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Introduction to Databases |
A database is a collection of information destined to make that information easy to view and exploit. To use our lessons, you must have access to a Microsoft SQL Server computer that allows you to create databases on the server. At the risk of going back and forth between Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server, in our lessons, we will use only Microsoft SQL Server.
Deleting a Database |
If you have created a database by mistake or simply don't need a particular database anymore, you can get rid of it. Make sure you never delete the databases that were installed along with Microsoft SQL server. To delete a database in the MMC window, if the Databases folder is expanded in the left frame, you can right-click the undesired database and click Delete. In the right frame, you can also right-click the undesired database and click Delete. |
Tables |
Introduction |
A table is an object that holds the data of a database. Because a table is the central and the most important part of a database, the information it holds must be meticulously organized. Therefore, to better manage its information, data of a table is arranged in a series of fields called cells, the same types of cells you would encounter on a spreadsheet application such as StarCalc, Corel Quattro Pro, or Microsoft Excel. To use tables on a database, the table must belong to a database. SQL Server installs a few databases on its own, and you can use these databases to experiment with tables. The information relevant to a database is stored in tables. This information is organized in columns and rows. A column holds a category of data that is common to all records. A row is called a record and holds all information that belongs to an entry of the table. To organize the information that a column holds, a table needs a series of details about each column. Two aspects are particularly important: a name and the type of data that a column should/must/can hold. |
The name of a column allows the database as a file to identify the column. The name of a column also will help you, the database developer, to identify that column. There are rules and suggestions you must or should follow when naming the columns of a table. The name of a column:
After respecting these rules, you can add your own rules. In our lessons, the names of columns:
To specify the name of a column, in the Design View of a table, under the Column Name section, type the desired name, and press Enter. |
After deciding on the name of a column, the database needs to know the kind of information the column will hold. Since there are various kinds of information a database can deal with, SQL Server provides a set of categories called data types. Therefore, you must specify the data type that is necessary for a particular column. The data types used on a table are the same as those we reviewed for the variables: bit: The bit is the smallest data type of the SQL Server categories of columns. It is used for a field that would validate a piece of information as being true or false, On or Off, Yes or No, 1 or 0. int: An integer, also called a natural number, or a whole number, is a number that can start with a + or a - sign and is made of digits. Between the digits, no character other than a digit is allowed. When the number starts with +, such as +44 or +8025, such a number is referred to as positive and you should omit the starting + sign; this means that the number should be written as 44 or 8025. Any number that starts with + or simply a digit is considered as greater than 0 or positive. A positive integer is also referred to (in the programming world) as unsigned. On the other hand, a number that starts with a - symbol is referred to as negative. If a column would hold numbers in the range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647, set its data type as int. tinyint: If you except to use very small numbers such as student's ages, or the number of pages of a brochure or newspaper, apply the tinyint data type to such a field. A column with the tinyint data number can hold positive numbers that range from 0 to 255. smallint: The smallint data type follows the same rules and principles as the int data type except that it is used to store smaller numbers that would range between -32,768 and 32,767. bigint: The bigint data type follows the same rules and principles as the int data type except that its field can hold numbers from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 binary: The binary data type is used for a column that would hold hexadecimal numbers. Examples of hexadecimal numbers are 0x7238, 0xFA36, or 0xAA48D. Use the binary data type if all entries under the column would have the exact same length (or quantity). If you anticipate that some entries would be different than others, then use the alternative varbinary data type. The varbinary also is used for hexadecimal numbers but allows dissimilar entries, as long as all entries are hexadecimals. numeric and decimal: In some columns, users will be asked to enter particular numbers referred to as decimals. A decimal number is a number that can have a period (or the character used as the decimal separator as set in the Control Panel) between the digits. An example would be 12.125 or 44.80. Like an integer, a decimal number can start with a + or just a digit, which would make it a positive number. A decimal number can also start with a - symbol, which would make it a negative number. If the number represents a fraction, a period between the digits specifies what portion of 1 was cut. If you anticipate such a number for a field, specify its data type as numeric or decimal (either decimal or numeric would produce the same effect in SQL Server). float and real: A floating-point number is a fractional number, like the decimal type. Floating-point numbers can be used if you would allow the database engine to apply an approximation to the actual number that a field is supposed to carry. money: As its name announces it, the money data type can be used on a column whose data would consist of currency values. A field with a money data type can hold positive or negative values from -922,337,203,685,477.5808 to +922,337,203,685,477.5807 smallmoney: While the money data type can be used for a field that would hold large quantities of currency values, the smallmoney data type can be applied for a column whose value cannot be lower than -214,748.3648 nor higher than 214,748.3647 char: A field of characters can consist of any kinds of alphabetical symbols in any combination, readable or not. If you want a column to hold a fixed number of characters, such as the book shelf numbers of a library, use the char data type for such a column. varchar: In the computer world, a string is a character or a combination of characters that are considered "as is" with regards to the scenario in which they are used. In a table, some columns are meant to hold such strings. One of the most significant characteristics of such a field is that data entered into it can change from one record to another. An example would be the first names of employees: people have different first names of different lengths. If a column will hold strings of different lengths, apply a varchar data type to it. The maximum length of text that a field of varchar type can hold is equivalent to 8 kilobytes. text: The text data type can be applied to a field whose data would consist of ASCII characters. As opposed to a varchar type of field, a text type of field can hold text that is longer than 8 kilobytes. nchar, nvarchar, and ntext: These three types follow the same rules as the char, varchar, and text respectively, except that they can be applied to columns that would hold international characters, that is, characters of languages other than US English. This is done following the rules of Unicode formats. datetime: As its name suggests, a datetime data type is used for a column whose data would consist of date and/or time values. The entries must be valid date or time values but SQL Server allows a lot of flexibility, even to display a date in a non-traditional format. The date value of a datetime field can be comprised between January 1st, 1753 and December 31, 9999. smalldatetime: The smalldatetime is an alternative to the datetime data type. It follows the same rules and principles as the datetime data type except that a date value must be comprised between January 1st, 1900 and June 6, 2079. |
A database deals with various types of data, appropriate or not for certain fields. This means that you should take care of jobs behind the scenes as much as you can. One way you can do this is by controlling the amount of information that can be entered in a particular field. As various columns can hold different types of data, so can the same data type control its own mechanism of internal data entry. The length of data means different things to different fields. Columns that carry the same data type can have different lengths. Bit Fields: We saw already that a bit column type is meant for one of two answers. The user is supposed to simply let the database know that the answer is yes or no, true or false, on or off, 1 or 0. Therefore, the only length of this field is 1. Integers: The length of an integer is the number of bytes its field can hold. For an int type, that would be 4 bytes. Decimal and Floating-Point Numbers: The Length specifies how many bytes the field can store. Strings: The Length of a character or string column specifies the maximum number of characters that the field can hold. In some circumstances, you will need to change or specify the length as it applies to a particular field. For example, since you should use the varchar data type for a string field whose content will change from one record to another, not all varchar columns need to have the same length. Although a First Name and a Book Title columns should use the varchar type, both columns would not have the same length of entries. As it happens, people hardly have a first name that is beyond 20 characters and many book titles go beyond 32 characters. In this case, both fields would use the same data type but different lengths. On the other hand, for columns of datetime and money data types, you should accept the default length suggested by the database. |
During data entry, users of your database will face fields that expect data. Sometimes, for one reason or another, data will not be available for a particular field. An example would be an MI (middle initial) field: some people have a middle initial, some others either don't have it or would not provide it to the user. This aspect can occur for any field of your table. Therefore, you should think of a way to deal with it. A field is referred to as null when no data entry has been made to it:
A field is referred to as null if there is no way of determining the value of its content (in reality, the computer, that is, the operating system, has its own internal mechanism of verifying the value of a field) or its value is simply unknown. As you can see, it is not a good idea to have a null field in your table. As a database developer, it is your responsibility to always know with certainty the value held by each field of your table. Remember that even if a field is empty, you should know what value it is holding because being empty could certainly mean that the field has a value. To solve the problem of null values, SQL Server proposes one of two options: allow or not allow null values on a field. For a typical table, there are pieces of information that the user should make sure to enter; otherwise, her data entry would not be validated. To make sure the user always fills out a certain field before moving to the next field, you must make sure the field doesn't allow null values; this will ensure that you know that the field is holding a value and you can find out what that value is. This is enforced by clearing the Allow Nulls check box for a field. On the other hand, if the value of a field is not particularly important, for example if you don't intend to involve that value in an algebraic operation, you can allow the user to leave it null. This is done by checking the Allow Nulls check box for the field. |
While or after creating a table, you should save it. If you are freshly creating a table and decide to save it, you would be prompted to name it. The name of a table:
Besides these rules, you can make up yours. On this tutorial, the name of a table
Tables Relationships and Data Integrity |
Introduction |
A relational database is a system in which information flows from one database object to another. For example, on a bank database, you can use one object to create accounts for customers and use another object to process transactions that the owners of bank accounts need. The reason is that the same customer may need to perform various transactions, regularly. Instead of creating a new account every time the customer wants to perform a new transaction, you can use one account as a reference and bring up this account whenever the customer wants to deposit or withdraw money. |
The Primary Key |
The transactions among various objects of a database should make sure information of one object is accessible to another object. The objects that hold information, as we have mentioned already, are the tables. To manage the flow of information from one table (A) to another table (B), the table that holds the information, A, must make it available to other tables, such as B. There are two issues that must be dealt with:
These two problems are solved by specifying a particular column as the "key" of the table. Such a column is referred to as the primary key. In a relational database, which is the case for most of the databases you will be creating in SQL Server, each table should have at least one primary key. As an example, a primary key on an Account table of a bank database can be set on a Bank Account field because each customer should have a unique bank account number. A table can also have more than one primary key if you judge it necessary. Once you have decided that a table will have a primary key, you must decide what type of data that field will hold. If you are building a table that can use a known and obvious field as unique, an example would be the shelf number of a library, you can set its data type as char or varchar and make it a primary key. In many other cases, for example if you cannot decide on a particular field that would hold unique information, an example would be customers Contact Name, you should create your own unique field and make it the Primary Key constraint. Such a field should have an int data type. To specify a primary key on a table, you
create one column as the PRIMARY KEY constraint and there can be only one
PRIMARY KEY constraint on a table. To do this in Enterprise Manager,
create a column and specify its data type. Then, on the toolbar, click the
Set Primary Key button To create a primary column using SQL, on the right side of the column definition, type PRIMARY KEY. |
Foreign Keys |
A foreign key is a column on a table whose data is coming from another table. As mentioned above for the primary key. Imagine you want to perform transactions for an ice cream shop. When a customer places an order, she must specify the type of container (cup, cone, or bowl which exist in their own table). To make this happen, you can create a table for orders. In that table, you can create a column that would represent containers so the user would not have to type the name of a container. The clerk would simply select one. Therefore, on the table for orders, the column that represents containers is called a foreign key. To create a foreign key, the table you want to link to must have a PRIMARY KEY constraint. In the current table, you must add a column referred to as a FOREIGN KEY constraint. The new column in this table should have the same name as the primary key column of the other table. |
Tables Relationships |
To help information flow from one table to another, there must be a relationship between both tables. One table that holds information would supply it to the other table. The table that holds data is considered the parent and must have a primary key column. The table that request the information must have a foreign key that corresponds to the other's primary key. |
Diagrams |
A diagram is a window that visually displays the relationships among tables of a database. To create a diagram, use the Create Database Diagram Wizard. |
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