Operating System Scripting
This lesson introduces as a programming language, including ways to start or launch it.
Point, Vectors, Sizes, and Rectangles.
Introduction to objects that delimit or contain geometrical objects and their chracteristics.
Colors, Known Colors, and Colors Names
Colors are the foundation of visual aspects. They show the borders and control the appearance of objects.
Both the operating systems and Windows controls use icons for different goals, usually.
Cursors are fundamentally used by operating systems, applications, and Windows controls such as text boxes.
A pen is the fundamental object used to draw a line or a shape. A pen has many other important details.
Lines, Polygons, Rectangles, and Squares.
A line is the most fundamental object that can be drawn. A line represents a distance between two points or the borders of a shape.
Round shapes include ellipses, circles, arcs, and pies.
Curves, Closed Curves, and Bézier Curves
Curves are bent lines that can produce open or closed shapes. A great characteristic of curves is a tension.
Lines, Rectangles, Ellipses, Arcs, and Pies.
A graphics path object or a series of objects can be drawn by following pre-determined points.
Curves, Bézier Curves, and Closed Curves
These are techniques for adding curved shapes to a path, including tensions, bézier curves, closed curves.
Images, Bitmaps, Pictures, their Sizes (Width and Height), and Other Characteristics
Here is an introduction to pictures, how to create them, how to acquire them, and how to display them. The lesson includes their characteristics such as their transparency.
Images, Control (Button, Label, Picture Box), Background Image, and Image List
Bitmaps, pictures, and images offer many options, such as the ability to display a picture on a control, cover a control with a picture, or use an image list for some controls.
Scaling (Resizing), Copying, Mirroring, Flipping, and Rotating a Picture
Common operations performed on bitmaps include the ability to change its size, to copy it, mirror it, turn it around, etc. These operations offer many other operations.
Colors, Brushes, Solid Brushes, System Brushes,
A brush is the object used to paint a (closed) shape. The primary characteristic of a brush is its color. There are other details such as brushes offered by the operating system.
Painting Polygons, Rectangles, Ellipses, Circles, Pies, and Closed Curves
Introductory means to paint a shape include filling any of the regular and irregular closed shapes such as polygons (rectangles, squares, ellipses, circles, and shapes in between).
Linear Gradient Brushes (Including their Orientation), Hatched Brushes, and Path Gradient Brushes
There are various types of brushes used for different goals, such as transitioning from one color to another, from one side of a shape to another, painting with a pattern, etc.
Painting with a Picture or a Pattern, Texture Brushes
Besides the regular brushes, pictures can be applied to a brush and that brush can be used to paint any closed shape. There are many options in using the picture applied to a brush.
Characteristics of a Font: Name, Size, and Arrays of Characters
Dispplaying text consists of drawing a string, which is sometimes considered as a series of characters, digits, or symbols of any kind. This is also an introduction to various characteristics of fonts.
Text Styles (Regular, Underline, Italic, Strikeout, and Bold) and a Family of Fonts
Some fonts have some characterics built in them. Some other fonts are simple and one or more styles can be applied to them. Besides creating or selecting a font, operating system provide some options.
Formatting Text, String Format Flags, and Text Alignment
There are various techniques to draw text, using colors or other types of brushes (linear gradient brushes, hatched brushes). The techniques to draw text also come with some options such as text alignment.
The Print Dialog Box: Printer Name, Settings, Status, and Pages to Print
Document printing is traditionally thought of as drawing text and/or other objects on a piece of paper. A great physical object is used; a printer. There are many others issues involved in performing this job.
Print previewing is used to present a layout of the intended print paper; this allows a user to make some adjustments before actually printing.
FunctionX provides tutorials in various areas on computer science, including programming, database, Web design, etc.
These are small applications that experiment with languages and programming environments.