.NET Collections

Windows Forms Programming

01 - introduction to .NET Collections

Starting an Array from an Array

A C# array is a good place to start a collection.

02 - Iterating Through a Collection

Introduction to Enumerating Interfaces

Enumerating allows you to use a loop to visit each member of a collection.

03 - Implementing a Collection

Introducing Common Behaviors of Collections

There are characteristics that all collections share or follow.

04 - Introduction to XML Serialization

Serialization Using the XML formats

XML is one of the means by which you can create and manage the records of a collection.

05 - Introduction to JSon Serialization

Serialization Using the JSON formats

JSON, from the JavaScript language, is another way to create and manage the records of a collection.

06 - Introduction to Built-In Collections

Foundations of .NET Collections Classes

The .NET Framework provides some fundamentals collections classes with behaviors that other collections share.

07 - Introduction to Dictionary Collections

Introducing Key/Value Collections

A dictionary collection is list where each item is combination of a key and a value.

08 - A Set as a Collection

Introduction to sets and hash sets

A set is a collection where each item is unique among other items of the same collection.

09 - Linked Lists

Adding an item as a first or a last in a collection

A linked list is one of the complex types of collections where an item can be added as the first or the last.

10 - The Collection Class

An simplified but expandable collection class

The .NET Framework provides a rich library of collec classes, one of those classes is named Collection.

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