Here is an example:
If you are using a Query window or if you are writing your SELECT statement, on the right side of the column name, type AS followed by the desired name of the column header. If the desired column header is in one word, you can simply type it. Here is an example: SELECT FirstName, LastName, HomePhone AS PhoneNumber, ParentsNames AS NamesOfParents FROM Registration.Students; GO If you want the column header to appear with more than one word, you can provide the words as a string in single-quotes or between the square brackets: [ and ] . Here are examples: SELECT FirstName AS [First Name], LastName AS [Last Name], HomePhone AS [Phone Number], ParentsNames AS [Names of Parents] FROM Registration.Students; GO This would produce:
In Transact-SQL, you can omit the AS keyword. This means that the above code can be written as: SELECT FirstName [First Name], LastName [Last Name], HomePhone [Phone Number], ParentsNames [Names of Parents] FROM Registration.Students; GO You can also qualify a column using the name of the table. Here are examples: SELECT Students.FirstName AS [First Name], Students.LastName AS [Last Name], Students.HomePhone AS [Phone Number], Students.ParentsNames AS [Names of Parents] FROM Registration.Students; GO By specifying a schema, the statement can also be written as follows: SELECT Registration.Students.FirstName AS [First Name], Registration.Students.LastName AS [Last Name], Registration.Students.HomePhone AS [Phone Number], Registration.Students.ParentsNames AS [Names of Parents] FROM Registration.Students; GO We have already seen how to create an alias for a table. If you are working in the Query Designer and if you create an alias in the Properties window, as soon as you do this, the alias is written immediately in both the Criteria and the SQL sections. Otherwise, you can directly create an lias in your SQL statement. After doing this, you can qualify each column by preceding it with the name of the alias and a period. Here is an example: SELECT std.FirstName AS [First Name], std.LastName AS [Last Name], std.HomePhone AS [Phone Number], std.ParentsNames AS [Names of Parents] FROM Registration.Students std; GO
Using the SELECT keyword, we have learned to create a list of isolated columns. These columns were produced separate of each other. Instead of having separate columns, you can combine them to create a string or a value that is in fact an expression. For example, you can combine a first name and a last name to produce a full name as an expression. Another expression can use a date on the table, add a number to it to get a date on another day. An expression can also be used to perform a calculation on two or more columns such as employees weekly hours multiplied by their hourly salary to get their weekly salary. The most common operator used is the addition. It can be used to combine two or more strings to get a new one. Here is an example: SELECT FirstName + N' ' + LastName FROM Registration.Students; GO This would produce:
The addition can also be used on numeric values. All other arithmetic operators can be used. For example, you can multiply an employee's weekly time to an hourly salary to get a weekly salary. The statement of such an expression can be written as follows: SELECT WeeklyHours * HourlySalary FROM Payroll You can also create an alias for an expression to give it the desired name. To do this, on the right side of the expression, type AS followed by the name. As we learned already, if the alias is in more than one word, include it in either single quotes or square brackets. Here is an example: SELECT FirstName + N' ' + LastName AS N'Full Name', EmergencyName + N' ' + EmrgPhone AS [Emergency Contact] FROM Registration.Students; GO This would produce:
In the same way, you can create a longer and more complexe expression that contain SQL keywords, the table's columns, and regular words. Here is an example: SELECT PropertyType + N' in ' + City + N', ' + State + N', in ' + Condition + N' condition. Equipped with ' + CAST(Bedrooms AS nvarchar(20)) + N' bedrooms, ' + CAST(Bathrooms AS nvarchar(20)) + N' bathrooms. Built in ' + CAST(YearBuilt AS nvarchar(20)) + N' and selling for ' + CAST(MarketValue AS nvarchar(20)) AS [Property Description] FROM Listing.Properties Here is an example of what this would produce:
If you just create a regular expression using arithmetic operators, the new column would not have a name. Transact-SQL allows you to specify a different name for any column during data selection or a name for an expression. This is done using the assignment operator "=".
SELECT LastName, [Emergency Name] = EmergencyName, [Emergency Phone] = EmergencyPhone FROM Registration.Students; GO This would produce:
You can also include the name between single-quotes or the square brackets. Here are examples: SELECT LastName + N', ' + FirstName AS [Full Name], [Emergency Name] = EmergencyName, 'Emergency Phone' = EmergencyPhone FROM Registration.Students; GO This would produce:
As we know already, to get a list of values from a column, you can use a SELECT statement and give the name of the column. If a table is using an identity column, Transact-SQL provides the $IDENTITY flag that allows you to get the values of that column. Here is an example of using it: USE Exercise; GO SELECT $IDENTITY FROM StoreItems; GO If you have a large group of records, you can specify that you want to see only a certain number of them. If you are working in the Query Designer, to specify the maximum number of records you want to see, in the Properties window, set the Top Specification field to Yes (that's its default value when you have right-click a table in the Object Explorer and clicked Edit Top 200 Rows):
Then click the + button of Top Specification. In the Expression field and type the desired number, and execute the statement:
Using code, to specify the maximum number of returned records, after the SELECT operator, type TOP followed by an integral number. Continue the SELECT statement as you see fit. Here is an example: USE Exercise; GO SELECT TOP 5 * FROM Employees; GO You can also include the number in parentheses. Here is an example: USE Exercise; GO SELECT TOP(5) * FROM Employees; GO This statement asks the SQL interpreter to select the first 5 records from the Employees table. Just as done here, you can apply the TOP operator to any of the statements we will see for the rest of our lessons.
Instead of selecting a specific number of records, you can ask the interpreter to produce a percentage of records. To visually specify the percentage of records to return, in the Properties window, after setting the Top Specification field to Yes, type the desired value in the Expression field. The value must be between 1.00 and 100.00 included. After typing the value, set the Percent field to Yes. Here are examples:
The formula to specify a percentage of records using code is: SELECT TOP Value PERCENT WhatColumns FROM WhatObject
After the TOP keword type a number. To indicate that you want a percentage of values, use the PERCENT keyword. Here is an example: SELECT TOP 25 PERCENT FirstName, LastName, HourlySalary
FROM Employees;
As an alternative, you can include the Value in parentheses: SELECT TOP (25) PERCENT FirstName, LastName, HourlySalary
FROM Employees;
This statement would produce a quarter (25%) the number of records in the table. For example, if the table has 12 records, the interpreter would produce 3 records. In reality, the database engine would divide the number of records to the number in the parentheses and convert the value to the closest integer, then produce that number of records. For example, if the table has 11 records and you ask for 25%, the interpreter would produce 11 / (100/25) = 11 / 4 = 2.75. The closest high integer is 3. So the database engine would produce 3 records.
You can use a WHEN conditional statement to refine data selection. Consider the following Persons table: USE Exercise1; GO CREATE TABLE Persons(FirstName nvarchar(20), LastName nvarchar(20), GenderID int); GO INSERT INTO Persons VALUES(N'Gertrude', N'Monay', 2), (N'Horace', N'Taylor', 1), (N'Marc', N'Knights', 2), (N'Tiernan', N'Michael', 3), (N'Paul', N'Yamo', 1), (N'Mahty', N'Shaoul', 3), (N'Hélène', N'Mukoko', 2); GO Imagine you want to select the GenderID column:
If a column has values that are difficult to identify, you can use a CASE conditional statement to customize the result(s). Here is an example: SELECT FirstName, LastName, Gender = CASE GenderID WHEN 1 THEN N'Male' WHEN 2 THEN N'Female' ELSE N'Unknown' END FROM Persons