemberCategory = IIf(MemberAge <= 18, "Teen", "Adult") MsgBox "Membership: " & MemberCategory End Sub This would produce the same result we saw earlier. In the same, you can call as many IIf functions in the subsequent FalsePart sections as you judge necessary: Public Function IIf( _ ByVal Expression As Boolean, _ ByVal TruePart As Object, _ Public Function IIf( _ ByVal Expression As Boolean, _ ByVal TruePart As Object, _ Public Function IIf( _ ByVal Expression As Boolean, _ ByVal TruePart As Object, _ Public Function IIf( _ ByVal Expression As Boolean, _ ByVal TruePart As Object, _ ByVal FalsePart As Object _ ) As Object ) As Object ) As Object ) As Object Here is an example: Private Sub cmdImmediateIf_Click() Dim Score As Integer Dim Grade As String Score = InputBox("Enter Course Grade", "High School Grades", "0") Grade = IIf(Score >= 90, "A", IIf(Score >= 75, "B", IIf(Score >= 60, "C", IIf(Score >= 50, "D", "F")))) MsgBox "Your final grade is " & CStr(Grade) End Sub
So far, we have learned to create normal conditional statements. Here is an example: Private Sub cmdCondition_Click() Dim Number% Rem Request a number from the user Number% = InputBox("Enter a number that is lower than 5") Rem Find if the number is positive or 0 If Number% >= 0 Then Rem If the number is positive, display it MsgBox Number% End If End Sub When this procedure executes, the user is asked to provide a number. If that number is positive, a message box displays it to the user. If the user enters a negative number, nothing happens. In a typical program, after validating a condition, you may want to take action. To do that, you can create a section of program inside the validating conditional statement. In fact, you can create a conditional statement inside of another conditional statement. This is referred to as nesting a condition. Any condition can be nested in another and multiple conditions can be included inside of another. Here is an example where an If...Then condition is nested inside of another If...Then statement: Private Sub cmdCondition_Click() Dim Number% Rem Request a number from the user Number% = InputBox("Enter a number that is lower than 5") Rem Find if the number is positive or 0 If Number% >= 0 Then Rem If the number is positive, accept it If Number% < 12 Then MsgBox Number% End If End If End Sub The Goto statement allows a program execution to jump to another section of a procedure in which it is being used. In order to use the Goto statement, insert a name on a particular section of your procedure so you can refer to that name. The name, also called a label, is made of one word and follows the rules we have applied to names (the name can be anything), then followed by a colon ":". Here is an example: Private Sub cmdCondition_Click() ' Do some thing(s) here SomeLabelHere: ' Do some other thing(s) here End Sub After creating the label, you can process it. In the code before the label, you can do something. In that section, if a condition happens that calls for jumping to the label, then use a GoTo statement to send the flow to the corresponding label by typing the name of the label on the right side of GoTo. Here is an example: Private Sub cmdCondition_Click() Dim Number% Rem Request a number from the user Number% = InputBox("Enter a number that is lower than 5") Rem Find if the number is positive or 0 If Number% < 0 Then GoTo NegativeNumber Else Rem If the number is positive, display it MsgBox Number% End If NegativeNumber: MsgBox "You entered a negative number" End Sub In the same way, you can create as many labels as you judge them necessary in your code and refer to them when you want. The name must be unique in its scope. This means that each label must have a unique name in the same procedure. Here is an example with various labels: Private Sub cmdCondition_Click() Dim Answer As Byte Answer = InputBox(" -=- Multiple Choice Question -=-" & vbCrLf & _ "To create a constant in your code, " & _ "you can use the Constant keyword" & vbCrLf & _ "Your choice (1=True/2=False)? ") If Answer = 1 Then GoTo Wrong If Answer = 2 Then GoTo Right Wrong: MsgBox"Wrong: The keyword used to create a constant is Const" GoTo Leaving Right: MsgBox"Right: Constant is not a keyword" Leaving: End Sub Here is an example of executing the program with Answer = 1:
Here is another example of executing the same program with Answer = 2:
So far, we have learned to write a conditional statement that is true or false. You can reverse the true (or false) value of a condition by making it false (or true). To support this operation, the Visual Basic language provides an operator called Not. Its formula is: Not Expression When writing the statement, type Not followed by a logical expression. The expression can be a simple Boolean expression. Here is an example: Private Sub cmdCondition_Click() Dim IsMarried As Boolean MsgBox "Is Married: " & IsMarried MsgBox "Is Married: " & Not IsMarried End Sub This would produce:
In this case, the Not operator is used to change the logical value of the variable. When a Boolean variable has been "notted", its logical value has changed. If the logical value was True, it would be changed to False and vice versa. Therefore, you can inverse the logical value of a Boolean variable by "notting" or not "notting" it. Now consider the following: Private Sub cmdCondition_Click() Dim IsMarried As Boolean Dim TaxRate As Double TaxRate = 33.0 MsgBox "Tax Rate: " & TaxRate & "%" IsMarried = True If IsMarried = True Then TaxRate = 30.65 MsgBox "Tax Rate: " & TaxRate & "%" End If End Sub This would produce:
Probably the most classic way of using the Not operator consists of reversing a logical expression. To do this, you precede the logical expression with the Not operator. Here is an example: Private Sub cmdCondition_Click() Dim IsMarried As Boolean Dim TaxRate As Double TaxRate = 33.0 MsgBox "Tax Rate: " & TaxRate & "%" IsMarried = True If Not IsMarried Then TaxRate = 30.65 MsgBox "Tax Rate: " & TaxRate & "%" End If End Sub This would produce:
In the same way, you can negate any logical expression.
We know that a function is used to perform a specific assignment and produce a result. Here is an example: Private Function SetMembershipLevel$() Dim MemberAge% MemberAge% = InputBox("Enter the Member's Age") SetMembershipLevel$ = "" End Function When performing its assignment, a function can encounter different situations, some of which would need to be checked for truthfulness or negation. This means that conditional statements can assist a procedure with its assignment.
A function is meant to return a value. Sometimes, it will perform some tasks whose results would lead to different results. A function can return only one value (we saw that, by passing arguments by reference, you can make a procedure return more than one value) but you can make it render a result depending on a particular behavior. If a function is requesting an answer from the user, since the user can provide different answers, you can treat each result differently. Consider the following function: Private Function SetMembershipLevel$() Dim MemberAge% MemberAge% = InputBox("Enter the Member's Age") If MemberAge% < 18 Then SetMembershipLevel$ = "Teen" ElseIf MemberAge% < 55 Then SetMembershipLevel$ = "Adult" End If End Function Private Sub cmdFunction_Click() Dim Membership$ Membership$ = SetMembershipLevel$ MsgBox "Membership: " & Membership$ End Sub At first glance, this function looks fine. The user is asked to provide a number. If the user enters a number less than 18 (excluded), the function returns Teen. Here is an example of running the program:
If the user provides a number between 18 (included) and 55, the function returns Adult. Here is another example of running the program:
What if there is an answer that does not fit those we are expecting? The values that we have returned from the function conform only to the conditional statements and not to the function. Remember that in an If Condidion Statement, the Statement executes only if the Condition is true. Here is what will happen. If the user enters a number higher than 55 (excluded), the function will not execute any of the returned statements. This means that the execution will reach the End Function line without encountering a return value. This also indicates to the compiler that you wrote a function that is supposed to return a value, but by the end of the method, it didn't return a value. Here is another example of running the program:
To solve this problem, you have various alternatives. If the function uses an If...Then condition, you can create an Else section that embraces any value other than those validated previously. Here is an example: Private Function SetMembershipLevel$() Dim MemberAge% MemberAge% = InputBox("Enter the Member's Age") If MemberAge% < 18 Then SetMembershipLevel$ = "Teen" ElseIf MemberAge% < 55 Then SetMembershipLevel$ = "Adult" Else SetMembershipLevel$ = "Senior" End If End Function Private Sub cmdFunction_Click() Dim Membership$ Membership$ = SetMembershipLevel$ MsgBox "Membership: " & Membership$ End Sub This time, the Else condition would execute if no value applies to the If or ElseIf conditions and the compiler would not produce a warning. Here is another example of running the program:
An alternative is to provide a last return value just before the End Function line. In this case, if the execution reaches the end of the function, it would still return something but you would know what it returns. This would be done as follows: Private Function SetMembershipLevel$() Dim MemberAge% MemberAge% = InputBox("Enter the Member's Age") If MemberAge% < 18 Then SetMembershipLevel$ = "Teen" ElseIf MemberAge% < 55 Then SetMembershipLevel$ = "Adult" End If SetMembershipLevel$ = "Senior" End Function If the function uses an If condition, both implementations would produce the same result. |