Flipping a picture consists of changing its vertical
direction. For example you may have a picture that seems to be oriented
down. By flipping, you can make the picture point up:
![Flipping a Picture](../../illustrations/flip1.gif)
To flip a picture, get each of its pixels from one
side of its vertical position and transfer it to the opposite vertical
position. The horizontal position of each pixel stays the same. This can
be done as follows:
![Flipping a Picture](../../vs2010/forms/flip1a.gif)
System::Void btnFlip_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
Graphics ^ graph = pbxSource->CreateGraphics();
Bitmap ^ bmpSource = reinterpret_cast<Bitmap ^>(pbxSource->Image);
Bitmap ^ bmpDestination =
gcnew Bitmap(pbxTarget->ClientSize.Width,
int width = bmpSource->Width;
int height = bmpSource->Height;
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++)
Color clr = bmpSource->GetPixel(x, y);
bmpDestination->SetPixel(x, height - y - 1, clr);
pbxTarget->Image = bmpDestination;
![Flipping a Picture](../../vs2010/forms/flip1b.gif)
To support picture flipping, you can call the same
RotateFlip() method of the Image class. This time, you would
use a different value for the argument. The member of the
RotateFlipType enumeration used to flip a picture is
RotateNoneFlipY. Here is an example of flipping a picture:
System::Void Flip_Paint(System::Object^ sender,
System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs^ e)
Bitmap ^ bmpPicture = gcnew Bitmap(L"Pushpin.jpg");
e->Graphics->DrawImage(bmpPicture, 10, 10);