Fundamentals of Data Relationships |
A relational database is an application in which
information flows from one object to another. To illustrate this, imagine
you are creating a database for a car rental company (actually our Bethesda
Car Rental application). When processing an order, the user would have to
select a car and the customer who would rent it. To make this possible, one
one hand you must create a special relationship between the list that holds
the cars and the object used to process orders, on the other hand you must
create a relationship between the list of customers and the order processor.
The DataSet and the other data-based classes of
the System.Data namespace provide all the functionalities you need
to create relationships among objects.
Consider the following starting points of a data set:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Exercise1
public partial class Exercise : Form
DataColumn colStudentID;
DataColumn colUsername;
DataTable tblStudents;
DataSet dsStudents;
public Exercise()
private void Exercise_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
colStudentID = new DataColumn("ColumnID",
colUsername = new DataColumn("Username", Type.GetType("System.String"));
tblStudents = new DataTable("Student");
dsStudents = new DataSet("Students");
Learning: Introducing Data Relationships
- Start Microsoft Visual Studio
- Create a new Windows Application named BCR1
- To add a new form to the project, in the Solution Explorer,
right-click BCR1 -> Add -> Windows Form...
- Set the Name to OrderProcessing and press Enter
- To add a new form to the application, in the Solution Explorer,
right-click BCR1 -> Add -> Windows Form...
- Set the Name to Employees and click Add
- From the Data section of the Toolbox, click DataSet and click the
- Click Untyped Dataset and click OK
- In the Properties window, change the following characteristics:
DataSetName: Employees
(Name): dsEmployees
- Click Tables and click its button
- Click Add and change the following characteristics:
(Name) tblEmployee
- Click Columns and click its button
- In the Columns Collection Editor, click Add change the
characteristics as follows:
ColumnName: EmployeeID
(Name): colEmployeeID
In order to create a relationship, you need two
tables. One table would hold the original data. That table is referred to
as the parent. That table would provide its data to another table. The
table that receives data is referred to as a child table. The table that
acts as the parent must have a way to uniquely identify each record.
In the previous lesson, we saw that, to create unique
values for a column, you could set its Unique property to True.
Here is an example:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Exercise1
public partial class Exercise : Form
DataColumn colStudentID;
public Exercise()
private void Exercise_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
colStudentID = new DataColumn("ColumnID",
colStudentID.Unique = true;
Once this property is set, the user must remember to
specify the value of that column, otherwise, the record would not be
created. In some cases, the user may not have the right value at the time
of data entry or the user may simply be confused.
To assist you with specifying the unique value of a
column, you can ask the compiler to take care of this. To make this
happen, you can set an incremental value on the column. To support this,
the DataColumn class is equipped with a Boolean property named
AutoIncrement. The default value of this property is False. When this
property is set to True, when the user decides to add a new record, the
compiler would increment the current value of the column. Here is an
private void Exercise_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
colStudentID = new DataColumn("ColumnID",
colStudentID.Unique = true;
colStudentID.AutoIncrement = true;
By default, if the DataColumn.AutoIncrement
property is set to True, before any record is created on the table, the
initial value of the column is set to 0 and that would be the first value
of the column. If you want, you can start the records with another value.
To support this, the DataColumn class is equipped with a property
named AutoIncrementSeed, which is a Long integral type. Here
is an example:
private void Exercise_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
colStudentID = new DataColumn("ColumnID",
colStudentID.Unique = true;
colStudentID.AutoIncrement = true;
colStudentID.AutoIncrementSeed = 1000;
By default, if the AutoIncrement property of
the DataColumn class is set to True, when a record is being
created, the value of the column would be incremented by 1. If you want it
to be incremented by another value, you can use the AutoIncrementStep
property. Here is an example:
private void Exercise_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
colStudentID = new DataColumn("ColumnID",
colStudentID.Unique = true;
colStudentID.AutoIncrement = true;
colStudentID.AutoIncrementSeed = 1000;
colStudentID.AutoIncrementStep = 5;
Learning: Introducing Data Relationships
- While the EmployeeID member is selected, in the Properties list,
double-click AutoIncrement to set its value to True
- Click AutoIncrementSeed and type 1
- Click Add continuously and create the following columns:
AllowDBNull |
ColumnName |
(Name) |
Expression |
False |
EmployeeNumber |
colEmployeeNumber |
FirstName |
colFirstName |
False |
LastName |
colLastName |
EmployeeName |
colEmployeeName |
LastName + ', ' + FirstName |
Title |
colTitle |
- Click Close and click Close
- Display the Order Processing form
- From the Data section of the Toolbox, click DataSet and click the
- Click Untyped Dataset and click OK
- In the Properties window, change the following characteristics:
DataSetName: RentalOrders
(Name): dsRentalOrders
- Click Tables and click its button
- Click Add and change the following characteristics:
(Name) tblRentalOrder
- Click Columns and click its ellipsis button
- In the Columns Collection Editor, click Add twice and create the
following columns:
ColumnName |
(Name) |
Additional Properties |
RentalOrderID |
colRentalOrderID |
AutoIncrement: True AutoIncrementSeed: 1000 |
DateProcessed |
colDateProcessed |
DataType: System.DateTime |
- Click Close
In a relation, a constraint is a rule that would
specify how some data is created or provided to a table. For example, a
constraint can provide the means by which some values of a column are
entered. Another type of constraint can create a rule that controls the
types or ranges of values that can be accepted for a column;
non-acceptable values would be rejected. There are various types of
constraints and most are supported in the DataSet system.
To visually create a constraint, display the Table
Collection Editor. In the Members list, click the name of the table. In
the Properties list, click the Constraints list and click its ellipsis
To support constraints, the DataTable class is
equipped with a property named Constraints, which is an object of
type ConstraintCollection.
A unique constraint is a rule that states that the
value of one column or the combination of values of some columns must be
unique among the records of a table. The unique constraint can involve
only one column as we saw for the Unique property of a column. For
example, if you are creating a list of usernames for the students of a
school, you would not want two students to have the same username. Here is
an example:
First Name |
MI |
Last Name |
Username |
Frank |
Adams |
fadams |
Fannie |
H |
Adams |
fadams |
Virginie |
Mengue |
vmengue |
Christine |
M |
Chambers |
cchambers |
Cynthia |
P |
Chambers |
cchambers |
Carlton |
Chambers |
cchambers |
Alexis |
Leandro |
aleandro |
When creating the table, you can set up a unique
constraint so that duplicate values would be rejected. In this case, every
time the user enters a new value, the compiler (actually an interpreter)
would check if that value exists already. If so, the user would be
informed and must take appropriate actions to correct it. Here are
First Name |
MI |
Last Name |
Username |
Valid |
Frank |
Adams |
fadams |
fadams |
Fannie |
H |
Adams |
fadams |
fhadams |
Virginie |
Mengue |
vmengue |
vmengue |
Christine |
M |
Chambers |
cchambers |
cmchambers |
Cynthia |
P |
Chambers |
cchambers |
cphambers |
Carlton |
Chambers |
cchambers |
cchambers |
Alexis |
Leandro |
aleandro |
aleandro |
A unique constraint can also involve more than one
column. For example, if you are creating a list of members of a club, it
could be confusing to have two members with the exact same full name. You
could allow same last names. As long as the first names are different,
there would be less or no confusion. Using a unique constraint, you can
set a rule so that each combination of a first and last name would be
To visually create a unique constraint, display the
Table Collection Editor and create the desired columns for a table. In the
Members list, click the desired table. In the Properties list, click the
ellipsis button of the Constraints field. In the Constraints Collection
Editor, click Add -> Unique Constraint, give it a name, click the check
box of the column that will hold unique values. Here is an example:
If the unique constraint will involve more than one
column, click the check box of each. After providing the necessary
information, click OK.
To support unique constraints, the System.Data
namespace provides the UniqueConstraint class. Therefore, to
programmatically create a unique constraint, you can declare a variable to
type UniqueConstraint and initialize it with one of its many
constructors. If you want to specify only the column that will hold unique
values, you can use the following constructor:
public UniqueConstraint(DataColumn column);
This method expects the variable name of a column as
argument. After creating the constraint variable, you can add it to the
Constraints collection of the table. To support this, the
ConstraintCollection class is equipped with a method named Add
that comes in many versions. If you had created a UniqueContraint
object and you want to add it, you can use the following syntax of the
public void Add(Constraint constraint);
This version expects a Constraint-derived object as
argument. Here is an example:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Exercise1
public partial class Exercise : Form
DataColumn colStudentID;
DataColumn colUsername;
DataTable tblStudents;
UniqueConstraint cnsUniqueUsername;
DataSet dsStudents;
public Exercise()
private void Exercise_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
colStudentID = new DataColumn("ColumnID",
colStudentID.Unique = true;
colStudentID.AutoIncrement = true;
colStudentID.AutoIncrementSeed = 1000;
colStudentID.AutoIncrementStep = 5;
colUsername = new DataColumn("Username", Type.GetType("System.String"));
tblStudents = new DataTable("Student");
cnsUniqueUsername = new UniqueConstraint(colUsername);
dsStudents = new DataSet("Students");
If you create a unique constraint using the
UniqueConstraint(DataColumn column) constructor, a
default name would be assigned to it. If this is the first constraint, it
would be named Constraint1 and the names would be incremental. If you
want, you can provide your own name. To do this, you can use the following
constructor of the UniqueConstraint class:
public UniqueConstraint(string name, DataColumn column);
The first argument is the name of the unique
constraint. Here is an example:
private void Exercise_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
colStudentID = new DataColumn("ColumnID",
colStudentID.Unique = true;
colStudentID.AutoIncrement = true;
colStudentID.AutoIncrementSeed = 1000;
colStudentID.AutoIncrementStep = 5;
colUsername = new DataColumn("Username", Type.GetType("System.String"));
tblStudents = new DataTable("Student");
cnsUniqueUsername = new UniqueConstraint("UniqueUsername", colUsername);
dsStudents = new DataSet("Students");
If the unique constraint is a combination of columns,
create them in an array before adding them.
To create a scenario where data flows from one list to
another, we saw that the first list must hold the records that would be
supplied to other lists. In the first list, each record must be
distinguishable from the others. One way you can take care of this is to
create what is referred to as a primary key.
To visually create a primary key, in the Members list
of the Tables Collection Editor, click the desired table. In the
Properties list, click the arrow of the PrimaryKey combo box and click the
left button of the column. Here is an example:
Like a unique constraint, a primary key can involve
more than one column. In this case, you would click the gray button of
each of the columns that would be involved in the combination. After doing
this, you can click Close.
In reality, a primary key is a unique constraint.
Therefore, if you create a primary key as just described, the studio would
configure it behind the scenes. Otherwise, you can explicitly create a
primary key as a unique constraint. To do this, in the Members list of the
Tables Collection Editor, click the desired table. In the Properties list,
click Constraints and click its ellipsis button. In the Constraints
Collection Editor, click Add -> Unique Constraint. In the Unique
Constraint dialog box, accept the default name or change it. In the
Columns list, click the check box of the column that will be the primary
key, and click the Primary Key check box. Here is an example:
If the primary key involves more than one column,
click the check box of each. After making the selections, click OK.
To assist you with programmatically creating a primary
key, the UniqueConstraint class is equipped with the following
public UniqueConstraint(DataColumn column, bool isPrimaryKey);
In this case, the second argument is passed as true or
false. If passed as true, the column specified as the first argument would
be treated as the primary key. If you use this constructor, a default name
would be given to the constraint. If you want to specify a name, you can
use the following constructor:
public UniqueConstraint(
string name,
DataColumn column,
bool isPrimaryKey
Here is an example:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Exercise1
public partial class Exercise : Form
DataColumn colGenderID;
UniqueConstraint PKGenderID;
DataColumn colGender;
DataTable tblGenders;
DataColumn colStudentID;
DataColumn colUsername;
DataTable tblStudents;
UniqueConstraint cnsUniqueUsername;
DataSet dsStudents;
public Exercise()
private void Exercise_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
colGenderID = new DataColumn("GenderID", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
colGenderID.AutoIncrement = true;
colGenderID.AutoIncrementSeed = 1;
colGenderID.AutoIncrementStep = 1;
colGender = new DataColumn("colGender", Type.GetType("System.String"));
tblGenders = new DataTable("Gender");
colStudentID = new DataColumn("ColumnID",
colStudentID.Unique = true;
colStudentID.AutoIncrement = true;
colStudentID.AutoIncrementSeed = 1000;
colStudentID.AutoIncrementStep = 5;
colUsername = new DataColumn("Username", Type.GetType("System.String"));
tblStudents = new DataTable("Student");
cnsUniqueUsername = new UniqueConstraint("UniqueUsername", colUsername);
PKGenderID = new UniqueConstraint("PKGenderID", colGenderID, true);
dsStudents = new DataSet("Students");