
Microsoft Visual C++/CLI Collections: Built-In Collection Classes


Introduction to List Classes



Instead of creating a collection class from scratch or instead of deriving a collection, you can use one of the built-in collection classes of the .NET Framework. To support the creation of any kinds of list, the .NET Framework provides the ArrayList and the generic List classes. 

The ArrayList class is defined in the System::Collections namespace while the generic List class is part of the System::Collections::Generic namespace. Therefore, in order to use one of these classes in your application, you can first include its namespace in the file that would perform the list-related operations.

The ArrayList class implements the IList, the ICollection, and the IEnumerable interfaces. The List class implements the generic IList<>, the generic ICollection<>, the generic IEnumerable<>, the IList, the ICollection, and the IEnumerable interfaces.

The ArrayList class is founded as follows:

public ref class ArrayList : IList, 

The generic List class is founded as follows:

generic<typename T>
public ref class List : IList<T>,

You can use either the ArrayList or the generic List class to create and manage values for a list. Here is an example of declaring an ArrayList variable:

#pragma once

#include <windows.h>

#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;

public ref class CExercise : public Form
    ArrayList ^ lstNames;
    void InitializeComponent();
    void StartForm(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e);



void CExercise::InitializeComponent()
    Text = L"Built-In Collection Classes";
    StartPosition = FormStartPosition::CenterScreen;
    Load += gcnew EventHandler(this, &CExercise::StartForm);

void CExercise::StartForm(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
    lstNames = gcnew ArrayList;

int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
					 LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
    Application::Run(gcnew CExercise());
    return 0;

Besides the ability to create a list, both the ArrayList and the List classes have the built-in mechanism for serialization.

The default constructor allows you to create an empty list before adding values to it. If you already have an ICollection-based list, that is, a list created from a class that implements the ICollection interface, you can initialize your ArrayList list with it. To support this, the ArrayList class is equipped with the following constructor:

    ArrayList(ICollection ^ c);

Here is an example:

void CExercise::StartForm(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
    ComboBox ^ cbx = gcnew ComboBox;

    cbx->Items->Add(L"Paul Bertrand Yamaguchi");
    cbx->Items->Add(L"Helene Mukoko");
    cbx->Items->Add(L"John Hancock");
    cbx->Items->Add(L"Gertrude Monay");

    lstNames = gcnew ArrayList(cbx->Items);



Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Built-In List Classes

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio and create a new Windows Application named CollegeParkAutoParts5
  2. To create a dialog box, on the main menu, click Project -> Add New Item...
  3. Click Windows Form
  4. Set the name to MakeEditor and click Add
  5. Design the form as follows:
    Make Editor
    Control Text Name Other Properties
    Label &Make:    
    TextBox   txtMake Modifiers: Public
    Button OK btnOK DialogResult: OK
    Button Cancel btnCancel DialogResult: Cancel
    Form Property Value
    FormBorderStyle FixedDialog
    Text Make Editor
    StartPosition CenterScreen
    AcceptButton btnOK
    CancelButton btnCancel
    MaximizeBox False
    MinimizeBox False
    ShowInTaskbar False
  6. To create a dialog box, on the main menu, click Project -> Add New Item...
  7. Click Windows Form.
  8. Set the name to ModelEditor and click Add
  9. Design the form as follows:
    College Park Auto Parts: Model Editor
    Control Text Name Other Properties
    Label &Model:    
    TextBox   txtModel Modifiers: Public
    Button OK btnOK DialogResult: OK
    Button Cancel btnCancel DialogResult: Cancel
    Form Property Value
    FormBorderStyle FixedDialog
    Text Model Editor
    StartPosition CenterScreen
    AcceptButton btnOK
    CancelButton btnCancel
    MaximizeBox False
    MinimizeBox False
    ShowInTaskbar False
  10. To create a dialog box, in the Solution Explorer, right-click CollegeParkAutoParts2 -> Add New Item
  11. Click Windows Form
  12. Set the name to CategoryEditor and click Add
  13. Design the form as follows:
    College Park Auto Parts: Category Editor
    Control Text Name Other Properties
    Label &Category:    
    TextBox   txtCategory Modifiers: Public
    Button OK btnOK DialogResult: OK
    Button Cancel btnCancel DialogResult: Cancel
    Form Property Value
    FormBorderStyle FixedDialog
    Text Category Editor
    StartPosition CenterScreen
    AcceptButton btnOK
    CancelButton btnCancel
    MaximizeBox False
    MinimizeBox False
    ShowInTaskbar False
  14. On the main menu, click Project -> Add New Item...
  15. Click Windows Form
  16. Set the Name to NewStoreItem and click Add
  17. Design the form as follows:
    College Park Auto-Part - Part Editor
    Control Text Name Other Properties
    Label &Year:    
    TextBox   txtItemNumber  
    Label &Make:    
    ComboBox   cbxMakes  
    Button New C&ategory... btnNewMake  
    Label M&odel:    
    ComboBox   cbxModels  
    Button New Mo &del... btnNewModel  
    Label &Category:    
    ComboBox   cbxCategories  
    Button New Ca&tegory btnNewCategory  
    Label &Unit Price:    
    TextBox 0.00 txtUnitPrice TextAlign: Right
    Label Part #:    
    TextBox   txtPartNumber  
    Label &Part Name:    
    TextBox   txtPartName  
    Button Submit btnSubmit  
    Button Close btnClose DialogResult: Cancel
    Form Property Value
    FormBorderStyle FixedDialog
    Text College Park Auto -Parts: Part Editor
    StartPosition CenterScreen
    MaximizeBox False
    MinimizeBox False
    ShowInTaskbar False
  18. Double-click the New Make button
  19. In the top section of the file, include the header files for the MakeEditor, the ModelEditor, and the CategoryEditor forms:
    #pragma once
    #include "MakeEditor.h"
    #include "ModelEditor.h"
    #include "CategoryEditor.h"
    using namespace System;
  20. Implement it as follows:
    System::Void btnNewMake_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e)
        MakeEditor ^ editor = gcnew MakeEditor;
        if (editor->ShowDialog() == System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK)
            if (editor->txtMake->Text->Length > 0)
                String ^ strMake = editor->txtMake->Text;
                // Make sure the category is not yet in the list
                if (cbxMakes->Items->Contains(strMake))
                    MessageBox::Show(strMake + L" is already in the list");
                    // Since this is a new category, add it to the combo box
                cbxMakes->Text = strMake;
  21. Return to the Part Editor dialog box and double-click the New Model button
  22. Implement the event as follows:
    System::Void btnNewModel_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e)
        ModelEditor ^ editor = gcnew ModelEditor;
        if (editor->ShowDialog() == System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK)
            if (editor->txtModel->Text->Length > 0)
                String ^ strModel = editor->txtModel->Text;
                // Make sure the category is not yet in the list
                if (cbxModels->Items->Contains(strModel))
                    MessageBox::Show(strModel + L" is already in the list");
                    // Since this is a new category, add it to the combo box
                cbxModels->Text = strModel;
  23. Return to the Part Editor dialog box and double-click the New Category button
  24. Implement the event as follows:
    System::Void btnNewCategory_Click(System::Object^  sender, 
    				System::EventArgs^  e)
        CategoryEditor ^ editor = gcnew CategoryEditor;
        if (editor->ShowDialog() == System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK)
            if (editor->txtCategory->Text->Length > 0)
                String ^ strCategory = editor->txtCategory->Text;
                // Make sure the category is not yet in the list
                if (cbxCategories->Items->Contains(strCategory))
                    MessageBox::Show(strCategory + L" is already in the list");
                    // Since this is a new category, add it to the combo box
                cbxCategories->Text = strCategory;
  25. Save the file and close the form
  26. On the main menu, click View -> Other Windows -> Resource View.
    In the Resource View, expand everything
  27. To create an icon, in the Resource View, right-click the Icon folder and click Insert Icon
  28. Click IDI_ICON1 and, in the Properties window, change the following values:
    Filename: cpap1.ico
  29. Design the 16x16 size icon as follows:
    Icon Design
  30. Save the file and close the icon window
  31. In the Resource View, right-click the Icon folder and click Insert Icon
  32. Click IDI_ICON2 and, in the Properties window, change the following values:
    Filename: cpap2.ico
  33. Design the 16x16, 16 colors version of the icon as follows:
  34. Save the file and close the icon window
  35. In the Resource View, right-click the Icon folder and click Insert Icon
  36. Click IDI_ICON1 and, in the Properties window, change the following values:
    Filename: year1.ico
  37. Design the 16x16, 16 colors version of the icon as follows:
  38. Save the file and close the icon window
  39. In the Resource View, right-click the Icon folder and click Insert Icon
  40. Click IDI_ICON1 and, in the Properties window, change the following values:
    Filename: year2.ico
  41. Design the 16x16, 16 colors version of the icon as follows:
  42. Save the file and close the icon window
  43. In the Resource View, right-click the Icon folder and click Insert Icon
  44. Click IDI_ICON1 and, in the Properties window, change the following values:
    Filename: make1.ico
  45. Design the 16x16, 16 colors version of the icon as follows:
    Icon Design: Diamond
  46. Save the file and close the icon window
  47. In the Resource View, right-click the Icon folder and click Insert Icon
  48. Click IDI_ICON1 and, in the Properties window, change the following values:
    Filename: make2.ico
  49. Design the 16x16, 16 colors version of the icon as follows:
    Icon Design: Diamond
  50. Save the file and close the icon window
  51. In the Resource View, right-click the Icon folder and click Insert Icon
  52. Click IDI_ICON1 and, in the Properties window, change the following values:
    Filename: model1.ico
  53. Design the 16x16, 16 colors version of the icon as follows:
  54. Save the file and close the icon window
  55. In the Resource View, right-click the Icon folder and click Insert Icon
  56. Click IDI_ICON1 and, in the Properties window, change the following values:
    Filename: model2.ico
  57. Design the 16x16, 16 colors version of the icon as follows:
  58. Save the file and close the icon window
  59. In the Resource View, right-click the Icon folder and click Insert Icon
  60. Click IDI_ICON1 and, in the Properties window, change the following values:
    Filename: category1.ico
  61. Set the Name to and click Add
  62. Right-click the white area and click Delete Image Type
  63. Design the 16x16, 16 colors version of the icon as follows:
  64. Save the file and close the icon window
  65. In the Solution Explorer, right- click the Debug folder -> Add -> New Item...
  66. In the Templates list, make sure Icon File is selected.
    Set the Name to category2 and click Add
  67. Right-click the white area and click Delete Image Type
  68. Design the 16x16, 16 colors version of the icon as follows:
    Icon Design: Minus
  69. Save the file and close the icon window
  70. In the Solution Explorer, double-click Form1.h
  71. From the Components section of the Toolbox, click ImageList and click the form
  72. In the Properties window, click (Name) and type AutoPartsImages
  73. Click the ellipsis button of the Images field
  74. In the Image Collection Editor, click Add
  75. Locate the folder that contains the icons you created and display it in the Look In combo box
  76. Select cpap1.ico and click Open
  77. In the same way, add the other pictures in the following order: cpap2.ico, year1.ico, year2.ico, make1.ico, make2.ico, model1.ico, model2.ico, category1.ico, and category1.ico
    Image Collection Editor
  78. Click OK
  79. Design the form as follows:
    College Park Auto Parts - Form Design
    Control Text Name Other Properties
    Label Label College Park Auto-Parts   Font: Times New Roman, 20.25pt, style=Bold
    ForeColor: Blue
    Panel     Height: 2
    GroupBox GroupBox Part Identification    
    TreeView TreeView   tvwAutoParts ImageList: imgAutoParts
    GroupBox GroupBox Available Parts    
    ListView ListView   lvwAutoParts FullRowSelect: True
    GridLines: True
    View: Details
    Columns   (Name) Text TextAlign Width
    colPartNumber Part #    
    colPartName Part Name   300
    colUnitPrice Unit Price Right 80
    GroupBox GroupBox Customer Order - Selected Parts    
    Label Label Part #    
    Label Label Part Name    
    Label Label Unit Price    
    Label Label Qty    
    Label Label Sub Total    
    TextBox TextBox   txtPartNumber  
    TextBox TextBox   txtPartName  
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtUnitPrice TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0 txtQuantity TextAlign: Right
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtSubTotal TextAlign: Right
    Button Button Add/Select btnAdd
    ListView ListView   lvwSelectedParts FullRowSelect: True
    GridLines: True
    View: Details
    Columns   (Name) Text TextAlign Width
    colPartNumberSelected Part #   45
    colPartNameSelected Part Name   274
    colUnitPriceSelected Unit Price Right 58
    colQuantitySelected Qty Right 28
    colSubTotalSelected Sub-Total Right 58
    GroupBox GroupBox Order Summary
    Button Button New Au&to Part... btnNewAutoPart  
    Label Label Receipt #:  
    TextBox TextBox txtSave
    Button Button Save btnSave
    Label Label Tax Rate:
    TextBox TextBox 7.75 txtTaxRate TextAlign: Right
    Label Label %
    Label Label Parts Total:
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtPartsTotal TextAlign: Right
    Button Button &New Customer Order btnNewCustomerOrder  
    Label Label Receipt #:  
    TextBox TextBox txtOpen
    Button Button Save btnOpen
    Label Label Tax Amount:
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtTaxAmount TextAlign: Right
    Label Label Order Total:
    TextBox TextBox 0.00 txtOrderTotal TextAlign: Right
    Button Button Close btnClose  
  80. Click the Available Parts list view
  81. In the Properties window, click the Events button and, in the Events section, double-click DoubleClick
  82. Implement the event as follows:
    System::Void lvwAutoParts_DoubleClick(System::Object^  sender, 
    					System::EventArgs^  e)
        ListViewItem^ lviAutoPart = lvwAutoParts->SelectedItems[0];
        if( (lvwAutoParts->SelectedItems->Count == 0) ||
            (lvwAutoParts->SelectedItems->Count > 1) )
        txtPartNumber->Text = lviAutoPart->Text;
        txtPartName->Text = lviAutoPart->SubItems[1]->Text;
        txtUnitPrice->Text = lviAutoPart->SubItems[2]->Text;
        txtQuantity->Text = L"1";
        txtSubTotal->Text = lviAutoPart->SubItems[2]->Text;
  83. Return to the Central form
  84. Click the Unit Price text box and, in the Events section of the Properties window, double-click Leave
  85. Implement the event as follows:
    System::Void txtUnitPrice_Leave(System::Object^  sender, 
    				System::EventArgs^  e)
        double UnitPrice = 0.00;
        int Quantity = 0;
        double SubTotal = 0.00;
        try {
            UnitPrice = double::Parse(txtUnitPrice->Text);
        catch(FormatException ^)
            MessageBox::Show(L"Invalid Unit Price!");
        try {
    		Quantity = int::Parse(txtQuantity->Text);
        catch(FormatException ^)
            MessageBox::Show(L"Invalid Quandtity!");
        SubTotal = UnitPrice * Quantity;
        txtSubTotal->Text = SubTotal.ToString(L"F");
    void CalculateOrder()
        // Calculate the current total order and update the order
        double PartsTotal = 0.00;
        double TaxRate = 0.00;
        double TaxAmount = 0.00;
        double OrderTotal = 0.00;
        for each( ListViewItem ^ lvi in lvwSelectedParts->Items)
            ListViewItem::ListViewSubItem ^ SubItem = lvi->SubItems[4];
            PartsTotal += double::Parse(SubItem->Text);
            TaxRate = double::Parse(txtTaxRate->Text) / 100;
        catch(FormatException ^)
            MessageBox::Show(L"Invalid Tax Rate");
        TaxAmount = PartsTotal * TaxRate;
        OrderTotal = PartsTotal + TaxAmount;
        txtPartsTotal->Text = PartsTotal.ToString(L"F");
        txtTaxAmount->Text = TaxAmount.ToString(L"F");
        txtOrderTotal->Text = OrderTotal.ToString(L"F");
  86. Return to the Form1 form and click the Qty text box
  87. In the Events section of the Properties, click Leave, then click the arrow of its combo box and select txtUnitPrice_Leave
  88. Return to the Form1 form
  89. Click the Available Parts list view (the list view in the bottom-right section of the form)
  90. In the Events section of the Properties window, double-click DoubleClick
  91. Implement the event as follows:
    System::Void lvwSelectedParts_DoubleClick(System::Object^  sender, 
    					System::EventArgs^  e)
        ListViewItem^ lviSelectedPart = lvwSelectedParts->SelectedItems[0];
        if( (lvwSelectedParts->SelectedItems->Count == 0) ||
            (lvwSelectedParts->SelectedItems->Count > 1) )
        txtPartNumber->Text = lviSelectedPart->Text;
        txtPartName->Text = lviSelectedPart->SubItems[1]->Text;
        txtUnitPrice->Text = lviSelectedPart->SubItems[2]->Text;
        txtQuantity->Text = lviSelectedPart->SubItems[3]->Text;
        txtSubTotal->Text = lviSelectedPart->SubItems[4]->Text;
  92. In the Solution Explorer, right-click CollegeParkAutoParts5 -> Add -> Class...
  93. Click C++ Class and click Add
  94. Set the name to CPartDescription and press Enter
  95. To create a class that can hold a structured item of a list, change the header file as follows:
    #pragma once
    using namespace System;
    public ref class CPartDescription
        // These members will be used to define a car part
        long ID;
        int yr;
        String ^ mk;
        String ^ mdl;
        String ^ cat;
        String ^ name;
        double price;
        CPartDescription(long code, int year, String ^ make,
                         String ^ model, String ^ type,
                         String ^ desc, double UPrice);
        property long PartNumber
            long get()
    	    return ID;
            void set(long value)
    	    ID = value;
        property int Year
            int get()
    	    return yr;
            void set(int value)
    	    yr = value;
        property String ^ Make
            String ^ get()
    	    return mk;
            void set(String ^ value)
    	    mk = value;
        property String ^ Model
            String ^ get()
    	    return mdl;
            void set(String ^ value)
    	    mdl = value;
        property String ^ Category
            String ^ get()
    		return cat;
            void set(String ^ value)
    		cat = value;
        property String ^ PartName
            String ^ get()
    		return name;
            void set(String ^ value)
    		name = value;
        property double UnitPrice
            double get()
    		return (price < 0) ? 0.00 : price;
            void set(double value)
    		price = value;
        virtual String ^ CPartDescription::ToString() override;
  96. Change the source file as follows:
    #include "StdAfx.h"
    #include "PartDescription.h"
        : ID(0),
    CPartDescription::CPartDescription(long code, int year, String ^ make,
                                      String ^ model, String ^ type,
                                      String ^ desc, double UPrice)
        : ID(code),
    String ^ CPartDescription::ToString()
        return this->PartNumber + L" " +
               this->Year.ToString() + L" " +
               this->Make + L" " +
               this->Model + L" " +
               this->Category + L" " +
               this->PartName + L" " +
  97. In the Solution Explorer, right-click CollegeParkAutoParts3 -> Add -> Class...
  98. Click C++ Class and click Add
  99. Set the name to CPartsOrdered and press Enter
  100. To create another class independent for a list, change the header file as follows:
    #pragma once
    using namespace System;
    public ref class CPartsOrdered
        long PartNumber;
        String ^ PartName;
        double UnitPrice;
        int Quantity;
        double SubTotal;
  101. Save all

The Capacity of a List

After declaring an ArrayList or a List variable, it is empty. As objects are added to it, the list grows. The list can grow tremendously as you wish. The number of items of the list is managed through the memory it occupies and this memory grows as needed. The number of items that the memory allocated is currently using is represented by the Capacity property. Here is an example of accessing the ArrayList.Capacity property:

void CExercise::StartForm(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
    lstNames = gcnew ArrayList;
    Text = L"List Capacity: " + lstNames->Capacity.ToString();

This would produce:

ArrayList Capacity

The capacity of a list will usually be the least of your concerns. If for some reason, you want to intervene and control the number of items that your list can contain, you can manipulate the Capacity property. For example, you can assign it a constant to set the maximum value that the list can contain. Instead of specifying the capacity after the list has been created, when declaring the list variable, you can specify its maximum capacity. To support this, both the ArrayList and the List classes are equipped with an additional constructor as follows:

    ArrayList(int capacity);

    List(int capacity);

Once again, you will hardly have any reason to use the Capacity property: the compiler knows what to do with it.

A Read-Only List

One of the reason for creating a list is to be able to add values to it, edit its values, retrieve a value, or delete values from it. These are the default operations. You can still limit these operations as you judge them unnecessary. For example, you may create a list and then initialize it with the values that you want the list to only have. If you do not want to have the user adding values to it, you can create the list as read-only. To do this, you can call the ArrayList::ReadOnly() method. It is overloaded with two versions as follows:

    static ArrayList^ ReadOnly(ArrayList^ list);
    static IList^ ReadOnly(IList^ list);

Some operations cannot be performed on a read-only list. To perform such operations, you can first find out whether an ArrayList list is read-only. This is done by checking its IsReadOnly property.

Item Addition

The primary operation performed on a list is to create one or more values. To do this, you have various alternatives. Both the ArrayList and the List classes are equipped with an Add() method. The syntax of the System::Collections::ArrayList::Add() method is:

    virtual int Add(Object^ value);

The syntax of the System::Collections::Generic::List::Add() method is:

    virtual void Add(T item) sealed;

The argument of the method is the value to add to the list. If the method succeeds with the addition, it returns the position where the value was added in the list. Here are example for an ArrayList variable:

void CExercise::StartForm(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
    Text = L"Employees Records";

    lstNames = gcnew ArrayList;

    lstNames->Add(L"Christine Kingston");
    lstNames->Add(L"Hermine Paulson");
    lstNames->Add(L"William Harrison");
    lstNames->Add(L"Ursula Morales");
    lstNames->Add(L"Evan Lancos");

If the method fails to add the value and if you are using the ArrayList class, the compiler would throw an error. One of the errors that could result from the ArrayList's failure of this operation would be based on the fact that either a new value cannot be added to the list because the list is read-only, or the list was already full prior to adding the new value. Normally, a list can be full only if you had specified the maximum number of items it can contain using the ArrayList::Capacity property. As mentioned above, the list can be made read-only by passing its variable to the ArrayList::ReadOnly() method.

Instead of adding one values at a time, you can first create a list of values and add that whole list at once. To support this operation, both the ArrayList and the List classes are equipped with a method named AddRange.

The syntax of the ArrayList::AddRange() method is:

    virtual void AddRange(ICollection^ c);

The syntax of the List::AddRange() method is:

    void AddRange(IEnumerable<T>^ collection);

The ArrayList::AddRange() method takes as argument a list created from a class that implements the ICollection interface. Here is an example:

void CExercise::StartForm(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
	Text = L"Employees Records";

    ComboBox ^ cbx = gcnew ComboBox();
    cbx->Items->Add(L"Paul Bertrand Yamaguchi");
    cbx->Items->Add(L"Helene Mukoko");
    cbx->Items->Add(L"John Hancock");
    cbx->Items->Add(L"Gertrude Monay");

    lstNames = gcnew ArrayList;

The List::AddRange() method takes as argument a list created from a class that implements the generic IEnumerable interface.

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Adding Items to an ArrayList List

  1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click NewStoreItem and click View Code
  2. Include the System::IO and the System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Binary namespace:
    #pragma once
    #include "MakeEditor.h"
    #include "ModelEditor.h"
    #include "CategoryEditor.h"
    using namespace System;
    using namespace System::ComponentModel;
    using namespace System::Collections;
    using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
    using namespace System::Data;
    using namespace System::Drawing;
    using namespace System::IO;
    using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Binary;
    namespace CollegeParkAutoParts5 {
  3. Declare a List<PartDescription> handle named lstAutoParts:
    public ref class NewStoreItem : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
        List<PartDescription> ^ lstAutoParts;
  4. Display the New Store Item form and double-click the Submit button
  5. Implement the event as follows:
    System::Void btnSubmit_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e)
        FileStream ^ stmAutoParts = nullptr;
        BinaryFormatter ^ bfmAutoParts = gcnew BinaryFormatter;
        // If this directory doesn't exist, create it
        Directory::CreateDirectory(L"C:\\College Park Auto Parts");
        // This is the file that holds the list of items
        String ^ Filename = L"C:\\College Park Auto Parts\\Parts.prs";
        // Create a random number that will be used to identify the item
        Random ^ rnd = gcnew Random;
        txtPartNumber->Text = rnd->Next(100000, 999999).ToString();
        // Make sure the user had selected a car year
        if (cbxYears->Text->Length == 0)
            MessageBox::Show(L"You must specify the year");
        // Make sure the user had selected a car make
        if (cbxMakes->Text->Length == 0)
    		MessageBox::Show(L"You must specify the car name");
    	// Make sure the user had selected a car model
    	if (cbxModels->Text->Length == 0)
    		MessageBox::Show(L"You must specify the model of the car");
    	// Make sure the user had selected the part category
    	if (cbxCategories->Text->Length == 0)
    		MessageBox::Show(L"You must specify the part's category");
    	// Make sure the user had entered a name/description
    	if (txtPartName->Text->Length == 0)
    		MessageBox::Show(L"You must enter the name (or a " 
                             L"short description) for the part");
    	// Make sure the user had typed a price for the item
    	if (txtUnitPrice->Text->Length == 0)
    		MessageBox::Show(L"You must enter the price of the item");
    	// Before saving the new part, find out if there was
    	// already a file that holds the list of parts
    	// If that file exists, open it and store its parts 
    	// in our list of parts
    	if( File::Exists(Filename))
    		stmAutoParts = gcnew FileStream(Filename,
    		try {
    			// Retrieve the list of items from file
                lstAutoParts = 
                        dynamic_cast<List<CPartDescription ^> ^>
        // Create the part
        CPartDescription ^ part = gcnew CPartDescription;
        part->PartNumber = long::Parse(txtPartNumber->Text);
        part->Year = int::Parse(cbxYears->Text);
        part->Make = cbxMakes->Text;
        part->Model = cbxModels->Text;
        part->Category = cbxCategories->Text;
        part->PartName = txtPartName->Text;
        part->UnitPrice = double::Parse(txtUnitPrice->Text);
        // Call the Add method of our collection class to add the part
        // Save the list
        stmAutoParts = gcnew FileStream(Filename,
        try {
            bfmAutoParts->Serialize(stmAutoParts, lstAutoParts);
            // After saving the item, reset the form
            cbxYears->Text = L"";
            cbxMakes->Text = L"";
            cbxModels->Text = L"";
            cbxCategories->Text = L"";
            txtPartName->Text = L"";
            txtUnitPrice->Text = L"0.00";
            txtPartNumber->Text = rnd->Next(100000, 999999).ToString();
  6. In the Solution Explorer, right-click Form1.h and click View Code
  7. Add the following namespaces in the top section of the file:
    #pragma once
    #include "PartsOrdered.h"
    namespace CollegeParkAutoParts5 {
    	using namespace System;
    	using namespace System::ComponentModel;
    	using namespace System::Collections;
    	using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
    	using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
    	using namespace System::Data;
    	using namespace System::Drawing;
    	using namespace System::IO;
    	using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Binary;
    	/// <summary>
  8. Return to the Form1 form and double-click the Save Customer Order button
  9. Implement its event as follows:
    System::Void btnSave_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e)
        BinaryFormatter ^ bfmCustomerOrder = gcnew BinaryFormatter;
        // We will store our files in the following folder    
        String ^ strDirectory = L"C:\\College Park Auto Parts\\Receipts";
        DirectoryInfo ^ dirInfo = gcnew DirectoryInfo(strDirectory);
        String ^ strFilename = strDirectory+ L"\\" + txtSave->Text+ L".cap";
        List<CPartsOrdered ^> ^ lstOrderedParts = nullptr;
        if (lvwSelectedParts->Items->Count == 0)
            lstOrderedParts = gcnew List<CPartsOrdered ^>;
            for (int i = 0; i < lvwSelectedParts->Items->Count; i++)
                CPartsOrdered ^ part = gcnew CPartsOrdered;
                part->PartNumber = long::Parse(lvwSelectedParts->Items[i]->Text);
                part->PartName = lvwSelectedParts->Items[i]->SubItems[1]->Text;
                part->UnitPrice = 
                part->Quantity = 
                part->SubTotal = 
            FileStream ^ stmCustomerOrder = 
    		gcnew FileStream(strFilename, FileMode::Create);
                bfmCustomerOrder->Serialize(stmCustomerOrder, lstOrderedParts);
  10. Save all

The Number of Items in the List

When using a list, at any time, you should be able to know the number of items that the list contains. This information is provided by the ArrayList::Count or the List::Count property.

The Capacity and the Count properties have this in common: the value of each increases as the list grows and the same value decreases if the list shrinks. It is important to know that there are various differences between the capacity of a list and the number of items it contains. Capacity is a read/write property. This means that you can assign a value to the capacity to fix the number of items that the list can contain. You can also retrieve the value of the Capacity. The Count property is read-only because it is used by the compiler to count the current number of values of the list and this counting is performed without your intervention.

Item Retrieval

Once a list is ready, you can perform different types of operations on it. Besides adding items, one of the most regular operations performed on a list consists of locating and retrieving its values. You have various options.

To give you access to each member of their list, both the ArrayList and the List classes are equipped with the default Item property. The Item property is an indexer. The first value of the list has an index of 0. The second has an index of 1, and so on. 

To retrieve a single value based on its position, you can apply the square brackets of arrays to the variable. Here is an example:

#pragma once

#include <windows.h>

#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;

public ref class CExercise : public Form
    ArrayList ^ lstNames;
    ListBox ^ lbxNames;

    void InitializeComponent();
    void StartForm(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e);



void CExercise::InitializeComponent()
    Text = L"Employees";
    StartPosition = FormStartPosition::CenterScreen;
    Load += gcnew EventHandler(this, &CExercise::StartForm);

    lbxNames = gcnew ListBox();
    lbxNames->Location = Point(12, 12);

void CExercise::StartForm(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
    lstNames = gcnew ArrayList;

    lstNames->Add(L"Christine Kingston");
    lstNames->Add(L"Hermine Paulson");
    lstNames->Add(L"William Harrison");
    lstNames->Add(L"Ursula Morales");
    lstNames->Add(L"Evan Lancos");

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
					 LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
    Application::Run(gcnew CExercise());
    return 0;


Another issue to keep in mind is that the ArrayList[] indexer returns an Object value. Therefore, you may have to cast this value to your type of value to get it right.

Besides using the index to access a value from the list, the ArrayList and the List classes implement the IEnumerable::GetEnumerator() method. For this reason, you can use the for each loop to access each member of the collection. Here is an example:

void CExercise::StartForm(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
    lstNames = gcnew ArrayList;

    lstNames->Add(L"Christine Kingston");
    lstNames->Add(L"Hermine Paulson");
    lstNames->Add(L"William Harrison");
    lstNames->Add(L"Ursula Morales");
    lstNames->Add(L"Evan Lancos");

    for each( String ^ str in lstNames)

You can use the Item property to change a value in the list. Because the Item property is used to access an existing value from the list, the value must have been created. If you try setting the value of a non existing item, the compiler would throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException Exception. Here is an example:

void CExercise::StartForm(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
    lstNames = gcnew ArrayList;

    lstNames[0] = L"Paul Bertrand Yamaguchi";

Notice that at the time the 0 item is accessed, it has not previous been created. This would produce:


A review of the Details section shows:

************** Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. 
Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
   at System.Collections.ArrayList.set_Item(Int32 index, Object value)
   at CExercise.StartForm(Object sender, EventArgs e) in 
	c:\users\administrateur\documents\visual studio 2008\projects
    	\vccli\exercise1\exercise1\exercise.cpp:line 47

This means that you can use the Item property only to change the value of a previous created item.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Enumerating a List

  1. Display the New Store Item form and double-click the Makes combo box
  2. Implement its SelectedIndexChanged event as follows:
    System::Void cbxMakes_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object^  sender, 
    		                           System::EventArgs^  e)
        cbxModels->Text = L"";
        for each(CPartDescription ^ part in lstAutoParts)
            if (part->Make == cbxMakes->Text)
                if (!cbxModels->Items->Contains(part->Model))
  3. In the Solution Explorer, right-click Form1.h and click View Code
  4. Change the top of the file as follows:
    #pragma once
    #include "PartsOrdered.h"
    #include "PartDescription.h"
    #include "NewStoreItem.h"
    namespace CollegeParkAutoParts5 {
    	using namespace System;
    	using namespace System::ComponentModel;
    	using namespace System::Collections;
    	using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
    	using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
    	using namespace System::Data;
    	using namespace System::Drawing;
    	using namespace System::IO;
    	using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Binary;
    	/// <summary>
    	/// Summary for Form1
    /// WARNING: If you change the name of this class, you will need to change the
    ///         'Resource File Name' property for the managed resource compiler tool
    ///          associated with all .resx files this class depends on.  Otherwise,
    ///          the designers will not be able to interact properly with localized
    ///          resources associated with this form.
    /// </summary>
    	public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
            int iFilename;
            List<CPartDescription ^> ^ lstAutoParts;
  5. Display the Form1 form and double-click the Add/Select button
  6. Implement the event as follows:
    System::Void btnAdd_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e)
        if (txtPartNumber->Text->Length == 0)
            MessageBox::Show(L"There is no part to be added to the order");
        for each(CPartDescription ^ part in lstAutoParts)
            if (part->PartNumber == long::Parse(txtPartNumber->Text))
                ListViewItem ^ lviSelectedPart =
    		gcnew ListViewItem(part->PartNumber.ToString());
  7. Return to the Form1 form and double-click the Open button
  8. Implement its event as follows:
    System::Void btnOpen_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e)
        List<CPartsOrdered ^> ^ lstReceipts = nullptr;
        BinaryFormatter ^ bfmReceipts = gcnew BinaryFormatter;
        FileStream ^ stmReceipts = nullptr;
        String ^ strDirectory = L"C:\\College Park Auto Parts\\Receipts";
        String ^ strFilename = L"";
        DirectoryInfo ^ dirReceipts = gcnew DirectoryInfo(strDirectory);
        array<FileInfo ^> ^ fleReceipts = dirReceipts->GetFiles();
        if (txtOpen->Text->Length == 0)
            MessageBox::Show(L"You must enter a receipt number\n" 
                             L"There is no receipt number to " 
                             L"open a customer's order");
        if (fleReceipts->Length == 0)
            MessageBox::Show(L"There is no customer order to open");
            strFilename = strDirectory+ L"\\" + txtOpen->Text+ L".cap";
            if( File::Exists(strFilename))
                    stmReceipts = gcnew FileStream(strFilename, FileMode::Open);
                    lstReceipts = 
    		    dynamic_cast<List<CPartsOrdered ^> ^>
                    for each(CPartsOrdered ^ part in lstReceipts)
                        ListViewItem ^ lviReceiptPart =
    			gcnew ListViewItem(part->PartNumber.ToString());
                txtSave->Text = txtOpen->Text;
    		(L"There is no customer order with that receipt number");
  9. Save the file

Checking the Existence of an Item

Instead of the square brackets that allow you to retrieve a value based on its position, you can look for a value based on its complete definition. You have various options. You can first "build" an item and ask the compiler to check whether any item in the list matches your definition. To perform this search, depending on your class, you can call either the ArrayList::Contains() or the List::Contains() method. The syntax of the System::Collections::ArrayList::Contains() method is:

    virtual bool Contains(Object^ item);

The syntax of the System::Collections::Generic::List::Contains() method is:

    virtual bool Contains(T item) sealed;

The value to look for is passed as argument to the method. The compiler would look for exactly the value, using its definition, in the list. If any detail of the argument fails to match any value of the list, the method would return false. If all characteristics of the argument correspond to a value of the list, the method returns true. Here is an example:

#pragma once

#include <windows.h>

#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;

public ref class CExercise : public Form
    ArrayList ^ lstNames;
    ListBox   ^ lbxNames;
    Label     ^ lblLookFor;
    TextBox   ^ txtLookFor;
    Button    ^ btnLookFor;
    TextBox   ^ txtResult;

    void InitializeComponent();
    void Start(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e);
    void btnLookForClick(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e);



void CExercise::InitializeComponent()
    Text = L"Employees Records";
    Size = Drawing::Size(340, 150);
    StartPosition = FormStartPosition::CenterScreen;
    Load += gcnew EventHandler(this, &CExercise::Start);

    lbxNames = gcnew ListBox();
    lbxNames->Location = Point(12, 12);

    lblLookFor = gcnew Label;
    lblLookFor->Text = L"Look for:";
    lblLookFor->Location = Point(140, 14);
    lblLookFor->AutoSize = true;

    txtLookFor = gcnew TextBox;
    txtLookFor->Location = Point(220, 12);

    btnLookFor = gcnew Button;
    btnLookFor->Text = L"Result";
    btnLookFor->Location = Point(140, 36);
    btnLookFor->Click += gcnew EventHandler(this, &CExercise::btnLookForClick);

    txtResult = gcnew TextBox;
    txtResult->Location = Point(220, 38);

void CExercise::Start(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
    lstNames = gcnew ArrayList;

    lstNames->Add(L"Christine Kingston");
    lstNames->Add(L"Hermine Paulson");
    lstNames->Add(L"William Harrison");
    lstNames->Add(L"Ursula Morales");
    lstNames->Add(L"Evan Lancos");

    for each(String ^ str in lstNames)

void CExercise::btnLookForClick(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
    String ^ strFind = txtLookFor->Text;

    if (lstNames->Contains(strFind) == true)
        txtResult->Text = L"Found";
        txtResult->Text = L"Not Found";

int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
					 LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
	Application::Run(gcnew CExercise());
	return 0;
Array List

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Checking the Existence of an Item

  1. Display the New Store Item form and double-click an unoccupied area of its body
  2. Implement the Load event as follows:
    System::Void NewStoreItem_Load(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e)
        // Since all values seem ready, prepare to process the item
        lstAutoParts = gcnew List<CPartDescription ^>;
        BinaryFormatter ^ bfmAutoParts = gcnew BinaryFormatter;
        for (int i = DateTime::Today.Year + 1; i >= 1960; i--)
        // Create a random number that will be used to identify the item
        Random ^ rnd = gcnew Random;
        txtPartNumber->Text = rnd->Next(100000, 999999).ToString();
        // This is the file that holds the list of parts
        String ^ Filename = L"C:\\College Park Auto Parts\\Parts.prs";
        if( File::Exists(Filename))
            FileStream ^ stmAutoParts = gcnew FileStream(Filename,
                // Retrieve the list of items from file
                lstAutoParts = 
    		dynamic_cast<List<CPartDescription ^> ^>
                // Display the car manufacturers in the Make combo box
                for (int i = 0; i < lstAutoParts->Count; i++)
                    CPartDescription ^ part = 
    		   safe_cast<CPartDescription ^>(lstAutoParts[i]);
                    if (!cbxMakes->Items->Contains(part->Make))
                // Display the pats categories in the Category combo box
                for (int i = 0; i < lstAutoParts->Count; i++)
                    CPartDescription ^part = 
    		    safe_cast<CPartDescription ^>(lstAutoParts[i]);
                    if (!cbxCategories->Items->Contains(part->Category))
  3. Display the Form1 form and click the Part # text box
  4. In the Events section of the Properties window, double-click Leave and implement the event as follows:
    System::Void txtPartNumber_Leave(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e)
        // We will allow the user to enter a part number
        // In the beginning, we assume that the user 
        // had entered an invalid number
        bool found = false;
        // This will represent the part found, if any
        CPartDescription ^ PartFound = nullptr;
        // After the user had entered a part number,
        // check the whole list of parts
        for each(CPartDescription ^ part in lstAutoParts)
            // If you find a part that holds the number the user had entered
            if( part->PartNumber == long::Parse(txtPartNumber->Text) )
                // Mark that part
                PartFound = part;
                // And update the flag that specifies that the part has been found
                found = true;
            // If the part number was not found, check the next
        } // If no part has that number, the found flag keeps marked as false
        // If a part with that number was found...
        if (found == true)
            // Show the corresponding part name and unit price
            txtPartName->Text = PartFound->PartName;
            txtUnitPrice->Text = PartFound->UnitPrice.ToString(L"F");
            txtQuantity->Text = L"1";
            txtSubTotal->Text = PartFound->UnitPrice.ToString(L"F");
            // Give focus to the quantity in case the user was to increase it
            // Since no part with that number was found,
            // reset the text boxes
            txtPartName->Text = L"";
            txtUnitPrice->Text = L"0.00";
            txtQuantity->Text = L"0";
            txtSubTotal->Text = L"0.00";
            // Let the user know that the part number that 
            // was entered is not in the list
            MessageBox::Show(L"There is no part with that number");
  5. Return to the Form1 form and double-click the New Auto Part button
  6. Implement the event as follows:
    void ShowAutoParts()
        TreeNode ^ nodRoot =
    		tvwAutoParts->Nodes->Add(L"College Park Auto-Parts",
                                            L"College Park Auto-Parts", 0, 1);
        // Show the years nodes
        for (int years = DateTime::Today.Year + 1; years >= 1960; years--)
            nodRoot->Nodes->Add(years.ToString(), years.ToString(), 2, 3);
        tvwAutoParts->SelectedNode = nodRoot;
        // Expand the root node
        lstAutoParts = gcnew List<CPartDescription ^>;
        BinaryFormatter ^ bfmAutoParts = gcnew BinaryFormatter;
        // This is the file that holds the list of auto parts
        String ^ Filename = L"C:\\College Park Auto Parts\\Parts.prs";
        if( File::Exists(Filename))
            FileStream ^ stmAutoParts = gcnew FileStream(Filename,
            try {
                // Retrieve the list of parts from file
                lstAutoParts =
    		dynamic_cast<List<CPartDescription ^> ^>
                // Show the makes nodes
                for each( TreeNode ^ nodYear in nodRoot->Nodes)
                    List<String ^> ^ lstMakes = gcnew List<String ^>;
                    for each(CPartDescription ^ part in lstAutoParts)
                        if (nodYear->Text == part->Year.ToString())
                            if (!lstMakes->Contains(part->Make))
                    for each( String ^ strMake in lstMakes)
                        nodYear->Nodes->Add(strMake, strMake, 4, 5);
                // Showing the models nodes
                for each( TreeNode ^ nodYear in nodRoot->Nodes)
                    for each( TreeNode ^ nodMake in nodYear->Nodes)
                        List<String ^> ^ lstModels = gcnew List<String ^>;
                        for each(CPartDescription ^ part in lstAutoParts)
                            if ((nodYear->Text == part->Year.ToString()) &&
                                 (nodMake->Text == part->Make))
                                if (!lstModels->Contains(part->Model))
                        for each( String ^ strModel in lstModels)
                            nodMake->Nodes->Add(strModel, strModel, 6, 7);
                // Showing the categories nodes
                for each( TreeNode ^ nodYear in nodRoot->Nodes)
                    for each( TreeNode ^ nodMake in nodYear->Nodes)
                        for each( TreeNode ^ nodModel in nodMake->Nodes)
                            List<String ^> ^ lstCategories = gcnew List<String ^>;
                            for each(CPartDescription ^ part in lstAutoParts)
                                if ((nodYear->Text == part->Year.ToString()) &&
                                    (nodMake->Text == part->Make) &&
                                    (nodModel->Text == part->Model))
                                    if (!lstCategories->Contains(part->Category))
                            for each( String ^ strCategory in lstCategories)
                                nodModel->Nodes->Add(strCategory, strCategory, 8, 9);
    System::Void btnNewAutoPart_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e)
        NewStoreItem ^ editor = gcnew NewStoreItem;
        if (editor->ShowDialog() == System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::Cancel)
  7. Display the Form1 form and double-click the New Customer Order button
  8. Implement the event as follows:
    System::Void btnNewCustomerOrder_Click(System::Object^  sender, 
    					System::EventArgs^  e)
        // We will store our files in the following folder    
        String ^ strDirectory = L"C:\\College Park Auto Parts\\Receipts";
        DirectoryInfo ^ dirInfo = Directory::CreateDirectory(strDirectory);
        // Get the list of files, if any, from our directory
        array<FileInfo ^> ^ fleList = dirInfo->GetFiles();
        // If there is no file in the directory,
        // then we will use 1000 as the first file name
        if (fleList->Length == 0)
            iFilename = 1000;
        else // If there was at least one file in the directory
            // Get a reference to the last file
            FileInfo ^ fleLast = fleList[fleList->Length - 1];
            // Get the name of the last file without its extension
            String ^ fwe = Path::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fleLast->FullName);
            // Increment the name of the file by 1
            iFilename = int::Parse(fwe) + 1;
        txtSave->Text = iFilename.ToString();
  9. Display the Form1 form and double-click an unoccupied area of its body
  10. Define a new method and implement the Load event as follows:
    System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e)
        btnNewCustomerOrder_Click(sender, e);
  11. Return to the Form1 form and click the tree view
  12. In the Properties window, click the Events button and, in the Events section, double-click NodeMouseClick
  13. Implement the event as follows:
    System::Void tvwAutoParts_NodeMouseClick(System::Object^  sender,
    			 System::Windows::Forms::TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs^  e)
        TreeNode ^ nodClicked = e->Node;
        if (nodClicked->Level == 4)
        try {
            for each(CPartDescription ^ part in lstAutoParts)
                if ((part->Category == nodClicked->Text) &&
                    (part->Model == nodClicked->Parent->Text) &&
                    (part->Make == nodClicked->Parent->Parent->Text) &&
                    (part->Year.ToString() == 
                    ListViewItem ^ lviAutoPart =
    			gcnew ListViewItem(part->PartNumber.ToString());
        catch (NullReferenceException ^)
  14. Return to the Form1 form and double-click the Close button
  15. Implement the event as follows:
    System::Void btnClose_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e)
  16. Execute the application
  17. Click the New Auto Part button and use the Part Editor to create a few parts (let the computer generate the part numbers)
  18. Close the Part Editor
  19. Create a few customer part orders and save them:
    College Park Auto Parts: Customer Order
    College Park Auto Parts: Part Selection
  20. Close the forms and return to your programming environment
  21. Execute the application again and open a previously saved order
  22. Close the forms and return to your programming environment

Searching for an Item

Another option to look for an item in a list consists of calling the BinarySearch() method of either the ArrayList or the List class. It is overloaded in three versions and one of them uses the following syntax:

    virtual int BinarySearch(Object^ value);
    int BinarySearch(T item);

The value to look for is passed argument to the method. Here is an example:

void CExercise::btnLookForClick(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
    String ^ strFind = txtLookFor->Text;

    if( lstNames->BinarySearch(strFind) > 0 )
        txtResult->Text = L"Found";
        txtResult->Text = L"Not Found";

Clearing a List

To remove all items from a list at once, you can call the Clear() method of either the ArrayList or the List class. Its syntax is:

    virtual void Clear();

Deleting an Item

As opposed to adding a value to a list, you may want to remove one. To perform this operation, you have various options. You can ask the compiler to look for an item in the list and if, or once, the compiler finds it, it would delete the value. To perform this type of deletion, you can call the Remove() method of either the ArrayList or the List class. Its syntax is:

    virtual void Remove(Object^ obj);
    virtual bool Remove(T item) sealed;

This method accepts as argument the value that you want to delete from the list. To perform this operation, the list must not be read-only.

The Remove() method allows you to specify the exact value you want to delete from a list. Another option you have consists of deleting a value based on its position. This is done using the RemoveAt() method whose syntax is:

    virtual void RemoveAt(int index);
    virtual void RemoveAt(int index) sealed;

With this method, the position of the item is passed as argument. Here is an example:

Array List

#pragma once

#include <windows.h>

#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;

public ref class CExercise : public Form
    ArrayList ^ lstNames;
    ListBox   ^ lbxNames;
	Label     ^ lblLookFor;
	TextBox   ^ txtLookFor;
	Button    ^ btnLookFor;
	TextBox   ^ txtResult;
	Button    ^ btnRemove;

	void InitializeComponent();
	void Start(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e);
	void btnLookForClick(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e);
	void btnRemoveClick(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e);



void CExercise::InitializeComponent()
	Text = L"Employees Records";
	Size = Drawing::Size(340, 150);
	StartPosition = FormStartPosition::CenterScreen;
	Load += gcnew EventHandler(this, &CExercise::Start);

	lbxNames = gcnew ListBox();
    lbxNames->Location = Point(12, 12);

	lblLookFor = gcnew Label;
	lblLookFor->Text = L"Look for:";
	lblLookFor->Location = Point(140, 14);
	lblLookFor->AutoSize = true;

	txtLookFor = gcnew TextBox;
	txtLookFor->Location = Point(220, 12);

	btnLookFor = gcnew Button;
	btnLookFor->Text = L"Result";
	btnLookFor->Location = Point(140, 36);
	btnLookFor->Click += gcnew EventHandler(this, &CExercise::btnLookForClick);

	txtResult = gcnew TextBox;
	txtResult->Location = Point(220, 38);

    btnRemove = gcnew Button;
	btnRemove->Text = "Remove 2nd";
	btnRemove->Location = Point(140, 66);
	btnRemove->Width = 100;
	btnRemove->Click += gcnew EventHandler(this, &CExercise::btnRemoveClick);

void CExercise::Start(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
    lstNames = gcnew ArrayList;

    lstNames->Add(L"Christine Kingston");
    lstNames->Add(L"Hermine Paulson");
    lstNames->Add(L"William Harrison");
    lstNames->Add(L"Ursula Morales");
    lstNames->Add(L"Evan Lancos");

    for each(String ^ str in lstNames)

void CExercise::btnLookForClick(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
    String ^ strFind = txtLookFor->Text;

    if( lstNames->BinarySearch(strFind) > 0 )
        txtResult->Text = L"Found";
        txtResult->Text = L"Not Found";

void CExercise::btnRemoveClick(Object ^ sender, EventArgs ^ e)
    if( lstNames->Count < 2 )

    for each( String ^ str in lstNames)

int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
					 LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
	Application::Run(gcnew CExercise());
	return 0;

Array List

If the position is not valid because either it is lower or higher than the current Count, the compiler would throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception.



Musical Instrument Store

  1. Create a Windows Application named MusicInstrumentStore3
  2. Follow the instructions from the previous lesson to design the forms
  3. Use the ArrayList class to create and manage the list of store items
  4. Configure the application so that, if the user double-clicks an object in the Available Items list view:
    1. The Item Editor would open and display the information about the item that was clicked
    2. The Create button would display a caption as Submit
    3. The Close button would display a caption as Cancel
    4. The user can then change any detail about the item and click
    5. If the user clicks Submit, the (same) item would be updated in the database
    6. If the user clicks Cancel, the dialog box would be closed and the item would not receive any change
  5. Configure the Available Items list view so that, if the user clicks an item and presses Delete:
    1. A message box would ask the user, "Are you sure you want to remove this item from the database?" and would display two buttons: Yes and No
    2. If the user clicks Yes, the item would be removed from the database
    3. If the user clicks No, nothing would happen

College Park Auto Parts

  1. Open the CollegeParkAutoParts5 application from this lesson
  2. Add a context menu for the Available Parts list view with the items: Select, Edit..., and Delete
    Auto Parts
  3. Configure the context menu so that
    1. If the user clicks Select, the behavior would be the same as if the user had double-clicked the item
    2. If the user clicks Edit..., the Part Editor dialog box would display with the part in it. The user can then edit any part (year, make, model, category, part name, or unit price) except the part number. Then the user can save the changed part
    3. If the user clicks Delete, a message box would warn the user and ask for confirmation with Yes/No answers. If the user clicks Yes, the part would be deleted from the list of auto parts
  4. Configure the application so that the user can open an order, add new parts to it, or delete parts from it, then save the order
  5. Extend the application so that the store can also sell items that are, or are not, car-related, such as books, t-shirts, cleaning items, maintenance items (steering oils, brake oils, etc), license plates, etc. Every item in the store should have an item number. The user can enter that item number in the Part # text box and press Tab or Enter. The corresponding item would then be retrieved from the database and displayed on the form. If there is no item with that number, a message box should let the user know



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