A worksheet is an object of type Worksheet. The various worksheets you will use are stored in a collection called Worksheets. Another name for the collection that contains the worksheets is called Sheets. In most cases, you can use either of these two collections. Each worksheet is an object of type Worksheet.
In the previous lesson, we saw that, if you have only one workbook opened, to refer to it, you can pass an index of 1 to the Item property of the Workbooks collection to access its Workbook object. Here is an example: Sub Exercise() Workbooks.Item(1) End Sub You can omit the Item name if you want and you would get the same result: Sub Exercise() Workbooks(1) End Sub Because the worksheets of a document are part of the workbook that is opened, to support them, the Workbook class is equipped with a property named Worksheets or Sheets. Therefore, after identifying the workbook, use the period operator to access the Worksheets or the Sheets property. Here is an example: Sub Exercise() Workbooks.Item(1).Sheets End Sub As mentioned already, the worksheets are stored in the Worksheets collection, which is actually a class. Each worksheet can be located based on an indexed property named Item. The Item property is a natural number that starts at 1. The most left worksheet has an index of 1. The second worksheet from left has an index of 2, and so on. To access a worksheet, type one of the Worksheets or Sheets collections, followed by the period operator, followed by Item() and, between the parentheses, type the index of the worksheet you want. For example, the following code will access the second worksheet from left: Private Sub Exercise() Workbooks.Item(1).Sheets.Item(2) End Sub Just as we saw that you can omit the Item word on the Workbooks object, you can also omit it on the Worksheets or the Sheets object. This can be done as follows: Sub Exercise() Workbooks.Item(1).Worksheets(2) End Sub Or as follows: Sub Exercise() Workbooks(1).Worksheets(2) End Sub Each tab of a worksheet has a label known as its name. By default, the most left tab is labeled Sheet1. The second tab from left is labeled Sheet2. To refer to a worksheet using its label, call the Worksheets or the Sheets collection and pass the label of the tab you want, as a string. Here is an example that refers to the worksheet labeled Sheet3: Sub Exercise() Workbooks.Item(1).Sheets.Item("Sheet3") End Sub On all the code we have written so far, we were getting a worksheet from the currently opened workbook. As mentioned already, by default, when Microsoft Excel starts, it creates a default workbook and gets a Workbooks.Item(1) reference. This means that you do not have to indicate that you are referring to the current workbook: it is already available. Consequently, in your code, you can omit Workbooks.Item(1) or Workbooks(1). Here is an example: Sub Exercise() Sheets.Item("Sheet3") End Sub
In the above code segments, we assumed that you onlywant to perform an action on a worksheet and move on. Sometimes you may want to get a reference to a worksheet. To do this, declare a variable of type Worksheet. To initialize it, access the desired worksheet from the workbook using the Item property and assign it to the variable using the Set operator. Here is an example that gets a reference to the second worksheet of the currently opened workbook and stores that reference to a variable: Sub Exercise() Dim Second As Worksheet Set Second = Workbooks.Item(1).Sheets.Item(2) End Sub
To select a worksheet, access the Sheets collection, pass the name of the desired worksheet as string, and call Select. Here is an example that selects a worksheet labeled Sheet1: Private Sub Exercise() Sheets("Sheet1").Select End Sub The worksheet that is selected and that you are currently working on is called the active worksheet. It is identified as the ActiveSheet object (it is actually a property of the current document).
To rename a worksheet, pass its index or its default name as a string to the Sheets (or the Worksheets) collection, then access the Name property of the collection and assign the desired name. Here is an example: Private Sub Exercise() Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "Employees Records" End Sub This code will change the name of the Sheet1 worksheet to Employees Records. As we saw earlier, you can refer to, or select, a worksheet, using its name. If you had renamed a worksheet, you can use that name to select it. Here is an example that selects a worksheet named Tuition Reimbursement: Private Sub Exercise() Sheets("Tuition Reimbursement").Select End Sub
You can use a column to freeze its cells. To freeze or unfreeze a cell, call the ActiveWindow object and access its FreezePanes property, which is Boolean. If you set it to True, the window is divided in four parts based on the cell that either is currently selected or you will have indicated. Here is an example of using it: Sub Freezing() ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True End Sub
To split a worksheet, use the ActiveWindow object and access its Boolean Split property. To split, set this property to true: Sub Splitting() ActiveWindow.Split = True End Sub To un-split, set this property to False.
To move a worksheet, use the Move() method of the Worksheets or the Sheets collection. The syntax of this method is: Worksheets(Index).Move(Before, After) Both arguments are optional. If you don't specify any argument, Microsoft Visual Basic would create a new workbook with one worksheet using the index passed to the collection with a copy of that worksheet. Suppose you are (already) working on a workbook that contains a few worksheets named Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3. If you call this method on a collection with the index set to one of these worksheets, Microsoft Excel would make a copy of that worksheet, create a new workbook with one worksheet that contains a copy of that worksheet. For example, the following code with create a new workbook that contains a copy of the Sheet2 of the current workbook: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Sheets.Item("Sheet2").Move End Sub In this case, the name of the worksheet you are passing as argument must exist. Otherwise you would receive an error. Instead of using the name of the worksheet, you can pass the numeric index of the worksheet that you want to copy. For example, the following code will create a new workbook that contains one worksheet named Sheet3: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Sheets.Item(3).Move End Sub If calling the Item property, make sure the index is valid, otherwise you would receive an error. To actually move a worksheet, you must specify whether it would be positioned to the left or the right of an existing worksheet. To position a worksheet to the left of a worksheet, assign it the Before factor. To position a worksheet to the left of a worksheet, assign it the After argument. Consider the following code: Private Sub cmdMove_Click() Worksheets("Sheet3").Move After:=Worksheets("Sheet1") End Sub This code will move the worksheet named Sheet3 to the right of a worksheet named Sheet1.
To create a new worksheet, you can specify whether you want it to precede or succeed an existing worksheet. To support creating a new worksheet, call the Add() method of the Worksheets or the Sheets collection. Its syntax is: Workbook.Sheets.Add(Before, After, Count, Type) All of these arguments are optional. This means that you can call this method as follows: Private Sub cmdNewWorksheet_Click() Sheets.Add End Sub If you call the method like that, a new worksheet would be created and added to the left side of the active worksheet. If you want to create a new worksheet on the left side of any worksheet you want, you can first select that worksheet and call the Add() method. For example, suppose you have three worksheets named Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3 from left to right and you want to insert a new worksheet between Sheet2 and Sheet3, you can use code as follows: Private Sub cmdNewWorksheet_Click() Sheets("Sheet2").Select Sheets.Add End Sub To be more precise, you can specify whether the new worksheet will be positioned to the left or to the right of another worksheet used as reference.
To remove a worksheet, call the Delete() method of its collection. When calling this method, pass the name of the worksheet you want to remove to the collection.
To access a worksheet, the Worksheet class is equipped with a method named Activate. Its syntax is: Worksheet.Activate() This method takes no argument. To call it, get a reference to the worksheet you want to access and call the Activate() method. You can also do this with less code by applying the index directly to the Worksheets collection. Here is an example: Private Sub cmdSelectWorkbook_Click() Worksheets(2).Activate End Sub
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