Introduction to the Methods of a Class |
Methods Fundamentals |
Introduction |
When you create a class, the fields are meant to describe it. For a class named House, such aspects as the number of bedrooms, the property type, or its value, are used to describe it: |
public class House { public char propertyType; public uint bedrooms; } Besides the characteristics used to describe it, an object can also perform actions or assignments. An action performed by a class is called a function or a method. A method is simply a section of code that takes care of a particular detail for the functionality of the class. |
To create a method, specify its name. The name of a method primarily follows the rules we defined for names of variables. Besides those rules, you can add yours. In our lessons, we will follow the same suggestions we reviewed for names of classes:
The name of a method is followed by parentheses. A method's job is to carry a specific assignment within a program. As such, it could provide a value once the assignment has been carried. In some cases, a method must produce a result. If it doesn't, then it is considered void. The type of value that a method can provide (or return) is written on the left side of the method name. If the method doesn't produce a result, type void to its left. The assignment that a method carries is included between an opening curly bracket "{" and a closing curly bracket "}". Here is an example: public class House { public char propertyType; public uint bedrooms; void Display() { } } The most regularly used method of a C# program is called Main.
Like a member variable:
After creating a method, in its body delimited by its curly brackets, you can define the desired behavior. For example, you can write the member variables in the parentheses of System.Console.Write() or System.Console.WriteLine(). Here are examples: public class House
public char propertyType;
public uint bedrooms;
internal void Display()
System.Console.WriteLine("=//= Altair Realtors =//=");
System.Console.WriteLine("Properties Inventory"); ;
System.Console.Write("Property Type: ");
System.Console.Write("Bedrooms: ");
In the same way, you can create as many methods as you want in a class. After creating a method, you can access it, either inside or outside of its class. Accessing a method is referred to as calling it. You do this following the same rules used to access a field, using the period operator. Unlike a field, the name of a class must be followed by parentheses. Here is an example: public class House { public char propertyType; public uint bedrooms; internal void Display() { System.Console.WriteLine("=//= Altair Realtors =//="); System.Console.WriteLine("Properties Inventory"); ; System.Console.Write("Property Type: "); System.Console.WriteLine(propertyType); System.Console.Write("Bedrooms: "); System.Console.WriteLine(bedrooms); } } public class Program { static void Main() { var property = new House(); property.propertyType = 'S'; property.bedrooms = 4; property.Display(); } } This would produce: =//= Altair Realtors =//= Properties Inventory Property Type: S Bedrooms: 4 Press any key to continue . . .
If a method has carried an assignment and must make its result available to other methods or other classes, the method must return a value and cannot be void. To declare a method that returns a value, provide its return type to the left of its name. Here is an example: class Exercise { double Operate() { } } You can also add a question mark to the data type. Here is an example: class Exercise { double? Operate() { } } In the body of a method, you can declare one or more variables that would be used only by the method. A variable declared in the body of a method is referred to as a local variable. The variable cannot be accessed outside of the method it belongs to. After declaring a local variable, it is made available to the method and you can use it as you see fit, for example, you can assign it a value prior to using it. After a method has performed its assignment, it must clearly demonstrate that it is returning a value. To do this, you use the return keyword followed by the value that the method is returning. The value returned must be of the same type specified as the return type of the method. Here is an example: class Exercise { double Operate() { return 24.55; } } This is also valid: class Exercise { double? Operate() { return 24.55; } } A method can also return an expression, provided the expression produces a value that is conform to the return type. Here is an example: class Exercise { double? Operate() { return 24.55 * 4.16; } }
So far, we have used the Main() function as it is defined by default when you create an application using the New Project dialog box. This default implementation of the Main() function is of type void. Another way to implement the Main() function is to make it return an integer. The rule is the same as for any method of type int. The Main() function can return any type of integer as long as it is a valid integer. Here is an example: class Exercise { char? HaveCharacter() { return 'G'; } static int Main() { Exercise exo = new Exercise(); System.Console.Write("Character: "); System.Console.WriteLine(exo.HaveCharacter()); return 244006; } } This would produce: Character: G Press any key to continue . . . To create a Main function using skeleton code, right-click the section where you want to add it and click Insert Snippet... Double-click Visual C#:
A method performs an assignment that completes the operations of a class. The methods we used in the previous sections relied on local variables to exchange information with other sections of the program. Sometimes, a method would need one or more values in order to carry its assignment. The particularity of such a value or such values is that another method that calls this one must supply the needed value(s). When a method needs a value to complete its assignment, such a value is called an argument. Like a variable, an argument is represented by its type of value. For example, one method may need a character while another would need a string. Yet another method may require a decimal number. This means that the method or class that calls a method is responsible for supplying the right value, even though a method may have an internal mechanism of checking the validity of such a value. The value supplied to a method is typed in the parentheses of the method. Because a method must specify the type of value it would need, the argument is represented by its data type and a name. Suppose you want to define a method that displays the side length of a square. Since you would have to supply the length, you can define such a method as follows: class Exercise { void ShowCharacter(char c) { } } If the data type of an argument is a primitive type, to indicate that it can hold a null value, add a question mark to it. Here is an example: class Exercise { void ShowCharacter(char? c) { } } In the body of the method, you may or may not use the value of the argument. Here is an example that displays the value of the argument: class Exercise { void ShowCharacter(char c) { System.Console.WriteLine(c); } } The following is also valid: class Exercise { void ShowCharacter(char? c) { System.Console.WriteLine(c); } } In the same way, you can manipulate the supplied value as you see fit. As done for methods that don't take arguments, to use a method, you must call it. When calling a method that takes an argument, you must supply a value for the argument; otherwise you would receive an error. Also, you should/must supply the right value; otherwise, the method may not work as expected and it may produce an unreliable result. If the method is taking an argument, when calling it, you can type a value in its parentheses. Here is an example: class Exercise { void ShowCharacter(char c) { System.Console.WriteLine(c); } static int Main() { Exercise exo = new Exercise(); System.Console.Write("Character: "); exo.ShowCharacter('W'); return 0; } } A method that takes an argument can also declare its own local variable(s).
A method can take more than one argument, provide each argument with its data type and a name. The arguments are separated by a comma. In the parentheses Here is an example: class Exercise { void ShowEmployee(long employeeNumber, string fullName, char gender, double hourlySalary) { } } If necessary, you apply the question mark to one, some, or all arguments that are (is) of primitive type(s).
When defining the method, you can use 0, 1, or all arguments any way you like. For example, you can display their values using to the console. Here are examples: class Exercise { void ShowEmployee(long employeeNumber, string fullName, char gender, double hourlySalary) { System.Console.Write("Employee #: "); System.Console.WriteLine(employeeNumber); System.Console.Write("Full Name: "); System.Console.WriteLine(fullName); System.Console.Write("Gender: "); System.Console.WriteLine(gender); System.Console.Write("Hourly Salary: "); System.Console.WriteLine(hourlySalary); } } Although we saw already how to call a method that takes an argument, there are actually various ways this can be done. We saw that, when calling a method that takes an argument, you can type a value in the parentheses of the method. In the same way, when calling a method that takes more than one argument, type the appropriate value in the placeholder of each argument. Here are examples: class Exercise { void ShowEmployee(long employeeNumber, string fullName, char gender, double hourlySalary) { System.Console.WriteLine("Employee Record"); System.Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------"); System.Console.Write("Employee #: "); System.Console.WriteLine(employeeNumber); System.Console.Write("Full Name: "); System.Console.WriteLine(fullName); System.Console.Write("Gender: "); System.Console.WriteLine(gender); System.Console.Write("Hourly Salary: "); System.Console.WriteLine(hourlySalary); } static int Main() { Exercise exo = new Exercise(); exo.ShowEmployee(572948, "Andrew Bridges", 'M', 22.85D); return 0; } } This would produce: Employee Record ----------------------------- Employee #: 572948 Full Name: Andrew Bridges Gender: M Hourly Salary: 22.85 Press any key to continue . . .
lf you call a method that takes many arguments, you don't have to use the exact placeholder of each argument. Instead, you can refer to each argument by its name. To do this, in the parentheses of the method, type the name of an argument, followed by a colon, and followed by the appropriate value. If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio, after typing the name of the method and the opening parentheses, you should see the list of names of the arguments:
You can then type the name of the argument. If you don't want to type, press Ctrl + Space. A menu would come. In its list would be the names of arguments:
You can either start typing until the name of an argument is selected or you can double-click from the list. As mentioned already, after the name of the argument, add a colon and a value for the argument. In the same way, you can access any argument by its name and give it a value, separate them with commas. Here is an example: class Exercise { void ShowEmployee(long employeeNumber, string fullName, char gender, double hourlySalary) { System.Console.WriteLine("Employee Record"); System.Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------"); System.Console.Write("Employee #: "); System.Console.WriteLine(employeeNumber); System.Console.Write("Full Name: "); System.Console.WriteLine(fullName); System.Console.Write("Gender: "); System.Console.WriteLine(gender); System.Console.Write("Hourly Salary: "); System.Console.WriteLine(hourlySalary); } static int Main() { Exercise exo = new Exercise(); exo.ShowEmployee(fullName: "Annette Greens", hourlySalary: 16.85, employeeNumber: 519427, gender: 'F'); return 0; } } This would produce: Employee Record ----------------------------- Employee #: 519427 Full Name: Annette Greens Gender: F Hourly Salary: 16.85 Press any key to continue . . .
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