Once a view is opened whether in a Query window or in a View Designer, records navigation is performed the same way for a table: using keys or the mouse.
Although both use expressions, one of the fundamental differences of tables and views is in the way each deals with expressions. In a table, you can create an expression that would combine either one or more columns of the table and one ore more external constants, or the same columns of the same table. Here is an example: USE rosh;
CREATE VIEW Registration.Staff
TeacherID int identity(1000, 1),
FirstName nvarchar(20),
LastName nvarchar(20) not null,
YearlySalary money,
FullName AS LastName + N', ' + FirstName,
Constraint PK_Teachers Primary Key(TeacherID)
INSERT INTO Registration.Teachers(FirstName, LastName, YearlySalary)
VALUES(N'Alex', N'Kingston', $42000),
(N'Frank', N'Moons', $45000),
(N'Justin', N'Simms', $38000),
(N'Jeanne', N'Manson', $48000);
SELECT * FROM Registration.Teachers;
This would produce:
Among the differences is the way the expression is created for each. In a view:
Here is an example: USE rosh;
CREATE VIEW Registration.Staff
SELECT LastName + N', ' + FirstName AS FullName,
FROM Registration.Teachers;
SELECT * FROM Registration.Staff;
When you execute the view, the expression would produce its value. Here is an example:
As mentioned for a table, if you decide to create a record using a view, you are not allowed to specify a value for the expression.
To create more complex or advanced views, you can involve functions. As always, probably the easiest functions to use are those built-in. If there is no built-in function that performs the operation you want, you can create your own. Here is an example: CREATE FUNCTION Registration.GetFullName ( @FName nvarchar(20), @LName nvarchar(20) ) RETURNS nvarchar(41) AS BEGIN RETURN @LName + N', ' + @FName; END GO Once you have a function you want to use, you can call it in the body of your view as you judge it necessary. Here is an example: CREATE VIEW Registration.StaffMembers
SELECT Registration.GetFullName(FirstName, LastName) AS [Full Name]
FROM Registration.Teachers;
SELECT * FROM Registration.StaffMembers;
This would produce:
The primary goal of a view is to hold a query that can be used over and over again. For this reason, a view is created from a SELECT statement.
When creating a view, you can add as many columns as you want as long as those columns were already created in the table that holds the original records. As done for data analysis of a table, when you execute a view, you can select just one column from it. Here is an example: SELECT FullName FROM Registration.Staff; GO This would produce:
In the same way, you can select as many columns as you want.
By default, when you execute a view, you would get all records. If you want, you can use TOP to specify a percentage of, or a number of, first records to select. Here is an example: SELECT TOP 2 FullName, YearlySalary FROM Registration.Staff; GO This would produce:
Besides adding columns to a view, you can set a condition to restrict the resulting records. Of course, a condition is set using WHERE. To visually set a condition, either start a view by right-clicking Views and New View in the Object Explorer or right-click it and click Design. In the Criteria pane, click the box at the intersection of the column and Filter, and type the conditional value. To programmatically set a condition:
When executing a view that has a condition, you can simply apply the SELECT keyword to the name of the view. Here is an example: SELECT * FROM FemaleStudents; GO This would produce:
Notice the number of records. Just as done for tables, when SELECTing records from a view, whether it already has a condition or not, you can specify a condition to restrict the records it produces. Here is an example: SELECT * FROM FemaleStudents WHERE ParentsNames IS NOT NULL; GO This would produce:
Notice a different number of records. All the rules we reviewed for data analysis on tables are also available on views:
You cannot specify an option to sort records in a view unless the SELECT statement includes a TOP.
Consider the following view: USE Exercise;
CREATE TABLE Personnel.Employees(EmployeeNumber nchar(10), [First Name] nvarchar(20),
[Last Name] nvarchar(20), Salary money, [Full Time?] bit);
INSERT INTO Personnel.Employees
VALUES(N'29730', N'Philippe', N'Horsford', 20.05, 1),
(N'28084', N'Joan', N'Shepherd', 12.72, NULL),
(N'44179', NULL, N'Shepherd', 10.59, 1),
(N'27924', N'Gregory', N'Hope', 12.85, 1),
(N'79272', N'Joshua', N'Anderson', 18.26, 2),
(N'22803', N'Gregory', N'Swanson', 15.95, NULL),
(N'39742', NULL, N'Anders', 8.88, 2),
(N'83084', N'Josephine', N'Anderson', 20.02, 1),
(N'51508', N'James', N'Anders', 18.26, 1),
(N'92485', N'John', N'Anderson', 12.49, NULL);
CREATE VIEW Personnel.Contractors
SELECT [First Name], [Last Name], Salary
FROM Personnel.Employees;
We already know how to select records from a view. Here is an example: SELECT [Last Name] FROM Personnel.Contractors; GO This would produce:
Notice the number of records. If you have records that have a repeating value in a view, when selecting those records, you can ask the database engine to select them distinctively. This is done by using the DISTINCT. Here is an example: SELECT DISTINCT [Last Name] FROM Personnel.Contractors; GO This would produce:
Asides from their similarities and differences, tables and views have advantages and disadvantages each. One of the disadvantages of performing data analysis on a table is that, once you close the table, you lose the whole SQL statement you have created or written. Imagine the statement was complex or it involved many tables, and you lose it. Next time, you would have to re-create the statement. This is where one of the biggest advantages of a view is revealed. A view makes it possible to create a SELECT statement, save it, and "play" (execute) it as often as necessary. Another obvious advantages of a view is that it can be modified as many times as necessary, saved, and re-used to produced the new results.
As seen in our introduction to joins, you can create a view that involves more than one table or more than one view. If you are starting a view, on the Add Table dialog box, click each table and click Add or double-click the desired tables. Then click OK. After selecting the table, the design is done the same way we saw when studying joins:
After adding tables to a view, you can set a criterion by which the records would be selected and kept. If you are working visually, you must first select a column in the desired table or view, then use its corresponding box in the Filter column of the Criteria pane. Of course, you can add manually write code in the SQL pane. If you are writing code, you can also add a WHERE condition to your SELECT statement using the field(s) of your choice and/or a condition of your choice.
You can use a view to perform such operations as updating records or removing records. To take care of such actions, the view must be based on only one table. Here is an example of such a view: USE Exercise;
CREATE TABLE Personnel.EmploymentStatus
StatusID int identity(1, 1),
[Status] nvarchar(30) not null,
Constraint PK_EmploymentStatus Primary Key(StatusID)
CREATE TABLE Personnel.Employees
EmplNbr nchar(10) not null,
FirstName nvarchar(20),
LastName nvarchar(20),
Salary money,
EmplStatus int null
Constraint FK_EmploymentStatus Foreign Key
References Personnel.EmploymentStatus(StatusID),
Constraint PK_Employees Primary Key(EmplNbr));
INSERT Personnel.EmploymentStatus([Status])
VALUES(N'Full Time'), (N'Part Time'), (N'Contractor'), (N'Unknown');
INSERT INTO Personnel.Employees
VALUES(N'29730', N'Philippe', N'Horsford', 20.05, 1),
(N'28084', N'Joan', N'Shepherd', 12.72, NULL),
(N'44179', NULL, N'Shepherd', 10.59, 1),
(N'27924', N'Gregory', N'Hope', 12.85, 1),
(N'79272', N'Joshua', N'Anderson', 18.26, 2),
(N'22803', N'Gregory', N'Swanson', 15.95, NULL),
(N'39742', NULL, N'Anders', 8.95, 2),
(N'83084', N'Josephine', N'Anderson', 20.02, 1),
(N'51508', N'James', N'Anders', 18.26, 1),
(N'92485', N'John', N'Anderson', 12.49, NULL);
CREATE VIEW Personnel.PartTimers
SELECT FirstName, LastName, EmplStatus
FROM Personnel.Employees
WHERE EmplStatus = 2;
The operation of updating records using a view follows the same rules as those of a table. As you may know already, you can create a view that has a condition and only the records that follow that condition would be included in the result. The above view would produce:
Notice the number of records. There are two ways you can update data: using a table or using a view. We have already seen how to update records using a table. If you use a table, after updating the records, the view would show the result. Consider the following example: UPDATE Personnel.Employees
SET EmplStatus = 2
WHERE EmplNbr = N'22803';
SELECT * FROM Personnel.PartTimers;
This would produce:
Notice that, this time, the view has a different number of records. In the same way, you can update records using a view. The advantage is that the view already contains a condition. You can simply SET the desired value. Here is an example: UPDATE Personnel.PartTimers
SET EmplStatus = 3;
SELECT * FROM Personnel.PartTimers;
This would produce:
As mentioned already, if you update records using a view, the table would be updated. Consequently, based on the criteria set in the view, the view's result may not show the record(s) that was (were) lost. If you decide to update one or more records using a view, you can ask the database engine to first check whether one or more records in the view would be lost. To visually specify the checking, if you are creating the view, in the Properties window, expand the Update Specification field. Set the (Update Using View Rules) field to Yes. Then set the Check Option to Yes:
To programmatically apply a check, add a WITH CHECK OPTION flag before the end of the statement. The formula to follow would be: CREATE VIEW [SchemaName.]ViewName AS SELECT Statement WITH CHECK OPTION Here is an example: CREATE VIEW Personnel.EarnLessThanMinimumWage AS SELECT EmplNbr, FirstName, LastName, Salary FROM Personnel.Employees WHERE Salary !> 12.50 WITH CHECK OPTION; GO
If the view was created already and you want to visually add the checking process to it, in the Object Explorer, right-click the view and click Design. In the Properties window, expand the Update Specification field. Set (Update Using View Rules) to Yes. Then set the Check Option to Yes. To do the same thing with code, ALTER the view and add a WITH CHECK OPTION flag at the end of the statement. The formula to follow would be: ALTER VIEW [SchemaName.]ViewName AS SELECT Statement WITH CHECK OPTION Here is an example: ALTER VIEW Personnel.PartTimers
SELECT EmplNbr, FirstName, LastName, EmplStatus
FROM Personnel.Employees
WHERE EmplStatus = 2
After adding this flag, if you update one or more records using the view, if the updated record(s) is under the condition specified in the view, the update will work just fine. Here is an example: UPDATE Personnel.EarnLessThanMinimumWage SET Salary = 12.25 WHERE EmplNbr = N'44179'; GO
On the other hand, if you call the view to update the record(s) and if at least one record that must be changed is outside the condition specified in the condition of the view, the update will be dismissed. Here is an example: UPDATE Personnel.EarnLessThanMinimumWage SET Salary = 14.05 WHERE EmplNbr = N'92485'; GO
If you perform the same operation using a table, it would work fine and there would not be an error.
You can remove records from a database using either a table or a view. We already know how to delete records using a table. Whe it comes to a view, you can first create one that includes a condition that isolates one or more records. If you delete a record using a table, a view that depends on that table who not show that record anymore. As seen for updating records, if you create a view that has a condition and you decide to delete the record(s) that follow the condition(s) in that view, you can simply call DELETE on that view and all of the records that view shows would be removed from the table. |