
Counting and Looping

Fundamentals of Loop Counters


A loop is a technique used to repeat an action. The Visual Basic language provides various techniques and keywords to perform such actions called loops.

The For...To...Next Loop

Imagine you have a series of numbers you must visit to perform an action on each. To assist you with this, the Visual Basic language provides a mechanism created with the For...Next expression. One of the loop counters you can use is For...To...Next. Its formula is:

For counter = start To end

You must use a variable by which the counting would proceed. You can first declare the variable or you can directly use it after the For keyword and you must specify its initial value there as the start point. Here is an example:

Dim i As Integer

. . .

For i = 1 To . . .


After the To keyword, specify the last value of the counting as the end point. The value being counted can be used as the index of a collection. In this case, when a value is passed to the name of the collection, it produces the object. The result can be a regular item of the collection. The loop ends with the Next keyword. Here are two examples:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
<script runat="server">
Sub btnCalculateClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim cost = 0.00
    Dim period As Integer
    Dim depreciation = 0.00
    Dim salvageValue = 0.00
    Dim estimatedLife = 0.00
    Dim row As New TableRow()
    Dim column As New TableCell()
    Dim depreciations As New Collection

    cost = txtCost.Text
    salvageValue = txtSalvageValue.Text
    estimatedLife = txtEstimatedLife.Text

    For period = 1 To estimatedLife
        depreciation = Math.Floor(SYD(cost, salvageValue, estimatedLife, period))

    lblSchedule.Visible = True

    column.Text = "Year"

    column = New TableCell()

    column.Text = "Depreciation"

    For period = 1 To estimatedLife
        row = New TableRow()

        column = New TableCell()
        column.Text = period

        column = New TableCell()
        column.Text = depreciations(period)

End Sub
    margin: auto;
    width:  320px;
<title>Depreciation: Sum-of-Years Digits</title>
<form id="frmBusiness" runat="server">
<div id="container">

<h3>Sum-of-Years Digits</h3>

      <td><b>Original Value:</b></td>
      <td><asp:TextBox id="txtCost" Width="75px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
      <td><b>Salvage Value:</b></td>
      <td><asp:TextBox id="txtSalvageValue" Width="55px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
      <td><b>Estimated Life:</b></td>
      <td><asp:TextBox id="txtEstimatedLife" Width="55px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> Years
         <asp:Button id="btnCalculate" Text="Calculate" OnClick="btnCalculateClick" runat="server" /></td>
<br />
<b><asp:Label id="lblSchedule" Visible ="False" Text="Depreciation Schedule" runat="server"></asp:Label></b>
<br />

<asp:Table id="tblDepreciation" runat="server" BorderColor="#999999" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1pt" Width="317px" GridLines="Both">


Here is an example of using the webpage:

The For...To...Next Loop

The For...To...Next Loop

The For...To...Next Loop

If the values are coming from a collection, you can use its Count member as the last value of the loop. Here is an example:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
<script runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim zones As Collection

    zones = New Collection

    zones.Add("Pacific Standard Time (PST)")
    zones.Add("Mountain Standard Time (MST)")
    zones.Add("Central Standard Time (CST)")
    zones.Add("Eastern Standard Time (EST)")
    zones.Add("Atlantic Standard Time (AST)")
    zones.Add("Alaskan Standard Time (AKST)")
    zones.Add("Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HST)")
    zones.Add("Samoa standard time (UTC-11)")
    zones.Add("Chamorro Standard Time (UTC+10)")

    For i = 1 To zones.Count
End Sub
<title>United States Time Zones</title>

<h3>United States Time Zones</h3>

<form id="frmTimeZones" runat="server">

<asp:ListBox id="lbxTimeZones" Height="160px" runat="server"></asp:ListBox>



This would produce:

Counting and Looping

You can also use a loop to get an object from a collection. Such an object would hold the members of a class. Here is an example:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
<script Language="VB" runat="server">
Public Class Employee
    Public EmployeeNumber As String
    Public FirstName As String
    Public LastName As String
    Public HourlySalary As Double
End Class

Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim staff As Employee
        Dim employees As New Collection
        Dim worker As New Employee

        staff = New Employee
        staff.EmployeeNumber = "953-084"
        staff.FirstName = "Anthony"
        staff.LastName = "Walters"
        staff.HourlySalary = 18.52

        staff = New Employee
        staff.EmployeeNumber = "204-815"
        staff.FirstName = "Jeannine"
        staff.LastName = "Rocks"
        staff.HourlySalary = 22.74

        staff = New Employee
        staff.EmployeeNumber = "728-411"
        staff.FirstName = "Aaron"
        staff.LastName = "Gibson"
        staff.HourlySalary = 35.08

        staff = New Employee
        staff.EmployeeNumber = "528-492"
        staff.FirstName = "Stephen"
        staff.LastName = "Brothers"
        staff.HourlySalary = 24.93

        staff = New Employee
        staff.EmployeeNumber = "303-415"
        staff.FirstName = "Laura"
        staff.LastName = "Edom"
        staff.HourlySalary = 15.75

        Response.Write("<h3>Employees Records</h3>")
        Response.Write("<table border=5><tr><td><b>Employee #<b></td><td><b>First Name</b></td>")
        Response.Write("<td><b>Last Name</b></td><td><b>Salary</b></td></tr>")

        For index As Integer = 1 To employees.Count
            worker = employees(index)

            Response.Write("<tr><td>" & worker.EmployeeNumber &
                           "</td><td>" & worker.FirstName &
                           "</td><td>" & worker.LastName &
                           "</td><td>" & worker.HourlySalary & "</td><tr>")

End Sub


This would produce:

The For...To...Next Loop

Options on Loops Counters

The Explicit Next Item

If you want to explicitly indicate that you accessing the next item for each subsequent loop, type the looing variable after the Next keywork. Here are examples:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
<script runat="server">
Public Structure Road
    Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal type As String,
                   ByVal length As Single, ByVal where As String)
        RoadName = name
        Category = type
        Distance = length
        Location = where
    End Sub

    Public Property RoadName As String
    Public Property Category As String
    Public Property Distance As Single
    Public Property Location As String
End Structure

Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim index As Integer
    Dim route As New Road
    Dim roads As New Collection

    roads.Add(New Road("MD 410", "Road", 13.92, "From East Bethesda To Pennsy Drive In Landover Hills"))
    roads.Add(New Road("I-5", "Interstate", 796.432, "From  Mexico-United States border to South of Oregon"))
    roads.Add(New Road("NE 14", "State Highway", 203.54, "From Superior, KS To SD 37"))
    roads.Add(New Road("I-296", "Interstate", 3.43, "Michigan"))
    roads.Add(New Road("US 2", "Road", 2571.0, "Western Segment From Washington Rte 529 to I 75 in Michigan; Eastern Segment From US 11 in NY to I-95 in Maine."))

    Response.Write("<h2 style='text-align: center'>Road System</h2>")

    Response.Write("<table border=1><tr><td><b>Road Name</b></td><td><b>Road Type</b></td><td><b>Distance</b></td><td><b>Location</b></td></tr>")

    For index = 1 To roads.Count
        Response.Write("<tr><td style='width: 90px'>" & roads(index).RoadName & "</td><td style='width: 100px'>" & roads(index).Category &
               "</td><td style='width: 100px'>" & roads(index).Distance & " miles</td><td>" & roads(index).Location & "</td></tr>")
    Next index
End Sub
<title>Road System</title>


This would produce:

The Explicit Next Item

Stepping the Counting Loop

The regular formula of a loop increments the counting by 1 at the end of each statement. If you want to control how the incrementing processes, you can set your own, using the Step option. The formula to follow is:

For counter = start To end Step increment

You can set the incrementing value to your choice. If the value of increment is positive, the counter will be added to its value. Here is an example:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
<script runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim month As Integer
        Dim months As New Collection

        months.Add("January") : months.Add("February")
        months.Add("March") : months.Add("April")
        months.Add("May") : months.Add("June")
        months.Add("July") : months.Add("August")
        months.Add("September") : months.Add("October")
        months.Add("November") : months.Add("December")

        For month = 1 To months.Count

        For month = 1 To months.Count Step 3
End Sub
<title>Months of the Year</title>
<style type="text/css">
table { width: 300px; }

<form id="frmMonths" runat="server">
        <td><p><b>Months of the Year</b></p></td>
        <td><p><b>Months that start a semester</b></p></td>
        <td><asp:ListBox id="lbxMonths" Width="170px"
                         runat="server" Height="210px"></asp:ListBox></td>
        <td style="vertical-align: top">
            <asp:ListBox id="lbxSemester" Width="220px"

Here is an example of using the webpage:

Stepping the Counting Loop

On the other hand, if you want to loop from a higher value to the a lower value, set a negative value to the increment factor and use the following formula:

For counter = end To start Step decrement

Here is an example:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
<script runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim month As Integer
        Dim months As New Collection

        months.Add("January") : months.Add("February")
        months.Add("March") : months.Add("April")
        months.Add("May") : months.Add("June")
        months.Add("July") : months.Add("August")
        months.Add("September") : months.Add("October")
        months.Add("November") : months.Add("December")

        For month = 1 To months.Count

        For month = months.Count To 1 Step -1
End Sub
<title>Months of the Year</title>
<style type="text/css">
table { width: 300px; }

<form id="frmMonths" runat="server">
            <td><p><b>Months of the Year</b></p></td>
            <td><p><b>Months Backwards</b></p></td>
            <td><asp:ListBox id="lbxMonths" Width="170px"
                             runat="server" Height="210px"></asp:ListBox></td>
            <td style="vertical-align: top">
            <asp:ListBox id="lbxBackwards" Width="170px" Height="210px"

This would produce:

Stepping the Counting Loop Backwards

Loop Counters and Procedures


You can create a looping statement in a procedure or in an event of a webcontrol. When you do this, you may let the whole loop to be processed. Here is an example:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
<script runat="server">
Sub CreateWeekDays()
    Dim days As New Collection


    Response.Write("<b>Working Days</b>")

    For d = 1 To days.Count
        Response.Write("<br>" & days(d))
End Sub
Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub
<title>Employees Payroll</title>


This would produce:

Loop Counters and Procedures

In some cases, you may want to exit a conditional statement or a loop before its end. To assist with with this, the Visual Basic language provides the Exit keyword. It can be used in the body of a procedure or a loop.

Exiting a Procedure

Exiting a procedure consists of interrupting its flow and jumping to the End line of the procedure. To do this anywhere in the body of a procedure, type Exit Sub. Here is an example:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
<script runat="server">
Sub CreateWeekDays()
    Dim days As New Collection


    Exit Sub


    Response.Write("<b>Working Days</b>")

    For d = 1 To days.Count
        Response.Write("<br>" & days(d))
End Sub
Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub
<title>Employees Payroll</title>


This would produce:

Exiting a Procedure

Exiting a For Loop Counter

You can also exit a For loop. To do this, in the section where you want to stop, type Exit For. This would stop the flow of the loop and jump to the line immediately after the Next keyword. This feature of the Visual Basic language is very valuable when looking for a specific value or object in a collection. Here is an example:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
<script runat="server">
Public Class Employee
        Public EmployeeNumber As String
        Public FirstName As String
        Public LastName As String
        Public HourlySalary As Double
End Class

Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim staff As Employee
        Dim worker As New Employee
        Dim employeeFound As Boolean
        Dim employees As New Collection

        employeeFound = False

        staff = New Employee
        staff.EmployeeNumber = "953-084"
        staff.FirstName = "Anthony"
        staff.LastName = "Walters"
        staff.HourlySalary = 18.52

        staff = New Employee
        staff.EmployeeNumber = "204-815"
        staff.FirstName = "Jeannine"
        staff.LastName = "Rocks"
        staff.HourlySalary = 22.74

        staff = New Employee
        staff.EmployeeNumber = "728-411"
        staff.FirstName = "Aaron"
        staff.LastName = "Gibson"
        staff.HourlySalary = 35.08

        staff = New Employee
        staff.EmployeeNumber = "528-492"
        staff.FirstName = "Stephen"
        staff.LastName = "Brothers"
        staff.HourlySalary = 24.93

        staff = New Employee
        staff.EmployeeNumber = "303-415"
        staff.FirstName = "Laura"
        staff.LastName = "Edom"
        staff.HourlySalary = 15.75

        ' Check every record in the collection of employees
        For index As Integer = 1 To employees.Count
            ' Get a reference to the current record
            worker = employees(index)

            ' If the employee number of the current record is the same as the user typed, ...
            If worker.EmployeeNumber = txtEmployeeNumber.Text Then
                ' ... display the first and last names
                txtEmployeeName.Text = worker.LastName & ", " & worker.FirstName

                ' Since the employee has been found, make a note.
                employeeFound = True

                ' Now that the employee has found, there is no reason to keep looking. Exit the loop
                Exit For
            End If
            ' As long as we haven't finished with the loop and we haven't
            ' found the employee, continue with the loop

        If employeeFound = False Then
           txtEmployeeName.Text = ""
	   txtEmployeeNumber.Text = ""
        End If
End Sub

Sub btnSubmitTimeSheetClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

End Sub
<title>Employee Time Sheet</title>

<h3>Employee Time Sheet</h3>

<form id="frmTimeSheet" runat="server">
    <td><b>Employee #:</b></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtEmployeeNumber" Width="60px" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtEmployeeName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtMonday" Text="0.00" Width="60px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtTuesday" Text="0.00" Width="60px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtWednesday" Text="0.00" Width="60px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtThursday" Text="0.00" Width="60px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtFriday" Text="0.00" Width="60px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtSaturday" Text="0.00" Width="60px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtSunday" Text="0.00" Width="60px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
<table width="520">
    <td style="text-align: center">
	    <asp:Button id="btnSubmitTimeSheet" Text="Submit Time Sheet"
            OnClick="btnSubmitTimeSheetClick" runat="server"></asp:Button></td>

Here is an example of using the webpage:

Exiting a For Loop Counter

Exiting a For Loop Counter

Exiting a For Loop Counter

Loops Repeaters


The Visual Basic language presents many variations of loops. They combine the Do and the Loop keywords.

The Do...Loop While Loop

One of the formulas to perform a loop uses the Do... Loop While approach. The formula to follow is:

Loop While condition


The statement(s) would execute first. Then the condition would be checked. If the condition is true, then the statement(s) would execute again. The check-execution routine would continue as long as the condition is true. If/Once the condition becomes false, the statement will not execute anymore and the code will move beyond the loop. Here is an example:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<head runat="server">
<script runat="server">
Sub btnCalculateClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim pers = 0
        Dim index = 0
        Dim periods = 0.00
        Dim payment = 0.00
        Dim compounded = 4
        Dim interest = 0.00
        Dim futureValue = 0.00
        Dim interestRate = 0.00
        Dim presentValue = 0.00
        Dim row As New TableRow()
        Dim column As New TableCell()
        Dim payments As New Collection
        Dim interests As New Collection

        futureValue = txtFutureValue.Text
        interestRate = CDbl(txtInterestRate.Text) / 100.0

        If rblCompounded.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
            compounded = 365
        ElseIf rblCompounded.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
            compounded = 52
        ElseIf rblCompounded.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
            compounded = 12
        ElseIf rblCompounded.SelectedIndex = 3 Then
            compounded = 4
        Else ' If rblCompounded.SelectedIndex = 4 Then
            compounded = 1
        End If

        periods = CDbl(txtPeriods.Text)
        presentValue = futureValue / Math.Pow(1 + interestRate / compounded, (periods * compounded))

        index = 1

            payment = futureValue / Math.Pow(1 + interestRate / compounded, (periods * compounded) - index)
            index += 1
        Loop While index <= periods * compounded

        interest = payments(1) - presentValue

        index = 2

            interest = payments(index) - payments(index - 1)
            index += 1
        Loop While index <= periods * compounded

        txtPresentValue.Text = FormatNumber(presentValue)

        index = 1

        lblPayments.Visible = True

        column.Text = "Period"
        column.Width = 80

        column = New TableCell()

        column.Text = "Interest"
        column.Width = 100

        column = New TableCell()

        column.Text = "Amount"
        column.Width = 120

        index = 1

            row = New TableRow()

            column = New TableCell()
            column.Text = index

            column = New TableCell()
            column.Text = FormatNumber(interests(index))

            column = New TableCell()
            column.Text = FormatNumber(payments(index))


            index += 1
        Loop While index <= periods * compounded
End Sub
    margin: auto;
    width:  345px;
<title>Business Mathematics - Investment</title>
<form id="frmBusiness" runat="server">
<div id="container">

<h3>Business Mathematics - Investment</h3>

<table style="width: 400px">
    <td style="width: 140px"><b>Future Value:</b></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtFutureValue" Width="75px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td rowspan="5">
      <asp:RadioButtonList id="rblCompounded" runat="server" Width="120px">
        <asp:ListItem Selected="True">Monthly</asp:ListItem>
    <td><b>Interest Rate:</b></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtInterestRate" Width="55px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>%</td>
    <td><b>Number of Periods:</b></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtPeriods" Width="55px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>Years</td>
        <asp:Button id="btnCalculate" Text="Calculate" OnClick="btnCalculateClick" runat="server" /></td>

<br />

    <td style="width: 140px"><b>Present Value:</b></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtPresentValue" Width="120px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>

<br />
<b><asp:Label id="lblPayments" Visible ="False" Text="Schedule of Payments" runat="server"></asp:Label></b>
<br />

<asp:Table id="tblPayments" runat="server" BorderColor="Black" BorderStyle="Dotted" BorderWidth="1pt" GridLines="Both"></asp:Table>

Here is an example of using the webpage:

The Do...Loop While Loop

The Do...Loop While Loop

The Do...Loop While Loop

The Do...Loop While Loop

The Do...Loop While Loop

As you may guess already, the condition must provide a way for it to be true or to be false. Otherwise, the looping would execute continually.

The Do...Loop Until Loop

An alternative to the Do... Loop While uses the following formula:

Loop Until condition

Once again, the statement(s) section executes first. After executing the statement(s), the condition is checked. If the condition is true, the statement(s) section executes again. This will continue until the condition becomes false. Once the condition becomes false, the loop stops and the flow continues with the section under the Loop Until line. Here is an example:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
<script runat="server">
Sub btnCalculateClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim cost = 0
        Dim period = 1
        Dim bookValue = 0.0
        Dim salvageValue = 0.0
        Dim estimatedLife = 0.0
        Dim depreciationRate = 0
        Dim row As New TableRow()
        Dim yearlyDepreciation = 0.0
        Dim column As New TableCell()

        cost = txtCost.Text
        salvageValue = txtSalvageValue.Text
        estimatedLife = txtEstimatedLife.Text

        depreciationRate = 100.0 / estimatedLife
        yearlyDepreciation = SLN(cost, salvageValue, estimatedLife)

        bookValue = cost

        lblDepreciation.Visible = True

        column.Text = "<b>Year</b>"
        column.Width = 80

        column = New TableCell()
        column.Text = "<b>Depreciation Rate</b>"
        column.Width = 120

        column = New TableCell()
        column.Text = "<b>Yearly Depreciation</b>"
        column.Width = 120

        column = New TableCell()
        column.Text = "<b>Book Value</b>"
        column.Width = 100

        column = New TableCell()
        column.Text = "<b>Accumulated Depreciation</b>"
        column.Width = 100

            row = New TableRow()

            column = New TableCell()
            column.Text = period

            column = New TableCell()
            column.Text = depreciationRate & "%"

            column = New TableCell()
            column.Text = FormatNumber(yearlyDepreciation)

            column = New TableCell()
            column.Text = FormatNumber(Format(bookValue - (yearlyDepreciation * period), "#,000"))

            column = New TableCell()
            column.Text = Format(yearlyDepreciation * period, "#,000")

            period += 1
        Loop Until period = estimatedLife + 1
End Sub
    margin: auto;
    width:  400px;
<title>Depreciation: The Straight-Line Method</title>
<form id="frmBusiness" runat="server">
<div id="container">

<h3>Straight-Line Method</h3>

    <td><b>Asset Original Value:</b></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtCost" Width="75px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td><b>Salvage Value:</b></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtSalvageValue" Width="55px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td><b>Estimated Life:</b></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox id="txtEstimatedLife" Width="55px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
        <asp:Button id="btnCalculate" Text="Calculate"
        	    OnClick="btnCalculateClick" runat="server" /></td>

<p><b><asp:Label id="lblDepreciation" Visible="false" Text="Depreciation Schedule" runat="server"></asp:Label></b></p>

<asp:Table id="tblDepreciations" runat="server" BorderColor="#333333" BorderStyle="Double" BorderWidth="2pt" GridLines="Both"></asp:Table>

This would produce:

The Do...Loop Until Loop

The Do...Loop Until Loop

The Do...Loop Until Loop


The Do While... Loop Loop

The Visual Basic language provides another loop option that use the Do While... Loop expression. Its formula is:

Do While condition

This time, the condition id checked first. If the condition is true, then the statement(s) execute(s). Then the condition is checked again. If the Condition is false, or once/when the condition becomes false, the statement(s) section is(are) skipped and the flow continues with the code below the Loop keyword. Here is an example:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
<script runat="server">

Public Class Element
    Public AtomicNumber As Integer
    Public ChemicalSymbol As String
    Public ElementName As String
    Public AtomicMass As String
End Class

Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim elm As Element
    Dim current As Element
    Dim periodicTable As New Collection

    elm = New Element
    elm.AtomicNumber = 1
    elm.ChemicalSymbol = "H"
    elm.ElementName = "Hydrogen"
    elm.AtomicMass = 1.0079


    elm = New Element
    elm.AtomicNumber = 2
    elm.ChemicalSymbol = "He"
    elm.ElementName = "Helium"
    elm.AtomicMass = 4.002682

    elm = New Element
    elm.AtomicNumber = 3
    elm.ChemicalSymbol = "Li"
    elm.ElementName = "Lithium"
    elm.AtomicMass = 6.941

    elm = New Element
    elm.AtomicNumber = 4
    elm.ChemicalSymbol = "Be"
    elm.ElementName = "Berylium"
    elm.AtomicMass = 9.0122

    elm = New Element
    elm.AtomicNumber = 5
    elm.ChemicalSymbol = "B"
    elm.ElementName = "Boron"
    elm.AtomicMass = 10.811

    elm = New Element
    elm.AtomicNumber = 6
    elm.ChemicalSymbol = "C"
    elm.ElementName = "Carbon"
    elm.AtomicMass = 12.011

    elm = New Element
    elm.AtomicNumber = 7
    elm.ChemicalSymbol = "N"
    elm.ElementName = "Nitrogen"
    elm.AtomicMass = 14.007

    elm = New Element
    elm.AtomicNumber = 8
    elm.ChemicalSymbol = "O"
    elm.ElementName = "Oxygen"
    elm.AtomicMass = 15.999

    Response.Write("<h3>Chemistry - Periodic Table</h3>")
    Response.Write("<table border=3><tr><td><b>Atomic #<b></td><td><b>Symbol</b></td>")

    nbr = 1
    Do While nbr <= periodicTable.Count
        current = periodicTable(nbr)
        Response.Write("<tr><td>" & current.AtomicNumber &
                       "</td><td>" & current.ChemicalSymbol &
                       "</td><td>" & current.ElementName &
                       "</td><td>" & current.AtomicMass & "</td><tr>")
        nbr += 1
End Sub
<title>Chemistry - Periodic Table</title>

This would produce:

The Do While... Loop Statement

The Do Until... Loop Statement

An alternative to the Do While... Loop loop uses the following formula:

Do Until condition

This loop works like the Do While... Loop expression. The condition is examined first. If the condition is true, then the statement(s) section executes. Here is an example:

Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class DoubleDecliningBalance
    Inherits Form
    Dim lblCost As Label
    Dim txtCost As TextBox
    Dim lblPercent As Label
    Dim lblDepreciationRate As Label
    Dim txtDepreciationRate As TextBox
    Dim lblEstimatedLife As Label
    Dim txtEstimatedLife As TextBox
    Dim lblYears As Label
    Dim lblFactor As Label
    Dim txtFactor As TextBox
    Dim lblDepreciation As Label
    Dim lvwDepreciations As ListView

    Dim WithEvents btnCalculate As button

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    Private Sub InitializeComponent()
        lblCost = New Label()
        lblCost.AutoSize = True
        lblCost.Location = New Point(18, 19)
        lblCost.Text = "Original Value:"

        txtCost = New TextBox()
        txtCost.Location = New Point(125, 16)

        lblDepreciationRate = New Label()
        lblDepreciationRate.AutoSize = True
        lblDepreciationRate.Location = New Point(18, 45)
        lblDepreciationRate.Text = "Depreciation Rate:"

        txtDepreciationRate = New TextBox()
        txtDepreciationRate.Width = 60
        txtDepreciationRate.Location = New Point(125, 43)

        lblPercent = New Label()
        lblPercent.AutoSize = True
        lblPercent.Location = New Point(188, 43)
        lblPercent.Text = "%"

        lblEstimatedLife = New Label()
        lblEstimatedLife.AutoSize = True
        lblEstimatedLife.Location = New Point(18, 73)
        lblEstimatedLife.Text = "Estimated Life:"

        txtEstimatedLife = New TextBox()
        txtEstimatedLife.Width = 60
        txtEstimatedLife.Location = New Point(125, 70)

        lblYears = New Label()
        lblYears.AutoSize = True
        lblYears.Location = New Point(188, 71)
        lblYears.Text = "Years"

        lblFactor = New Label()
        lblFactor.AutoSize = True
        lblFactor.Location = New Point(18, 101)
        lblFactor.Text = "Factor:"

        txtFactor = New TextBox()
        txtFactor.Location = New Point(125, 98)
        txtFactor.Text = "2"

        btnCalculate = New Button()
        btnCalculate.Location = New Point(235, 97)
        btnCalculate.Text = "Calculate"

        lblDepreciation = New Label()
        lblDepreciation.AutoSize = True
        lblDepreciation.Location = New Point(18, 142)
        lblDepreciation.Text = "Depreciation Schedule"

        lvwDepreciations = New ListView()
        lvwDepreciations.Width = 580
        lvwDepreciations.GridLines = True
        lvwDepreciations.View = View.Details
        lvwDepreciations.FullRowSelect = True
        lvwDepreciations.Location = New Point(15, 160)
        lvwDepreciations.Columns.Add("Year", 40, HorizontalAlignment.Right)
        lvwDepreciations.Columns.Add("Book Value at Beginning of Year", 170, HorizontalAlignment.Right)
        lvwDepreciations.Columns.Add("Depreciation Rate", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Right)
        lvwDepreciations.Columns.Add("Depreciation for Year", 120, HorizontalAlignment.Right)
        lvwDepreciations.Columns.Add("Book Value at End of Year", 145, HorizontalAlignment.Right)

        Me.Width = 620
        Me.Height = 300
        Me.Text = "Depreciation: Double-Declining Balance"

    End Sub

    Sub btnCalculateClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
        Dim year = 0
        Dim cost = 0.0
        Dim factor = 0
        Dim period = 1
        Dim deprec = 0.0
        Dim bookValue = 0.0
        Dim depreciation = 0.0
        Dim estimatedLife = 0.0
        Dim depreciationRate = 0.0
        Dim depreciations As New Collection
        Dim bookValuesEnd As New Collection
        Dim bookValuesBeginning As New Collection

        cost = txtCost.Text
        depreciationRate = txtDepreciationRate.Text
        estimatedLife = txtEstimatedLife.Text
        factor = CType(txtFactor.Text, Integer)

        depreciation = DDB(cost, depreciationRate, estimatedLife, period, factor)

        year = 1
        Do Until year = estimatedLife + 1
            deprec = Math.Floor(DDB(cost, depreciationRate, estimatedLife, year, factor))
            year += 1


        year = 2
        Do Until year = estimatedLife + 1
            bookValue = Math.Floor(bookValuesBeginning(year - 1) - depreciations(year - 1))
            year += 1


        year = 2
        Do Until year = estimatedLife + 1
            bookValue = Math.Floor(bookValuesEnd(year - 1) - depreciations(year))
            year += 1


        year = 1
        Do Until year = estimatedLife + 1
            Dim lviDepreciation = New ListViewItem(year)

            lviDepreciation.SubItems.Add(Format(bookValuesBeginning(year), "#,000"))
            lviDepreciation.SubItems.Add(depreciationRate & "%")
            lviDepreciation.SubItems.Add(Format(depreciations(year), "N"))
            lviDepreciation.SubItems.Add(Format(bookValuesEnd(year), "#,000"))
            year += 1
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Application.Run(New DoubleDecliningBalance())
    End Sub
End Class

This would produce:

The Do Until... Loop Statement