
Functional Conditions


Alternatives to a Condition Being True/False?


The If...Then...ElseIf Condition

The If...Then...ElseIf statement acts like the If...Then...Else expression, except that it offers as many choices as necessary. The formula is:

If Condition1 Then
ElseIf Condition2 Then
ElseIf Conditionk Then
End If

The program will first examine Condition1. If Condition1 is true, the program will execute Statment1 and stop examining conditions. If Condition1 is false, the program will examine Condition2 and act accordingly. Whenever a condition is false, the program will continue examining the conditions until it finds one that is true. Once a true condition has been found and its statement executed, the program will terminate the conditional examination at End If. Here is an example:

Module Exercise

    Public Function Main() As Integer
        Dim MemberAge As Short

        MemberAge = 32

        If MemberAge <= 18 Then
            MsgBox("Membership: " & "Teen")
        ElseIf MemberAge < 55 Then
            MsgBox("Membership: " & "Adult")
        End If

        Return 0
    End Function

End Module

This would produce:

If Condition

What If No Alternative is Valid?

There is still a possibility that none of the stated conditions be true. In this case, you should provide a "catch all" condition. This is done with a last Else section. The Else section must be the last in the list of conditions and would act if none of the primary conditions is true. The formula to use would be:

If Condition1 Then
ElseIf Condition2 Then
ElseIf Conditionk Then
End If

Here is an example:

Module Exercise

    Public Function Main() As Integer
        Dim MemberAge As Short

        MemberAge = 65

        If MemberAge <= 18 Then
            MsgBox("Membership: " & "Teen")
        ElseIf MemberAge < 55 Then
            MsgBox("Membership: " & "Adult")
            MsgBox("Membership: " & "Senior")
        End If

        Return 0
    End Function

End Module

This would produce:


Practical LearningPractical Learning: Using If...Then...ElseIf

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Basic and create a Console Application named BCR3
  2. In the Solution Explorer, right-click Module1.vb and click Rename
  3. Type BethesdaCarRental.vb and press Enter
  4. Accept to change the file name
  5. To use an If...Then...ElseIf condition, change the document as follows:
    Module BethesdaCarRental
        Public Function Main() As Integer
            Dim EmployeeNumber As Long, EmployeeName As String
            Dim CustomerName As String
            Dim RentStartDate As Date, RentEndDate As Date
            Dim NumberOfDays As Integer
            Dim RateType As String, RateApplied As Double
            Dim OrderTotal As Double
            Dim OrderInvoice As String
            RateType = "Weekly Rate"
            RateApplied = 0
            OrderTotal = RateApplied
            EmployeeNumber = _
    		CLng(InputBox("Employee number (who processed this order):",
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", "00000"))
            If EmployeeNumber = 22804 Then
                EmployeeName = "Helene Mukoko"
            ElseIf EmployeeNumber = 92746 Then
                EmployeeName = "Raymond Kouma"
            ElseIf EmployeeNumber = 54080 Then
                EmployeeName = "Henry Larson"
            ElseIf EmployeeNumber = 86285 Then
                EmployeeName = "Gertrude Monay"
                EmployeeName = "Unknown"
            End If
            CustomerName = InputBox("Enter Customer Name:", _
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", "John Doe")
            RentStartDate = CDate(InputBox("Enter Rent Start Date:", _
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", #1/1/1900#))
            RentEndDate = CDate(InputBox("Enter Rend End Date:", _
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", #1/1/1900#))
            NumberOfDays = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, RentStartDate, RentEndDate)
            RateApplied = CDbl(InputBox("Enter Rate Applied:", _
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", 0))
            OrderInvoice = "===========================" & vbCrLf &
                      "=//= BETHESDA CAR RENTAL =//=" & vbCrLf &
                      "==-=-= Order Processing =-=-==" & vbCrLf &
                  "------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf &
                      "Processed by:" & vbTab & EmployeeName & vbCrLf &
                      "Processed for:" & vbTab & CustomerName & vbCrLf &
                  "------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf &
                      "Start Date:" & vbTab & RentStartDate & vbCrLf &
                      "End Date:" & vbTab & RentEndDate & vbCrLf &
                      "Nbr of Days:" & vbTab & NumberOfDays & vbCrLf &
                  "------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf &
                      "Rate Type:" & vbTab & RateType & vbCrLf &
                      "Rate Applied:" & vbTab & RateApplied & vbCrLf &
                  "Order Total:" & vbTab & FormatCurrency(OrderTotal) & vbCrLf &
                      MsgBoxStyle.Information Or MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly,
                   "Bethesda Car Rental")
            Return 0
        End Function
    End Module
  6. Execute the application
  7. Enter the employee number as 54080, the customer name as James Wiley, the start date as 11/05/2008, the end date as 11/15/2008, and the rate applied 49.95
    Car Rental
  8. Close the message box and the DOS window to return to your programming environment

Conditional Statements and Functions



As introduced in Lesson 5 and as seen in lessons thereafter, we know that a function is used to perform a specific assignment and produce a result. Here is an example:

Private Function SetMembershipLevel$()
    Dim MemberAge%

    MemberAge% = InputBox("Enter the Member's Age")

    Return ""
End Function

When performing its assignment, a function can encounter different situations, some of which would need to be checked for truthfulness or negation. This means that conditional statements can assist a procedure with its assignment.

  1. Enter the customer name as Judith Nkolo, the rent start date as 11/05/2008, the rent end date as 11/15/2008, and the rate applied 39.95
    Bethesda Car Rental
  2. Close the message box and the DOS window to return to your programming environment

Conditional Returns

A function is meant to return a value. Sometimes, it will perform some tasks whose results would lead to different results. A function can return only one value (we saw that, by passing arguments by reference, you can make a procedure return more than one value) but you can make it render a result depending on a particular behavior. If a function is requesting an answer from the user, since the user can provide different answers, you can treat each result differently. Consider the following function:

Module Exercise

    Private Function SetMembershipLevel$()
        Dim MemberAge%

        MemberAge% = InputBox("Enter the Member's Age")

        If MemberAge% < 18 Then
            Return "Teen"
        ElseIf MemberAge% < 55 Then
            Return "Adult"
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function Main() As Integer
        Dim Membership$

        MsgBox("Membership: " & Membership$)
        Return 0
    End Function

End Module

At first glance, this function looks fine. The user is asked to provide a number. If the user enters a number less than 18 (excluded), the function returns Teen. Here is an example of running the program:

Conditional Statements and Functions

Conditional Statements and Functions

If the user provides a number between 18 (included) and 55, the function returns the Adult. Here is another example of running the program:

Conditional Statements and Functions

Conditional Statements and Functions

What if there is an answer that does not fit those we are expecting? The values that we have returned in the function conform only to the conditional statements and not to the function. Remember that in If Condidion Statement, the Statement executes only if the Condition is true. Here is what will happen. If the user enters a number higher than 55 (excluded), the function will not execute any of the returned statements. This means that the execution will reach the End Function line without encountering a return value. This also indicates to the compiler that you wrote a function that is supposed to return a value, but by the end of the method, it didn't return a value. Here is another example of running the program:

Conditional Statements and Functions

Conditional Statements and Functions

The compiler would produce a warning:

Warning	1 Function 'SetMembershipLevel' doesn't return a value on all code paths.

To solve this problem, you have various alternatives. If the function uses an If...Then condition, you can create an Else section that embraces any value other than those validated previously. Here is an example:

Module Exercise

    Private Function SetMembershipLevel$()
        Dim MemberAge%

        MemberAge% = InputBox("Enter the Member's Age")

        If MemberAge% < 18 Then
            Return "Teen"
        ElseIf MemberAge% < 55 Then
            Return "Adult"
            Return "Senior"
        End If

    End Function

    Public Function Main() As Integer
        Dim Membership$

        Membership$ = SetMembershipLevel$()
        MsgBox("Membership: " & Membership$)
        Return 0
    End Function

End Module

This time, the Else condition would execute if no value applies to the If or ElseIf conditions and the compiler would not produce a warning. Here is another example of running the program:

Conditional Statements and Functions

Conditional Statements and Functions

An alternative is to provide a last return value just before the End Function line. In this case, if the execution reaches the end of the function, it would still return something but you would know what it returns. This would be done as follows:

Private Function SetMembershipLevel$()
    Dim MemberAge%

    MemberAge% = InputBox("Enter the Member's Age")

    If MemberAge% < 18 Then
        Return "Teen"
    ElseIf MemberAge% < 55 Then
        Return "Adult"
    End If

    Return "Senior"
End Function

If the function uses an If condition, both implementations would produce the same result.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Using a Conditional Statement

  1. To use a conditional statement in a function, change the document as follows:
    Module BethesdaCarRental
        Private Function GetEmployeeName(ByVal EmplNbr As Long) As String
            Dim Name As String
            If EmplNbr = 22804 Then
                Name = "Helene Mukoko"
            ElseIf EmplNbr = 92746 Then
                Name = "Raymond Kouma"
            ElseIf EmplNbr = 54080 Then
                Name = "Henry Larson"
            ElseIf EmplNbr = 86285 Then
                Name = "Gertrude Monay"
                Name = "Unknown"
            End If
            Return Name
        End Function
        Public Function Main() As Integer
            Dim EmployeeNumber As Long, EmployeeName As String
            Dim CustomerName As String
            Dim RentStartDate As Date, RentEndDate As Date
            Dim NumberOfDays As Integer
            Dim RateType As String, RateApplied As Double
            Dim OrderTotal As Double
            Dim OrderInvoice As String
            RateType = "Weekly Rate"
            RateApplied = 0
            OrderTotal = RateApplied
            EmployeeNumber = CLng(InputBox(
    		"Employee number (who processed this order):",
                    "Bethesda Car Rental", "00000"))
            EmployeeName = GetEmployeeName(EmployeeNumber)
            CustomerName = InputBox("Enter Customer Name:", _
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", "John Doe")
            RentStartDate = CDate(InputBox("Enter Rent Start Date:", _
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", #1/1/1900#))
            RentEndDate = CDate(InputBox("Enter Rend End Date:", _
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", #1/1/1900#))
            NumberOfDays = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, RentStartDate, RentEndDate)
            RateApplied = CDbl(InputBox("Enter Rate Applied:", _
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", 0))
            OrderInvoice = "===========================" & vbCrLf &
                      "=//= BETHESDA CAR RENTAL =//=" & vbCrLf &
                      "==-=-= Order Processing =-=-==" & vbCrLf &
                      "------------------------------------------------" &
    		  vbCrLf & _
                      "Processed by:" & vbTab & EmployeeName & vbCrLf &
                      "Processed for:" & vbTab & CustomerName & vbCrLf &
                      "------------------------------------------------" &
    		  vbCrLf &
                      "Start Date:" & vbTab & RentStartDate & vbCrLf &
                      "End Date:" & vbTab & RentEndDate & vbCrLf &
                      "Nbr of Days:" & vbTab & NumberOfDays & vbCrLf &
                      "------------------------------------------------" &
    		  vbCrLf &
                      "Rate Type:" & vbTab & RateType & vbCrLf &
                      "Rate Applied:" & vbTab & RateApplied & vbCrLf &
                      "Order Total:" & vbTab & FormatCurrency(OrderTotal) &
    		  vbCrLf &
                      MsgBoxStyle.Information Or MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly,
                   "Bethesda Car Rental")
            Return 0
        End Function
    End Module
  2. Execute the application
  3. Enter the employee number as 54080, the customer name as Sunil Ajat, the start date as 11/05/2008, the end date as 11/15/2008, and the rate applied 49.95
    Bethesda Car Rental
  4. Close the message box and the DOS window to return to your programming environment

If-Condition Built-In Functions


Using the Immediate If Function

The IIf() function can also be used in place of an If...Then...ElseIf scenario. When the function is called, the Expression is checked. As we saw already, if the expression is true, the function returns the value of the TruePart argument and ignores the last argument. To use this function as an alternative to If...Then...ElseIf statement, if the expression is false, instead of immediately returning the value of the FalsePart argument, you can translate that part into a new IIf function. The pseudo-syntax would become:

Public Function IIf( _
   ByVal Expression As Boolean, _ 
   ByVal TruePart As Object, _ 
   	Public Function IIf( _
   	    ByVal Expression As Boolean, _ 
   	    ByVal TruePart As Object, _ 
   	    ByVal FalsePart As Object _ 
	) As Object
) As Object

In this case, if the expression is false, the function returns the TruePart and stops. If the expression is false, the compiler accesses the internal IIf function and applies the same scenario. Here is example:

Module Exercise

    Public Function Main() As Integer
        Dim MemberAge As Short
        Dim MembershipCategory As String

        MemberAge = 74

        MembershipCategory = _
	    IIf(MemberAge <= 18, "Teen", IIf(MemberAge < 55, "Adult", "Senior"))

        MsgBox("Membership: " & MembershipCategory)
        Return 0
    End Function

End Module

We saw that in an If...Then...ElseIf statement you can add as many ElseIf conditions as you want. In the same, you can call as many IIf functions in the subsequent FalsePart sections as you judge necessary:

Public Function IIf(
   ByVal Expression As Boolean,
   ByVal TruePart As Object, 
   	Public Function IIf(
   	    ByVal Expression As Boolean,
   	    ByVal TruePart As Object,
   	    	Public Function IIf(
   	    	    ByVal Expression As Boolean,
   	    	    ByVal TruePart As Object, 
   	    		Public Function IIf(
   	    		    ByVal Expression As Boolean,
   	    		    ByVal TruePart As Object, 
   	    		    ByVal FalsePart As Object 
			) As Object
		) As Object
	) As Object
) As Object

Choose an Alternate Value

As we have seen so far, the Choose function takes a list of arguments. To use it as an alternative to the If...Then...ElseIf...ElseIf condition, you can pass as many values as you judge necessary for the second argument. The index of the first member of the second argument would be 1. The index of the second member of the second argument would be 2, and so on. When the function is called, it would first get the value of the first argument, then it would check the indexes of the available members of the second argument. The member whose index matches the first argument would be executed. Here is an example:

Module Exercise

    Public Function Main() As Integer
        Dim Status As UShort, EmploymentStatus As String

        Status = 3

        EmploymentStatus = Choose(Status,
                                  "Full Time",
                                  "Part Time",

        MsgBox("Employment Status: " & EmploymentStatus)

        Return 0
    End Function

End Module

This would produce:



So far, we have used only strings for the values of the second argument of the Choose() function. In reality, the values of the second argument can be almost anything. One value can be a constant. Another value can be a string. Yet another value can come from calling a function. Here is an example:

Module Exercise

    Private Function ShowContractors$()
        Return "=-= List of Contractors =-=" & vbCrLf &
               "Martin Samson" & vbCrLf &
               "Geneviève Lam" & vbCrLf &
               "Frank Viel" & vbCrLf &
               "Henry Rickson" & vbCrLf &
               "Samuel Lott"
    End Function

    Public Function Main() As Integer
        Dim Status As UShort, Result$

        Status = 3

        Result = Choose(Status,
                        "Employment Status: Full Time",
                        "Employment Status: Part Time",
                        "Seasonal Employment")

        Return 0
    End Function

End Module

This would produce:

The values of the second argument can even be of different types.

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Using the Choose Function

  1. To use the Choose() function, change the document as follows:
    Module BethesdaCarRental
        Private Function GetEmployeeName(ByVal EmplNbr As Long) As String
            Dim Name As String
            If EmplNbr = 22804 Then
                Name = "Helene Mukoko"
            ElseIf EmplNbr = 92746 Then
                Name = "Raymond Kouma"
            ElseIf EmplNbr = 54080 Then
                Name = "Henry Larson"
            ElseIf EmplNbr = 86285 Then
                Name = "Gertrude Monay"
                Name = "Unknown"
            End If
            Return Name
        End Function
        Public Function Main() As Integer
            Dim EmployeeNumber As Long, EmployeeName As String
            Dim CustomerName As String
            Dim Tank As Integer, TankLevel As String
            Dim RentStartDate As Date, RentEndDate As Date
            Dim NumberOfDays As Integer
            Dim RateType As String, RateApplied As Double
            Dim OrderTotal As Double
            Dim OrderInvoice As String
            RateType = "Weekly Rate"
            RateApplied = 0
            OrderTotal = RateApplied
            EmployeeNumber =
    	    CLng(InputBox("Employee number (who processed this order):",
                              "Bethesda Car Rental", "00000"))
            EmployeeName = GetEmployeeName(EmployeeNumber)
            CustomerName = InputBox("Enter Customer Name:",
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", "John Doe")
            Tank = CInt(InputBox("Enter Tank Level:" & vbCrLf &
                                 "1. Empty" & vbCrLf &
                                 "2. 1/4 Empty" & vbCrLf &
                                 "3. 1/2 Full" & vbCrLf &
                                 "4. 3/4 Full" & vbCrLf &
                                 "5. Full",
                                 "Bethesda Car Rental", 1))
            TankLevel = Choose(Tank, "Empty", "1/4 Empty",
    			   "1/2 Full", "3/4 Full", "Full")
            RentStartDate = CDate(InputBox("Enter Rent Start Date:",
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", #1/1/1900#))
            RentEndDate = CDate(InputBox("Enter Rend End Date:",
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", #1/1/1900#))
            NumberOfDays = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, RentStartDate, RentEndDate)
            RateApplied = CDbl(InputBox("Enter Rate Applied:", _
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", 0))
            OrderInvoice = "===========================" & vbCrLf &
                      "=//= BETHESDA CAR RENTAL =//=" & vbCrLf &
                      "==-=-= Order Processing =-=-==" & vbCrLf &
                  "------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf &
                      "Processed by:" & vbTab & EmployeeName & vbCrLf &
                      "Processed for:" & vbTab & CustomerName & vbCrLf &
                  "------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf &
                      "Car Selected:" & vbCrLf &
                      vbTab & "Tank:" & vbTab & TankLevel & vbCrLf &
                  "------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf &
                      "Start Date:" & vbTab & RentStartDate & vbCrLf &
                      "End Date:" & vbTab & RentEndDate & vbCrLf &
                      "Nbr of Days:" & vbTab & NumberOfDays & vbCrLf &
                  "------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf &
                      "Rate Type:" & vbTab & RateType & vbCrLf &
                      "Rate Applied:" & vbTab & RateApplied & vbCrLf &
                  "Order Total:" & vbTab & FormatCurrency(OrderTotal) & vbCrLf &
                      MsgBoxStyle.Information Or MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly,
                   "Bethesda Car Rental")
            Return 0
        End Function
    End Module
  2. Eexecute the application
  3. Enter the employee number as 22804, the customer name as George Livingstone, the tank level as 2, the start date as 09/15/2008, the end date as 09/19/2008, and the rate applied 65.75
    Car Rental
  4. Close the message box and the DOS window to return to your programming environment

Switching to an Alternate Value

The Switch() function is a prime alternative to the If...Then...ElseIf...ElseIf condition. The argument to this function is passed as a list of values. As seen previously, each value is passed as a combination of two values:

ConditionXToCheck, StatementX

As the function is accessed, the compiler checks each condition. If a condition X is true, its statement is executed. If a condition Y is false, the compiler skips it. You can provide as many of these combinations as you want. Here is an example:

Module Exercise
    Private Enum EmploymentStatus
    End Enum

    Public Function Main() As Integer
        Dim Status As EmploymentStatus
        Dim Result As String

        Status = EmploymentStatus.Contractor
        Result = "Unknown"

        Result = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Switch(
                    Status = EmploymentStatus.FullTime, "Full Time",
                    Status = EmploymentStatus.PartTime, "Part Time",
                    Status = EmploymentStatus.Contractor, "Contractor",
                    Status = EmploymentStatus.Seasonal, "Seasonal")

        MsgBox("Employment Status: " & Result)

        Return 0
    End Function

End Module

This would produce:


In a true If...Then...ElseIf...ElseIf condition, we saw that there is a possibility that none of the conditions would fit, in which case you can add a last Else statement. The Switch() function also supports this situation if you are using a number, a character, or a string. To provide this last alternative, instead of a ConditionXToCheck expressionk, enter True, and include the necessary statement. Here is an example:

Module Exercise

    Public Function Main() As Integer
        Dim Status As UShort
        Dim Result As String

        Status = 12

        Result = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Switch(
                    Status = 1, "Full Time",
                    Status = 2, "Part Time",
                    Status = 3, "Contractor",
                    Status = 4, "Seasonal",
                    True, "Unknown")

        MsgBox("Employment Status: " & Result)

        Return 0
    End Function

End Module

This would produce:


Remember that you can also use True with a character. Here is an example:

Module Exercise

    Public Function Main() As Integer
        Dim Gender As Char
        Dim Result As String

        Gender = "H"

        Result = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Switch(
                    Gender = "f", "Female",
                    Gender = "F", "Female",
                    Gender = "m", "Male",
                    Gender = "M", "Male",
                    True, "Unknown")

        MsgBox("Gender: " & Result)

        Return 0
    End Function

End Module

This would produce:


Practical LearningPractical Learning: Using the Switch() Function

  1. To use the Switch() function, change the document as follows:
    Module BethesdaCarRental
        Private Function GetEmployeeName(ByVal EmplNbr As Long) As String
            Dim Name As String
            If EmplNbr = 22804 Then
                Name = "Helene Mukoko"
            ElseIf EmplNbr = 92746 Then
                Name = "Raymond Kouma"
            ElseIf EmplNbr = 54080 Then
                Name = "Henry Larson"
            ElseIf EmplNbr = 86285 Then
                Name = "Gertrude Monay"
                Name = "Unknown"
            End If
            Return Name
        End Function
        Public Function Main() As Integer
            Dim EmployeeNumber As Long, EmployeeName As String
            Dim CustomerName As String
            Dim TagNumber As String, CarSelected As String
            Dim Tank As Integer, TankLevel As String
            Dim RentStartDate As Date, RentEndDate As Date
            Dim NumberOfDays As Integer
            Dim RateType As String, RateApplied As Double
            Dim OrderTotal As Double
            Dim OrderInvoice As String
            RateType = "Weekly Rate"
            RateApplied = 0
            OrderTotal = RateApplied
            EmployeeNumber =
    	  CLng(InputBox("Employee number (who processed this order):",
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", "00000"))
            EmployeeName = GetEmployeeName(EmployeeNumber)
            CustomerName = InputBox("Enter Customer Name:",
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", "John Doe")
            TagNumber = InputBox("Enter the tag number of the car to rent:",
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", "000000")
            CarSelected = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Switch(
                        TagNumber = "297419", "BMW 335i",
                        TagNumber = "485M270", "Chevrolet Avalanche",
                        TagNumber = "247597", "Honda Accord LX",
                        TagNumber = "924095", "Mazda Miata",
                        TagNumber = "772475", "Chevrolet Aveo",
                        TagNumber = "M931429", "Ford E150XL",
                        TagNumber = "240759", "Buick Lacrosse",
                        True, "Unidentified Car")
            Tank = CInt(InputBox("Enter Tank Level:" & vbCrLf &
                                 "1. Empty" & vbCrLf &
                                 "2. 1/4 Empty" & vbCrLf &
                                 "3. 1/2 Full" & vbCrLf &
                                 "4. 3/4 Full" & vbCrLf &
                                 "5. Full",
                                 "Bethesda Car Rental", 1))
            TankLevel = Choose(Tank, "Empty", "1/4 Empty",
    			   "1/2 Full", "3/4 Full", "Full")
            RentStartDate = CDate(InputBox("Enter Rent Start Date:",
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", #1/1/1900#))
            RentEndDate = CDate(InputBox("Enter Rend End Date:", _
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", #1/1/1900#))
            NumberOfDays = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, RentStartDate, RentEndDate)
            RateApplied = CDbl(InputBox("Enter Rate Applied:", _
                                           "Bethesda Car Rental", 0))
            OrderInvoice = "===========================" & vbCrLf &
                      "=//= BETHESDA CAR RENTAL =//=" & vbCrLf &
                      "==-=-= Order Processing =-=-==" & vbCrLf &
                  "------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf &
                      "Processed by:" & vbTab & EmployeeName & vbCrLf &
                      "Processed for:" & vbTab & CustomerName & vbCrLf &
                  "------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf &
                      "Car Selected:" & vbCrLf &
                      vbTab & "Tag #:" & vbTab & TagNumber & vbCrLf &
                      vbTab & "Car:" & vbTab & CarSelected & vbCrLf &
                      vbTab & "Tank:" & vbTab & TankLevel & vbCrLf &
                  "------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf &
                      "Start Date:" & vbTab & RentStartDate & vbCrLf &
                      "End Date:" & vbTab & RentEndDate & vbCrLf &
                      "Nbr of Days:" & vbTab & NumberOfDays & vbCrLf &
                  "------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf &
                      "Rate Type:" & vbTab & RateType & vbCrLf &
                      "Rate Applied:" & vbTab & RateApplied & vbCrLf &
                  "Order Total:" & vbTab & FormatCurrency(OrderTotal) & vbCrLf &
                      MsgBoxStyle.Information Or MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly,
                   "Bethesda Car Rental")
            Return 0
        End Function
    End Module
  2. Eexecute the application
  3. Enter the employee number as 86285, the customer name as Genevieve H. Gomoore, the tag number as 924095, the tank level as 3, the start date as 10/22/2008, the end date as 10/31/2008, and the rate applied 55.50
    Car Rental
  4. Close the message box and the DOS window to return to your programming environment

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