
Proofreading and Check Spelling




Text Spelling

No matter how careful you are, you are likely to make mistakes or to find some in your slides. Caution urges that you make sure such issues are taken care of rather than wait to be in front of an audience. There are two main tools you can use to troubleshoot your text: your own intuition and the help of Microsoft PowerPoint.

Depending on your presentation, the words you use in your slides might be from the general everyday language or they can derive from specific scientific formulas. Therefore, you should be particularly familiar with them. There is nothing more embarrassing than to be pointed a stupid misspelling in your slide and it can be very embarrassing to be asked by a member of an audience to clarify a word of your slide when you hardly know what it means.

Therefore, the first weapon will be your knowledge of the language you are using. Besides this, Microsoft PowerPoint is equipped with an internal dictionary that can help you correct the most regularly used words that are misspelled in your presentation.

Practical Learning: Checking Text Errors

  1. Open the The .NET Framework1 Presentation
  2. In the lower left section, click the Normal View button if necessary.
    To start the spelling, on the main menu, click Tools -> Spelling...
  3. When the Spelling dialog box points the name as a probable error, click Ignore
  4. The presentation moves to slide 2
    In the list of probable corrections for the Dourse word, select Course
  5. Click Change
  6. In the same slide, select Software in the Suggestions list of the Spelling dialog box to replace Softwares and click Change
  7. In the third slide, select Programming to replace Programing and click Change
  8. In the same slide, when Dynamique is pointed to as an error, click Ignore
  9. In slide 4, as Beginning is suggested as the only good replacement of Begining, simply click Change
  10. In slide 6, select Collection in the Spelling dialog box and click Change to change Colection
  11. In the same slide, click Change to replace Curently with Currently
  12. In slide 6, accept to change Newslatters to Newsletters
  13. In the same slide, replace Magasine with Magazine
  14. When you receive a message box stating that The Spelling Check Is Complete, click OK
  15. Using the vertical scroll bar, scroll completely up to get to the first slide


Another type of errors that would likely show in your presentation are those of syntax. These are errors not depending on the grammar of a word but on its use. Some of these errors can be difficult to detect while you are preparing your presentation but they can be embarrassing if pointed out by a member of the audience, although they are usually intuitively understandable; but they can be distracting.

Practical Learning: Proofreading

  1. In the Normal View, navigate to slide 3
  2. Double-click Dynamique to select it and type Dynamic
  3. Navigate to slide 5
  4. Change the A in Affects with E to produce Effects
  5. To save the presentation with an incremental name, press F12
  6. Change the name of the presentation to The .NET Framework2
  7. Click Save

Finding and Replacing Text

Another situation you may encounter is that of looking for a word or an expression. You may have found out that some information has changed in the references you provided in your presentation or somebody may have pointed out a mistake. In some other cases, you may be wondering if you had provided a certain piece of important information in your presentation. For this and other reasons, you can look for a word or expression in your presentation, either to add the word or to correct it.

To look for a word or an expression in your presentation, you can manually navigate among slides and reading each line. Fortunately, Microsoft PowerPoint provides a faster technique. If you just want to look for a word or an expression, on the main menu, you can click Edit -> Find... The shortcut is Ctrl + F. To look for a word or an expression and replace it with another word or an expression, on the main menu, you can click Edit -> Replace... The shortcut is Ctrl + H.

Practical Learning: Finding and Replacing Text

  1. Press Ctrl + Home to get to the first slide. On the main menu, click Edit -> Find...
  2. Type Assemblies
  3. Click Find Next
  4. Notice that the word Assemblies is not in a .NET Framework presentation (incredible)
  5. In the Find dialog box, replace Assemblies with DL
  6. Click Find Next
  7. When the DLL has been found, without closing the Find dialog box, click on the right side of DLL and type / Assemblies
  8. In the Find dialog box, click Close
  9. In the left frame, click any word in slide 3. Notice the presence of the word Dialects. What if that word is found in many other slides?
  10. On the main menu, click Edit -> Replace...
  11. In the Find What box, type Dialects
  12. In the Replace With box, type Languages
  13. Click Find Next
  14. When the first instance of Dialects is found, in the Replace dialog box, click Replace
  15. Notice that another instance of the word is found. Click Replace All
  16. In the left frame, click any word and press Ctrl + Home
  17. In the Replace dialog box, click Replace All
  18. Notice that slides 3 and 6 don't have Dialects anymore
  19. Save the presentation
  20. Open the Human Body Structure1 presentation
  21. Display the Normal View and click the Slides tab.
    Press Ctrl + Home to get to the beginning of the presentation
  22. Press Ctrl + F

  23. In the Find What text box, type Digestion
  24. When the Digestion title is found and it is selected, click it in the background and edit it to display The Digestive System
  25. In the left section of the screen, click the Outline tab.
    In Slide 5, double-click the Respiration title to select it and type The Respiratory System
  26. Save the presentation

MOUS Topics

S12 Find and replace text
S17 Check spelling

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