Introducing the Base Level

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing the Base Level

  1. Start Blender
  2. Click the default cube to select it (it should be selected already)
  3. In the Properties window, click the Object button Object (it should be selected already) to access the primary properties of the cube
  4. Change the following values:
    Name:     Story-First
    Location: Z: 0.75
    Scale:    X: 1.5
              Y: 2
              Z: 0.75

    Barn - Introducing the Base Level

  5. On the main menu, click Shading
  6. On the Shading toolbar click Material to select it
  7. Type Wall and press Enter
  8. In the Principled BSDF window, click the right side of Base Color
  9. Set the RGB values as follows:
    Red:   0.375
    Green: 0.125
    Blue:  0.005
  10. To edit the building, on the top-main menu of Blender, click Modeling
  11. Press Ctrl + R to create a loop cut
  12. Position the mouse on one of the long borders (perpendicular to the X axis). Scroll a little to get two lines
  13. Click to apply the cuts, and right-click to accept the cuts
  14. Press S to resize
  15. Move the mouse slightly away from the cube and click
  16. In the bottom-left section of the 3D Viewport window, click Resize to expand its window
  17. In the Resize window, change the scale values as follows:
    Scale X: 1
          Y: 2.915
          Z: 1

    Barn - Introducing the Base Level

  18. Position the mouse on the cube in the 3D Viewport. Press Ctrl + R to create a loop cut
  19. Position the mouse on one of the short borders. Scroll a little to get two lines
  20. Click to apply the cuts, and right-click to accept the cuts
  21. Press S to resize
  22. Move the mouse slightly away from the cube and click
  23. In the Resize window, change the scale values as follows:
    Scale X: 2.885
          Y: 1
          Z: 1

    Barn - Introducing the Base Level

  24. On the top menu, click the Face button Face
  25. Click the top large face to select it
  26. Click and drag the cube to access the bottom face
  27. Press and hold Shift
  28. Click the bottom large face to select it and make sure both the top and the bottom large faces are selected
  29. Release Shift
  30. On the menu bar, click Edge -> Bridge Edge Loops

    Barn - Introducing the Base Level

  31. On the main menu of Blender, click Layout

Modeling a Door Frame

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Modeling a Door Frame

  1. On the top menu of Blender, click Add -> Mesh -> Cube
  2. In the Object section of the Properties window, change the following characteristics:
    Name:    Door-Frame
    Location Y: -1.965
             Z:  0.5
    Scale    X:  0.405
             Y:  0.055
             Z:  0.5

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  3. On the main menu, click Modeling

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  4. Position your mouse in the 3D Viewport window. To hide the objects that are not selected, on the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  5. Position your mouse on the top or the bottom part of the door. Press Ctrl + R to create vertical loop cuts
  6. Roll the mouse to get two cuts and click twice
  7. Press S to resize
  8. Move the mouse away slightly from the door and click
  9. In the Resize window, change the scale values as follows:
    Scale: X: 2.725
           Y: 1
           Z: 1

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  10. Position your mouse on the left or the right side of the door. Press Ctrl + R to create a horizontal loop cut
  11. Click twice
  12. In the Resize window, change the Factor value to s:
    Factor: -0.915

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  13. On the top bar, click the Face button Face
  14. Click and drag the Rotate button to view the back of the door
  15. Click the large back face in the middle of the door to select it

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  16. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport -> Delete Faces
  17. Click the bottom face in the middle of the door to select it

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  18. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport -> Delete Faces
  19. Click the other large face in the middle of the door to select it

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  20. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport workspace window -> Separate -> Selection

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  21. Position your mouse in the 3D Viewport window. To display the objects that were hidden, on the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  22. On the main menu of Blender, click Layout

The Door Leaf

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Modeling the Door Leaf

  1. Click the middle face to select it

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  2. In the Object section of the Properties window, click Door.Frame.001 to select it. Type Door-Leaf and press Enter
  3. On the main menu, click Shading
  4. On the Shading toolbar, click the New button
  5. Click Meterial to select it
  6. Then type Wood-Light and press Enter
  7. Click the right side of Base Color
  8. Set the RGB values as follows:
    Red:   0.575
    Green: 0.425
    Blue:  0.135
  9. On the main menu of Blender, click Layout

Continuing the Base Building

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Continuing the Base Building

  1. Click one of the walls of the barn to select it

    Barn - Introducing the Base Level

  2. On the top-main menu of Blender, click Modeling
  3. On the top menu, click View -> Viewpoint -> Front
  4. Position your mouse on the top or the bottom part of the bottom building. Press Ctrl + R to create vertical loop cuts
  5. Roll the mouse slightly to get two cuts
  6. Click to apply the cuts, and right-click to accept the cuts
  7. Press S, then press X
  8. Move the mouse towards the door to position the cuts between the horizontal frames of the door
  9. Then click

    Barn - Introducing the Base Level

  10. Position your mouse on the left or the right side of the building. Press Ctrl + R to create a horizontal loop cut
  11. Click once. Then move the mouse up to position the cut between the horizontal lines of the top frame of the door
  12. Then click

    Barn - Introducing the Base Level

  13. Click and drag the Rotate button to access the interior of the barn and the back of the door
  14. Position your mouse on the left or the right side of the interior of the barn. Press Ctrl + R to create a horizontal loop cut
  15. Click once. Then move the mouse up to position the cut between the horizontal lines of the top frame of the door
  16. Then click

    Barn - Introducing the Base Level

  17. On the top bar, click the Face button Face
  18. Click the face inside the frame of the door to select it

    Barn - Introducing the Base Level

  19. On your keyboard, press Delete
  20. On the menu that appears, click Faces
  21. Click the other face inside the frame of the door to select it
  22. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport -> Delete Faces
  23. Click the face on the bottom side between the left and right frames of the door to select it
  24. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport and click Delete Faces
  25. On the main menu of Blender, click Layout

Continuing the Door Frame

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Continuing the Door Frame

  1. Click the door frame to select it
  2. To continue editing the door, on the main menu of Blender, click Modeling
  3. Position your mouse in the 3D Viewport window. To display the objects that were hidden, on the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /
  4. On the top bar, click the Edge button Edge
  5. On the door, click one of the interior edges of the opening to select it
  6. On your keyboard, press and hold Shift
  7. Click each of the interior edges of both openings of the door but don't select the bottom edge of each side

    Barn - Introducing the Base Level

  8. On the menu bar, click Edge -> Bridge Edge Loops

    Barn - Introducing the Base Level

  9. Position your mouse in the 3D Viewport window. To display the objects that were hidden, on the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /
  10. On the main menu, click Shading
  11. On the Shading toolbar, click the New button
  12. Click Meterial to select it
  13. Then type Creame and press Enter
  14. Click the right side of Base Color
  15. Set the RGB values as follows:
    Red:   1
    Green: 0.875
    Blue:  0.465
  16. On the main menu of Blender, click Layout

Continuing the Door Face

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Continuing the Door Face

  1. Click the door face (or door leaf) to select it
  2. To edit the door, on the main menu of Blender, click Modeling
  3. Position the mouse on the door. In the numeric pad of the keyboard, press / to hide the other objects
  4. Click and drag the Rotate button to view the front on the door in perspective
  5. Press Ctrl + R to create a loop cut
  6. Position the mouse on the top or the bottom edge and click twice to create a vertical loop cut

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  7. On the top bar, click the Face button Face
  8. Click the left side of the vertical line to select the left face

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  9. Press X to delete
  10. On the menu that appears, click Faces

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  11. On the toolbar of the Properties window, click the Modifiers button Modifiers
  12. Click the door face to select it
  13. Press E to extrude and press Enter
  14. In the Extrude Region and Move window, change the Z value to -0.02:
    Move Z: -0.02

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  15. Position your mouse on the top or the bottom side of the door. Press Ctrl + R to create a vertical loop cut
  16. Click twice to confirm the loop cut
  17. In the Loop Cut and Slide window, change the factor value to -0.775:
    Factor: -0.775

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  18. Position your mouse on the top or the bottom side of the face. Press Ctrl + R to create a vertical loop cut
  19. Click twice to confirm the loop cut
  20. In the Loop Cut and Slide window, change the factor value to -0.765:
    Factor: -0.765

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  21. Position your mouse on the left or the right side of the door leaf. Press Ctrl + R to create a horizontal loop cut
  22. Click twice to confirm the loop cut
  23. Position your mouse on the left or the right side of the lower part of the door leaf. Press Ctrl + R to create a horizontal loop cut
  24. Click twice to confirm the loop cut
  25. In the Loop Cut and Slide window, change the factor value to -0.775:
    Factor: -0.775

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  26. Press Ctrl + R to create a vertical loop cut. Position your mouse on the left or the right side of the door leaf
  27. Click twice to confirm the loop cut

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  28. Position your mouse above the previously create cut. Press Ctrl + R to create a horizontal loop cut
  29. Click twice to confirm the loop cut
  30. In the Loop Cut and Slide window, change the factor value to -0.765:
    Factor: 0.835

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  31. On the toolbar in the top-right section, click the Material Preview button Material Preview
  32. On the toolbar of the Properties window, click the Material button Face
  33. On the top bar, click the Face button Face
  34. Click the face at the intersection of the cuts

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  35. In the Material section of the Properties window, click the + button
  36. Click the New button
  37. Click Material to select the name
  38. Type Wood-Medium and press Enter
  39. While the small face is still selected and the Wood-Medium name is selected, click the Assign button
  40. Click the right side of Base Color
  41. Set the RGB values as follows:
    Red:   0.165
    Green: 0.055
    Blue:  0.015

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  42. Position the mouse in the 3D Viewport. Press E to extrude and press Enter
  43. In the Extrude Region and Move window, change the Z value to -0.05:
    Move Z: -0.05

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  44. Press and hold Shift
  45. While the face is still selected, in the numeric pad of the keyboard, press +. That will select the faces close to the one that was previously selected
  46. Release Shift

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  47. Make sure the faces next to the previous small face are selected. In the Material section of the Properties window, click Wood-Medium
  48. Click Assign

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  49. On the toolbar in the top-right section, click the Solid button Material Preview
  50. Position your mouse on the left or the right side of the part that was extruded. Press Ctrl + R to create a horizontal loop cut
  51. Click once to create a loop cut
  52. Move the mouse slightly to enlarge the section from the door
  53. Click to create a loop cut

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  54. On the top bar, click the Face button Face
  55. Click the top second face from the part that was just created

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  56. On the toolbar in the top-right section, click the Material Preview button Material Preview
  57. Press E to extrude and press Enter
  58. In the Extrude Region and Move window, change the Z value to -0.1:
    Move Z: -0.1

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  59. Position your mouse on the 3D Viewport. Press S to resize the face and press Enter
  60. In the Resize window, change the X and the Y scale values:
    Scale: X: 0.85
           Y: 0.75
           Z: 0

    Barn - Modeling a Door Leaf

  61. On the toolbar in the top-right section, click the Solid button Material Preview
  62. Position your mouse in the 3D Viewport window. To display the objects that were hidden, on the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /
  63. On the main menu of Blender, click Layout
  64. On the toolbar of the Properties window, click the Modifiers button Modifiers
  65. In the Modifiers section of the Properties window, click Add Modifier -> Generate -> Mirror

Modeling a Door Closer

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Modeling a Bar Closer

  1. On the top menu of Blender, click Add -> Mesh -> Cube
  2. In the Properties window, click the Object button Object
  3. In the Properties window, change the following values:
    Name:     Door-Closer
    Location: X: 0
              Y: -2.035
              Z: 0.545
    Scale:    X: 0.125
              Y: 0.0125
              Z: 0.025
    (or set the values as necessary)

    Barn - Modeling a Door Closer

  4. On the main menu, click Shading
  5. Make sure the new bar is selected. On the Shading toolbar, click the New button
  6. Click Meterial to select it
  7. Then type Wood-Dark and press Enter
  8. Click the right side of Base Color
  9. Set the RGB values as follows:
    Red:   0.0265
    Green: 0.015
    Blue:  0.005
  10. On the main menu of Blender, click Layout

Modeling a Window

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Modeling a Window

  1. On the top menu of Blender, click Add -> Mesh -> Cube
  2. In the Properties window, click the Object button Object to access the primary properties of the cube
  3. Change the following values:
    Name:     Window-Frame
    Location: X:  0.95
              Y: -1.965
              Z:  0.75
    Scale:    X:  0.25
              Y:  0.055
              Z:  0.25

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  4. Make sure the new cube (the new window) is selected.
    To edit the cube, on the main menu of Blender, click Modeling
  5. Position the mouse in the 3D Workspace. To hide the objects that are not selected, in the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /
  6. On the top menu, click View -> Viewpoint -> Front
  7. Position the mouse on the top or the bottom side of the window. Press Ctrl + R to create vertical loop cuts and scroll the mouse slightly to get two vertical loop cuts
  8. Then click and right-click
  9. Position the mouse in the 3D Viewport window. Then, on your keyboard, press S
  10. Move the mouse slightly and click
  11. In the Resize window in the bottom-left section of the 3D Viewport window, change the following values:
    Scale: X: 2.625
           Y: 1
           Z: 1

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  12. Position the mouse on the left or the right side of the window. Press Ctrl + R to create horizontal loop cuts and scroll the mouse slightly to get two horizontal loop cuts
  13. Then click and right-click
  14. Position the mouse in the 3D Viewport window. Then, on your keyboard, press S
  15. Move the mouse slightly and click
  16. In the Resize window in the bottom-left section of the 3D Viewport window, change the following values:
    Scale: X: 1
           Y: 1
           Z: 2.625

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  17. On the top bar, click the Face button Face
  18. Click the large face in the middle of the shape to select it

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  19. On your keyboard, press X
  20. On the menu that appears, click Faces
  21. Click the other large face in the middle of the shape to select it

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  22. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport workspace window -> Separate -> Selection
  23. Position your mouse in the 3D Viewport window. To display the objects that were hidden, on the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /
  24. To confirm the separated parts, on the top-main menu of Blender, click Layout

Continuing Modeling the Building

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Continuing Modeling the Building

  1. Click any wall of the barn to select it

    Barn - Modeling the Base Level

  2. To continue editing the window, on the top-main menu of Blender, click Modeling
  3. On the top menu, click View -> Viewpoint -> Front
  4. Position the mouse above the window. Press Ctrl + R to create a horizontal loop cut
  5. Click once to initiate a loop cut
  6. Move the mouse to position the line within a frame of the window
  7. Click to create the loop cut

    Barn - Modeling the Base Level

  8. Position the mouse above the window and on the side with the wider part of the window. Press Ctrl + R to create a horizontal loop cut
  9. Click once to initiate a loop cut
  10. Move the mouse to position the line within the other frame of the window
  11. Click to create the loop cut

    Barn - Modeling the Base Level

  12. Position the mouse on the right side of the window and on the bottom border of the window. Press Ctrl + R to create a vertical loop cut
  13. Click once to initiate a loop cut
  14. Move the mouse to position the line within the bottom frame of the window
  15. Click to create the loop cut

    Barn - Modeling the Base Level

  16. Click and drag the Rotate button to access the interior of the barn and the back of the window
  17. Position the mouse on the bottom border of the window. Press Ctrl + R to create a horizontal loop cut
  18. Click once to initiate a loop cut
  19. Move the mouse to position the line within the bottom frame of the window
  20. Click to create the loop cut

    Barn - Modeling the Base Level

  21. Click and drag the Rotate button to access the exterior of the barn and the front of the window
  22. Position the mouse in the 3D Workspace. To hide the objects that are not selected, in the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /
  23. On the top bar, click the Face button Face
  24. Click the face from where the window was

    Barn - Modeling the Base Level

  25. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport -> Delete Faces
  26. Click the same area to select the back face where the window was
  27. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport -> Delete Faces

    Barn - Modeling the Base Level

  28. Position the mouse in the 3D Workspace. To display the objects that were hidden, in the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /
  29. On the top-main menu of Blender, click Layout

Continuing Modeling the Window

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Continuing Modeling the Window

  1. Click any border of the window to select it
  2. To continue editing the window, on the top-main menu of Blender, click Modeling
  3. Position the mouse in the 3D Workspace. To hide the objects that are not selected, in the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /
  4. On the top bar, click the Edge button Edge
  5. Press and hold Alt
  6. Click one of the interior edges of the window frame (make sure all the interior edges of the same from or back side are selected)
  7. While you are still holding Alt, press and hold Shift
  8. Click an interior edge of the side opposite the one you first selected (make sure the interior edges of each site is selected)
  9. Release Alt and Shift

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  10. On the menu bar, click Edge -> Bridge Edge Loops

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  11. On the main menu of Blender, click Layout

Creating Windows Bars

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating Windows Bars

  1. Make sure the window's frame is selected.
    Position the mouse in the 3D Viewport. To hide the objects that are not selected, in the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /
  2. On the top menu of Blender, click Add -> Mesh -> Cube
  3. In the Object section of the Properties window, change the following values:
    Name:    Window-Bar
    Location X: 0.95
             Y: -1.965
             Z: 0.75
    Scale    X: 0.0125
             Y: 0.02
             Z: 0.235

    Barn - Modeling Windows Bars

  4. On the main menu, click Modeling
  5. Position the mouse in the 3D Workspace. To display the objects that were hidden, in the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /
  6. Position the mouse on the left or the right border of the bar. Press Ctrl + R to create loop cuts
  7. Scroll the mouse slightly to get two vertical loop cuts and click twice to accept
  8. Press S to resize
  9. Press Z to resize vertically
  10. Move the mouse slightly towards the bar and click
  11. In the Resize window, change the Z value to 0.275:
    Scale X: 1
          Y: 1
          Z: 0.165

    Barn - Modeling Windows Bars

  12. On the top menu bar, click the Face button Face
  13. Click and drag the Rotate button to view one of the sides of the bar
  14. Click the middle face on one side of the bar

    Barn - Modeling Windows Bars

  15. Click and drag the Rotate button to view the other side of the bar
  16. Press and hold Shilft
  17. Click the middle face on the other side of the bar
  18. Release Shift
  19. On the top menu, click View -> Viewpoint -> Front
  20. While both middle side faces of the bar are selected, press Alt + E
  21. In the menu that appears, click Extrude Individual Faces
  22. Move the mouse up from the bar and click
  23. In the Extrude Indiviodual Faces and Move window, change the Offset value to 10.95:
    Offset: 17.75
    (or set the value so that the ends of the bars are within the frame in the left and the right borders of the window)

    Barn - Modeling Windows Bars

  24. On the main menu, click Layout
  25. Position the mouse in the 3D Viewport. On the numeric pad of the keyboard, press / to show the hidden objects
  26. On the main menu of Blender, click Shading
  27. On the barn, click the frame of the window
  28. On the Shading toolbar, click the arrow of the Material button and select Creame
  29. On the barn, click the bar within the window
  30. On the middle toolbar, click the arrow of the Material button and select Creame
  31. On the main menu of Blender, click Layout
  32. Click the frame of the door to select it
  33. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport and click Move to Collection
  34. In the window that appears, click New Collection
  35. Type Door as the name of the new collection
  36. Click Create
  37. Click the face within the door to select it
  38. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport and click Move to Collection
  39. In the list, click Door
  40. Click the small horizontal bar within the door to select it
  41. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport and click Move to Collection
  42. In the list, click Door

Creating the Window Glass


Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating the Window Glass

  1. Click the face within the window
  2. In the Object section of the Properties window, change the following characteristics of the window:
    Location Y: -2.015
    Scale:   X: 0.265
             Z: 0.265

    Barn - Modeling Windows Bars

  3. On the main menu, click Shading
  4. Make sure the face inside the window is selected.
    On the Shading toolbar, click the New button
  5. On the Shading toolbar, click Material to select it
  6. Type Window-Glass and press Enter
  7. In the Principled BSDF window, click Transmission to expand it
  8. Still in the Principled BSDF window, change the following values:
    Roughness:    0
    IOR:          1.115
    Transmission: Weight: 1
  9. On the main menu of Blender, click Layout
  10. Click the frame of the window to select it

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  11. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport and click Move to Collection
  12. In the window that appears, click New Collection
  13. Type Window as the name of the new collection
  14. Click Create
  15. Click the bar within the window to select it
  16. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport and click Move to Collection
  17. In the list, click Window
  18. Click the face within the window to select it
  19. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport and click Move to Collection
  20. In the list, click Window

Adding a Door and Windows


Practical LearningPractical Learning: Adding a Door and Windows

  1. On the left toolbar, click the Move button Move
  2. On the top menu, click View -> Viewpoint -> Front
  3. In the Outliner, click Window-Bar to select it
  4. Press and hold Ctrl
  5. In the Outliner, click Window-Frame to slect it
  6. In the Outliner, click Window-Glass to slect it
  7. Release Ctrl
  8. On the menu bar, click Object -> Duplicate Objects
  9. Right-click in the 3D Viewport to accept the duplicate
  10. Drag the red X arrow to move the selected group to the left of the door

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  11. On the top menu, click View -> Viewpoint -> Top
  12. In the Outliner, click one of the items in the Door collection
  13. Press and hold Ctrl
  14. Click each of the other items of the same group
  15. Release Ctrl
  16. On the menu bar, click Object -> Duplicate Objects
  17. Right-click in the 3D Viewport to accept the duplicate
  18. Drag the red X arrow to move the selected group to the left wall
  19. To rotate the door, press R
  20. Type 90 and press Enter
  21. Drag the green arrow to position the door to the center of the left wall

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  22. In the Outliner, click Window-Bar to select it
  23. Press and hold Ctrl
  24. Click Window-Frame to slect it
  25. Click Window-Glass to slect it
  26. Release Ctrl
  27. On the menu bar, click Object -> Duplicate Objects
  28. Right-click in the 3D Viewport to accept the duplicate
  29. Drag the red X arrow to move the selected group to the left wall
  30. To rotate the window, press R
  31. Type 90 and press Enter
  32. Drag the green arrow to position the door to the right of the door in the left wall

    Barn - Modeling a Window

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  33. While the window is still select, on the menu bar, click Object -> Duplicate Objects
  34. Right-click in the 3D Viewport to accept the duplicate
  35. Drag the green arrow to position the window on the other side of the left door

    Barn - Modeling a Window

    Barn - Modeling a Window

Finalizing the Base Level


Practical LearningPractical Learning: Finalizing the Base Level

  1. Click a wall of the barn to select it
  2. On the main menu, click Modeling
  3. On the top menu, click View -> Viewpoint -> Front
  4. Press Ctrl + R to create a loop cut
  5. Position the mouse on top or the bottom border of the left window
  6. Click once to create the cut
  7. Move the mouse to position the cut within one of the borders of the window
  8. Click to create the cut

    Barn - Modeling the Base Level

  9. Press Ctrl + R to create a loop cut
  10. Position the mouse on top or the bottom border of the other side of the window
  11. Click once to create the cut
  12. Move the mouse to position the cut within the other border of the window
  13. Click to create the cut

    Barn - Modeling the Base Level

  14. On the top menu, click View -> Viewpoint -> Left
  15. Press Ctrl + R to create a loop cut
  16. Position the mouse on top or the bottom border of one of the windows
  17. Click once to create the cut
  18. Move the mouse to position the cut within one of the borders of the window
  19. Click to create the cut
  20. Repeat the steps to apply a vertical loop cut to each of the borders of the windows:

    Barn - Modeling the Base Level

    Barn - Modeling the Base Level

  21. Also create a vertical loop cut for each of the borders of the door

    Barn - Modeling the Base Level

  22. Position your mouse in the 3D Viewport window. To hide the doors and window, on the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  23. On the top menu, click the Face button Face
  24. Click one of the faces within a window
  25. Press and hold Shift
  26. Click each of the faces within a window and both faces within the left door

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  27. Releas Shift
  28. Click and drag the Rotation button to access the interior walls of the barn
  29. Press and hold Shift
  30. Click each of the faces within a window and both faces within the left door

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  31. Releas Shift
  32. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport and click Delete Faces
  33. Click the bottom face of the left door to select it
  34. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport and click Delete Faces

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  35. Position your mouse in the 3D Viewport window. To display the parts that were hidden, on the numeric pad of the keyboard, press /

    Barn - Modeling a Window

  36. On the main menu, click Layout

    Barn - Modeling a Window

Introducing the Top Level

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing the Top Level

  1. In the Properties window, click the Object button Object
  2. To create an object, on the menu bar, click Add -< Mesh -> Cube
  3. In the Object section of the Properties window, change the following values:
    Name:     Story-Second
    Location: Z: 2
    Scale:    X: 1.7
              Y: 2.2
              Z: 0.5

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  4. To edit the building, on the top-main menu of Blender, click Modeling
  5. Click and drag the Rotate button to view the bottom side of the new cube in perspective
  6. On the top menu, click the Face button Face
  7. Click the bottom face to select it

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  8. Press I to create an inset
  9. Move the mouse to position the lines close to the walls of the bottom cube and click
  10. Click the Wireframe button Wireframe
  11. In the numeric section of the keyboard, press 7 to display the to view
  12. Use S + X and S + Y to move the lines and align them within the corresponding interior walls of the bottom cube

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  13. While the bottom large face is still selected, press X to delete
  14. On the menu that appears, click Faces
  15. Click the Solid button Solid
  16. Click and drag the Rotate button to view the barn in perspective from the top side
  17. Click the top face to select it

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  18. Position the mouse on the shape. Press S to resize
  19. Move the mouse slightly towards the shape and click
  20. In the Resize window, change the scale values as follows:
    Scale: X: 0.825
           Y: 1
           Z: 1

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  21. Position the mouse on the shape. Press E to extrude and press Enter
  22. In the Extrude Region and Move window, change the Z value to 0.9:
    Scale: X: 0
           Y: 0
           Z: 0.9

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  23. On the top bar, click the Edge button Edge
  24. Click and drag the Rotate button to view the barn in perspective from the top side.
    On the top face, click one of the smaller edges (parallel to the X axis)

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  25. On the menu bar, click Mesh -< Merge -> At Center
  26. On the top face, click the edge parallel to the X axis

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  27. Press M
  28. On the menu that aapears, click At Center

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  29. On the main menu, click Layout

Creating the Roof

Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating the Roof

  1. Make sure the top side of the barn is selected:

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

    On the main menu of Blender, click Modeling
  2. On the top menu, click the Face button Face
  3. Click one of the top faces to select it
  4. Press and hold Shift
  5. Click each of the slant and the top faces
  6. Release Shift

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  7. Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewport workspace window -> Separate -> Selection
  8. On the main menu, click Layout
  9. Click the roof to confirm its separation

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  10. On the main menu, click Modeling
  11. On the top menu bar, click Select -> All

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  12. Press Alt + E to extrude
  13. In the menu that appears, click Extrude Faces Along Normals
  14. Move the mouse slightly away from the roof and click
  15. In the Extrude Indiviodual Faces and Move window, change the Offset value to 0.05:
    Offset: 0.05
    (or set the value so that the ends of the bars are within the frame in the left and the right borders of the window)

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  16. On the top bar, click the Edge button Edge
  17. Click the top edge of the roof

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  18. Move it slightly up (in the Move window, you can set the Z value to 0.065)
    Move Z: 0.065
  19. In the same way, click each of the middle edges and move them slightly up to make sure all roof parts have the same width:

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  20. On the top menu bar, click the Face button Face
  21. Click one of the bottom side faces of the roof to select it
  22. Press and hold Shift
  23. Click the other bottom side face of the roof
  24. Release Shift

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  25. Move those faces down and away slightly

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  26. On the top menu, click Select and click All
  27. Use S and Y to enlarge the roof slightly

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  28. On the main menu, click Layout

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

  29. On the main menu of Blender, click Shading
  30. Make sure the roof is selected.
    On the Shading bar, click the New button Object
  31. Click Material to select the name. Type Brown-Roof and press Enter
  32. Click the right side of Base Color. Set the RGB values as follows:
    Red:   0.335
    Green: 0.195
    Blue:  0.055
  33. Click the other top part of the barn below the roof
  34. On the middle toolbar, click the arrow of the material combo box and select Wall
  35. On the main menu of Blender, click Layout

    Barn - Modeling the Top Story

Creating the Top Windows Openings


Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating the Top Windows Openings

  1. On the top menu, click View -> Viewpoint -> Bottom
  2. On the top menu of Blender, click Add -> Mesh -> Cube
  3. On the toolbar of the Properties window, click the Modifiers button Modifiers
  4. In the Modifiers section of the Properties window, click Add Modifier -> Generate -> Mirror
  5. Click the button of the Mirror Object text box and click the top side of the bar (make sure the Mirror Object text box displays Story-Second)
  6. In the Properties window, click the Object button Object
  7. In the Object section of the Properties window, change the following values:
    Location X: 0.862
             Y: 0
             Z: 2.045
    Scale: X: 0.24
           Y: 2.5
           Z: 0.24

    Barn - Creating the Top Windows Openings

  8. On the toolbar of the Properties window, click the Modifiers button Modifiers
  9. Click the arrow of the Mirror button and click Apply
  10. Click and drag the Rotate button to display the barn in perpective view
  11. On the top menu of Blender, click Add -> Mesh -> Cube
  12. In the Object section of the Properties window, change the following values:
    Location X: 0
             Y: 0
             Z: 2.795
    Scale: X: 0.24
           Y: 2.5
           Z: 0.24

    Barn - Creating the Top Windows Openings

  13. Click the top body of the barn to select it

    Barn - Creating the Top Windows Openings

  14. On the toolbar of the Properties window, click the Modifiers button Modifiers
  15. In the Modifiers section of the Properties window, click Add Modifier -> Generate -> Boolean
  16. Click the button of the Object button and click one of the cubes that were just added

    Barn - Creating the Top Windows Openings

  17. Click the same cube you just clicked to select it
  18. Press Delete

    Barn - Creating the Top Windows Openings

  19. Click the top body of the barn again to select it
  20. In the Modifiers section of the Properties window, click the down-pointing arrow button and click Apply
  21. While the top body of the barn is still selected, in the Modifiers section of the Properties window, click Add Modifier -> Generate -> Boolean
  22. Click the button of the Object button and click one of the other cubes that were left

    Barn - Creating the Top Windows Openings

  23. Click the same cube you just clicked to select it
  24. Press Delete

    Barn - Creating the Top Windows Openings

  25. Click the top body of the barn to select it
  26. In the Modifiers section of the Properties window, click the down-pointing arrow button and click Apply
  27. On the left toolbar, click the Move button Move.
    On the top menu, click View -> Viewpoint -> Front

    Barn - Creating the Top Windows Openings

  28. In the Outliner, click Window-Bar to select it
  29. Press and hold Ctrl
  30. Click Window-Frame to slect it
  31. Click Window-Glass to slect it
  32. Release Ctrl
  33. On the menu bar, click Object -> Duplicate Objects
  34. Right-click in the 3D Viewport to accept the duplicate
  35. Use the red X and the Y arrows to move the selected group to one of the window openings

    Barn - Creating the Top Windows Openings

  36. While the window is still selected, press Shift + D to duplicate
  37. Press X or press Y. Then move the window to one of the other window openings
  38. Repeat the steps to duplicate a window and move it to the remaining window opening

    Barn - Creating the Top Windows Openings

Modeling a Barn Chimney - 1


Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating the Top Windows Openings

  1. On the top menu of Blender, click Add -> Mesh -> Cube
  2. In the Properties window, click the Object button Object
  3. In the Object section of the Properties window, change the following values:
    Location X: 0
             Y: 1
             Z: 3.405
    Scale: X: 0.205
           Y: 0.205
           Z: 0.15

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  4. On the Blender main menu, click Modeling
  5. Click and drag the Rotate button to see the top side of the cube. Then zoom in to see as much as possible of the new cube
  6. On the top toolbar, click the Face button Face
  7. Click the top face to select it

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  8. To expand the top face, press E, then press S, and press Enter
  9. In the Extrude Region and Move window, change the following values:
    Scale: X: 1.25
           Y: 1.25
           Z: 1

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  10. To extrude, press E and press Enter
  11. In the Extrude Region and Move window, change the following values:
    Scale: X: 0
           Y: 0
           Z: 0.15

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  12. To resize the face, press S and press Enter
  13. In the Resize window, change the scale values as follows:
    Scale: X: 0.655
           Y: 0.655

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  14. To create an inset, press I and press Enter
  15. In the Inset Faces window, change the Thickness to 0.225:
    Thickness: 0.225

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  16. To dig a hole, press E, then press Z
  17. Move the mouse slightly and click
  18. In the Extrude Region and Move window, change the following values:
    Scale: X: 0
           Y: 0
           Z: 0.15

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  19. On the Blender main menu, click Layout

Adding Cubes to a Barn Chimney


Practical LearningPractical Learning: Adding Cubes to a Barn Chimney

  1. On the top menu of Blender, click Add -> Mesh -> Cube
  2. In the Object section of the Properties window, change the following values:
    Location X: 0.145
             Y: 0.855
             Z: 3.75
    Scale: X: 0.0215
           Y: 0.0215
           Z: 0.05

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  3. On the toolbar of the Properties window, click the Modifiers button Modifiers
  4. In the Modifiers section of the Properties window, click Add Modifier -> Generate -> Array
  5. Set the values as follows:
    Count: 2
    Factor X: -6.75
           Y: 0
           Z: 0
  6. Again, in the Modifiers section of the Properties window, click Add Modifier -> Generate -> Array
  7. For the second array, set the values as follows:
    Count: 2
    Factor X: 0
           Y: 6.75
           Z: 0

    Barn - Modeling Barn Chimneys

Modeling a Barn Chimney - 2


Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating the Top Windows Openings

  1. On the top menu, click Mesh -> Add -> Cylinder
  2. In the bottm-left section, click Add Cylinder
  3. In the Add Cylinder window, change the values as follows:
    Vertices:   8
    Radius:     0.25
    Depth:      0.0755
    Location X: 0
             Y: 1
             Z: 3.825

    Barn - Modeling Barn Chimneys

  4. On the Blender main menu, click Modeling
  5. On the top toolbar, click the Face button Face
  6. Click the top face to select it

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  7. To extrude the face, press E, then press Z, and press Enter
  8. In the Extrude Ragion and Move window, change the Move values as follows:
    Move X: 0
         Y: 0
         Z: 0.075

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  9. To resize the face, press S and press Enter
  10. In the Resize window, change the following values:
    Scale X: 0.775
          Y: 0.775

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  11. To create an inset, press I and press Enter
  12. In the Inset Faces window, change the Thickness to 0.0355:
    Thickness: 0.0355

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  13. To extrude, press E, then press Z
  14. Move the mouse slightly and click
  15. In the Extrude Region and Move window, change the following values:
    Scale: X: 0
           Y: 0
           Z: 0.155

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  16. To join the face, press M
  17. In the menu that appears, click At Center

    Barn - Modeling Barn Chimneys

  18. On the main menu of Blender, click Shading
  19. On the barn, click one of the parts on the chimney
  20. On the Shading toolbar, click the New button
  21. Click Meterial to select it
  22. Then type Metal and press Enter
  23. Click the right side of Base Color
  24. Set the RGB values as follows:
    Red:   0.255
    Green: 0.255
    Blue:  0.255
  25. Set the other values as follows:
    Metal:     0.745
    Roughness: 0.5
  26. Click another part of the chimney
  27. On the Shading toolbar, click the arrow of the material button and select Metal
  28. Click another part of the chimney
  29. On the Shading toolbar, click the arrow of the material button and select Metal
  30. On the main menu of Blender, click Layout
  31. On the top menu, click View -> Viewpoint -> Left
  32. Draw a rectangle that touches all objects of the chimney to select them

    Barn - Modeling Barn Chimneys

  33. Press Shift + D to duplicate the chimney
  34. Press Y and move the duplicate chimney to the other side

    Barn - Modeling Barn Chimneys

  35. On the toolbar in the top-right section, click the Material Preview button Material Preview:

    Barn - Modeling a Barn Chimney

  36. To save, on the main menu, click File -> Save
  37. Set the file naame to Barn-Medium
  38. Click Save Blender File

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