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Conditions and Record Sets |
Applying a Condition to a Record Set
Locating a Record
In our introductions to record sets, we saw that you can locate a record by going through the record set from beginning to end, then checking the name and value of each field. In the Microsoft Access Object Library, this can be done as follows:
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click() Dim curDatabase As Object Dim fldEmployee As Object Dim rstEmployees As Object Set curDatabase = CurrentDb Set rstEmployees = curDatabase.OpenRecordset("Employees") With rstEmployees Do Until .EOF For Each fldEmployee In .Fields If fldEmployee.Name = "EmployeeID" Then If fldEmployee.Value = CInt(txtEmployeeID) Then ' The record to be edited has been located Exit For End If End If Next .MoveNext Loop End With End Sub
Learning: Introducing Conditions with Record Sets
Control | Name | |
Text Box |
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txtEmployeeName |
Text Box |
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txtLocationName |
Text Box |
![]() |
txtCustomerName |
Introduction to Setting a Condition in a Record set
Besides simply selecting records from a table or a query, the Recprdset (in DAO, or its equivalent Object object in MAOL) allows you to set a condition by which to select records. The condition is formulated using the WHERE operator and it is included in the first argument of the OpenRecordset() method.
Learning: Setting a Condition in a Record set
Private Sub txtEmployeeNumber_LostFocus() On Error GoTo txtEmployeeNumber_LostFocus_Error Dim rstEmployees As Object Dim strEmployeeName As String Dim dbDepartmentStore As Object If IsNull(txtEmployeeNumber) Then Exit Sub End If ' Get a reference to the current database Set dbDepartmentStore = CurrentDb ' Get the records from the Employees table Set rstEmployees = dbDepartmentStore.OpenRecordset("SELECT FirstName, LastName " & _ "FROM Employees " & _ "WHERE EmployeeNumber = '" & txtEmployeeNumber & "'") txtEmployeeName = CStr(rstEmployees("LastName").Value) & ", " & CStr(rstEmployees("FirstName").Value) txtTimeSheetNumber = "1000" timeSheetFound = False Exit Sub txtEmployeeNumber_LostFocus_Error: If Err.Number = 3021 Then MsgBox "Invalid Employee Number: The employee number you entered was not found in the database.", _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Fun Department Store" Exit Sub Else MsgBox "A problem occurred when trying to retrieve the employee information." & vbCrLf & _ "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _ "Description: " & Err.Description, _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Fun Department Store" End If Resume Next End Sub
Private Sub txtEmployeeNumber_LostFocus() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim rstEmployees As Recordset Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set rstEmployees = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName " & _ "FROM Employees " & _ "WHERE EmployeeNumber = '" & txtEmployeeNumber & "';", _ RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenDynamic, _ RecordsetOptionEnum.dbConsistent, _ LockTypeEnum.dbOptimistic) If rstEmployees.RecordCount > 0 Then If IsNull(rstEmployees!MiddleName) Then txtEmployeeName = rstEmployees!FirstName & " " & rstEmployees!LastName Else txtEmployeeName = rstEmployees!FirstName & " " & rstEmployees!MiddleName & " " & rstEmployees!LastName End If End If Set rstEmployees = Nothing Set dbKoloBank = Nothing End Sub
Private Sub txtAccountNumber_LostFocus() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim rstCustomers As Recordset, rstTransactions As Recordset Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set rstCustomers = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName " & _ "FROM Customers " & _ "WHERE AccountNumber = '" & txtAccountNumber & "';", _ RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenForwardOnly, _ RecordsetOptionEnum.dbForwardOnly, _ LockTypeEnum.dbOptimisticValue) Set rstTransactions = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("SELECT Balance " & _ "FROM Transactions " & _ "WHERE AccountNumber = '" & txtAccountNumber & "';", _ RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenForwardOnly, _ RecordsetOptionEnum.dbForwardOnly, _ LockTypeEnum.dbOptimisticValue) If rstCustomers.RecordCount > 0 Then If IsNull(rstCustomers!MiddleName) Then txtCustomerName = rstCustomers!FirstName & " " & rstCustomers!LastName Else txtCustomerName = rstCustomers!FirstName & " " & rstCustomers!MiddleName & " " & rstCustomers!LastName End If End If If rstTransactions.RecordCount > 0 Then rstTransactions.MoveLast txtPreviousBalance = rstTransactions!Balance txtCurrentBalance = rstTransactions!Balance Else txtPreviousBalance = "0.00" txtCurrentBalance = "0.00" End If Set rstCustomers = Nothing Set dbKoloBank = Nothing End Sub
Private Sub txtEmployeeNumber_LostFocus() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim rstEmployees As Recordset Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set rstEmployees = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName " & _ "FROM Employees " & _ "WHERE EmployeeNumber = '" & txtEmployeeNumber & "';", _ RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenDynamic, _ RecordsetOptionEnum.dbConsistent, _ LockTypeEnum.dbOptimistic) If rstEmployees.RecordCount > 0 Then If IsNull(rstEmployees!MiddleName) Then txtEmployeeName = rstEmployees!FirstName & " " & rstEmployees!LastName Else txtEmployeeName = rstEmployees!FirstName & " " & rstEmployees!MiddleName & " " & rstEmployees!LastName End If End If Set rstEmployees = Nothing Set dbKoloBank = Nothing End Sub
Private Sub txtAccountNumber_LostFocus() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim rstCustomers As Recordset, rstTransactions As Recordset Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set rstCustomers = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName " & _ "FROM Customers " & _ "WHERE AccountNumber = '" & txtAccountNumber & "';", _ RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenForwardOnly, _ RecordsetOptionEnum.dbForwardOnly, _ LockTypeEnum.dbOptimisticValue) Set rstTransactions = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("SELECT Balance " & _ "FROM Transactions " & _ "WHERE AccountNumber = '" & txtAccountNumber & "';", _ RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenForwardOnly, _ RecordsetOptionEnum.dbForwardOnly, _ LockTypeEnum.dbOptimisticValue) If rstCustomers.RecordCount > 0 Then If IsNull(rstCustomers!MiddleName) Then txtCustomerName = rstCustomers!FirstName & " " & rstCustomers!LastName Else txtCustomerName = rstCustomers!FirstName & " " & rstCustomers!MiddleName & " " & rstCustomers!LastName End If End If If rstTransactions.RecordCount > 0 Then rstTransactions.MoveLast txtPreviousBalance = rstTransactions!Balance txtCurrentBalance = rstTransactions!Balance Else txtPreviousBalance = "0.00" txtCurrentBalance = "0.00" End If Set rstCustomers = Nothing Set dbKoloBank = Nothing End Sub
Private Sub txtEmployeeNumber_LostFocus() Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim rstEmployees As Recordset Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set rstEmployees = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName " & _ "FROM Employees " & _ "WHERE EmployeeNumber = '" & txtEmployeeNumber & "';", _ RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenDynamic, _ RecordsetOptionEnum.dbConsistent, _ LockTypeEnum.dbOptimistic) If rstEmployees.RecordCount > 0 Then If IsNull(rstEmployees!MiddleName) Then txtEmployeeName = rstEmployees!FirstName & " " & rstEmployees!LastName Else txtEmployeeName = rstEmployees!FirstName & " " & rstEmployees!MiddleName & " " & rstEmployees!LastName End If End If Set rstEmployees = Nothing Set dbKoloBank = Nothing End Sub
Private Sub txtAccountNumber_LostFocus() On Error GoTo txtAccountNumber_LostFocusError Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim rstCustomers As Recordset, rstTransactions As Recordset Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb Set rstCustomers = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName " & _ "FROM Customers " & _ "WHERE AccountNumber = '" & txtAccountNumber & "';", _ RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenForwardOnly, _ RecordsetOptionEnum.dbForwardOnly, _ LockTypeEnum.dbOptimisticValue) Set rstTransactions = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("SELECT Balance " & _ "FROM Transactions " & _ "WHERE AccountNumber = '" & txtAccountNumber & "';", _ RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenForwardOnly, _ RecordsetOptionEnum.dbForwardOnly, _ LockTypeEnum.dbOptimisticValue) If rstCustomers.RecordCount > 0 Then If IsNull(rstCustomers!MiddleName) Then txtCustomerName = rstCustomers!FirstName & " " & rstCustomers!LastName Else txtCustomerName = rstCustomers!FirstName & " " & rstCustomers!MiddleName & " " & rstCustomers!LastName End If End If If rstTransactions.RecordCount > 0 Then rstTransactions.MoveLast txtPreviousBalance = rstTransactions!Balance txtNewBalance = rstTransactions!Balance Else txtPreviousBalance = "0.00" txtNewBalance = "0.00" End If Set rstCustomers = Nothing Set dbKoloBank = Nothing Exit Sub txtAccountNumber_LostFocusError: If Err.Number = 3021 Then MsgBox "Invalid Account Number: The account number you entered was not found in the database.", _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Kolo Bank" Exit Sub Else MsgBox "A problem occurred when trying to retrieve account information." & vbCrLf & _ "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _ "Description: " & Err.Description, _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Kolo Bank" End If Resume Next End Sub
Private Sub cmdFind_Click() On Error GoTo cmdSubmit_ClickError Dim dbKoloBank As Database Dim rstCustomers As Recordset Dim rstTransactions As Recordset Dim rstAccountsHistories As Recordset ' Get a reference to the current database Set dbKoloBank = CurrentDb If IsNull(txtAccountNumber) Then MsgBox "You must provide a valid account number.", _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Kolo Bank" Exit Sub End If Set rstCustomers = dbKoloBank.OpenRecordset("SELECT DateCreated, AccountType, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName " & _ "FROM Customers " & _ "WHERE AccountNumber = '" & txtAccountNumber & "';", RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenDynamic, _ RecordsetOptionEnum.dbAppendOnly, _ LockTypeEnum.dbOptimistic) If rstCustomers.RecordCount > 0 Then If IsNull(rstCustomers!MiddleName) Then txtCustomerName = rstCustomers!FirstName & " " & rstCustomers!LastName Else txtCustomerName = rstCustomers!FirstName & " " & rstCustomers!MiddleName & " " & rstCustomers!LastName End If txtAccountType = rstCustomers!AccountType txtDateCreated = rstCustomers!DateCreated Forms![Account Transactions].sfAccountsTransactions.Form.RecordSource = _ "SELECT Transactions.TransactionNumber, " & _ " Transactions.EmployeeNumber, " & _ " Transactions.LocationCode, " & _ " Transactions.TransactionDate, " & _ " Transactions.TransactionTime, " & _ " Transactions.AccountNumber, " & _ " Transactions.TransactionType, " & _ " Transactions.CurrencyType, " & _ " Transactions.DepositAmount, " & _ " Transactions.WithdrawalAmount, " & _ " Transactions.ChargeAmount, " & _ " Transactions.ChargeReason, " & _ " Transactions.Balance " & _ "FROM Transactions " & _ "WHERE AccountNumber = '" & txtAccountNumber & "' " & _ "ORDER BY TransactionDate, TransactionTime;" Forms![Account Transactions].sfAccountsHistories.Form.RecordSource = _ "SELECT AccountsHistories.AccountHistoryID, " & _ " AccountsHistories.AccountNumber, " & _ " AccountsHistories.AccountStatus, " & _ " AccountsHistories.DateChanged, " & _ " AccountsHistories.TimeChanged, " & _ " AccountsHistories.ShortNote " & _ "FROM AccountsHistories " & _ "WHERE AccountNumber = '" & txtAccountNumber & "';" sfAccountsTransactions.Visible = True txtDeposits.Visible = True txtWithdrawals.Visible = True txtCharges.Visible = True txtBalance.Visible = True sfAccountsHistories.Visible = True End If Set rstCustomers = Nothing Set dbKoloBank = Nothing Exit Sub cmdSubmit_ClickError: MsgBox "The withdrawal was not processed because of an error." & vbCrLf & _ "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _ "Description: " & Err.Description, _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Kolo Bank" Resume Next End Sub
The Type of Value of a Criterion
As mentioned in the previous lesson, conditions are applied in different types of values. If the value is not a string, or it is coming from a control such as a text box or other, make sure you first convert it to the appropriate value.
Learning: Dealing with Categories of Values
Private Sub txtEmployeeNumber_LostFocus() On Error GoTo txtEmployeeNumber_Error Dim dbFunDS As Object Dim rsEmployees As Object Dim rsFilingStatus As Object Dim iFilingStatus As Integer Dim rsMaritalStatus As Object Dim iMaritalStatus As Integer If IsNull(txtEmployeeNumber) Or IsEmpty(txtEmployeeNumber) Then Exit Sub Else Set dbFunDS = CurrentDb Set rsEmployees = dbFunDS.OpenRecordset("SELECT EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, " & _ "Address, City, County, State, ZIPCode, " & _ "MaritalStatus, Exemptions, HourlySalary, FilingStatus " & _ "FROM Employees " & _ "WHERE EmployeeNumber = '" & txtEmployeeNumber & "';") rsEmployees.MoveLast txtFirstName = rsEmployees("FirstName") txtLastName = rsEmployees("LastName") txtAddress = rsEmployees("Address") txtCity = rsEmployees("City") txtCounty = rsEmployees("County") txtState = rsEmployees("State") txtZIPCode = rsEmployees("ZIPCode") txtExemptions = rsEmployees("Exemptions") txtHourlySalary = rsEmployees("HourlySalary") iMaritalStatus = rsEmployees("MaritalStatus") iFilingStatus = rsEmployees("FilingStatus") Set rsMaritalStatus = dbFunDS.OpenRecordset("SELECT MaritalStatusID, MaritalStatus " & _ "FROM MaritalsStatus " & _ "WHERE MaritalStatusID = " & iMaritalStatus & ";") txtMaritalStatus = rsMaritalStatus("MaritalStatusID") & " - " & rsMaritalStatus("MaritalStatus") Set rsFilingStatus = dbFunDS.OpenRecordset("SELECT FilingStatusID, FilingStatus " & _ "FROM FilingsStatus " & _ "WHERE FilingStatusID = " & iFilingStatus & ";") txtFilingStatus = rsFilingStatus("FilingStatusID") & " - " & rsFilingStatus("FilingStatus") Set dbFunDS = Nothing Set rsFilingStatus = Nothing Set rsMaritalStatus = Nothing Set rsEmployees = Nothing Exit Sub End If txtEmployeeNumber_Error: If Err.Number = 3021 Then MsgBox "Invalid Employee Number: The employee number you entered was not found in the database.", _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Kolo Bank" ResetForm Exit Sub Else MsgBox "A problem occurred when trying to retrieve the employee record." & vbCrLf & _ "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _ "Description: " & Err.Description, _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Fun Department Store" ResetForm Exit Sub End If Resume Next End Sub
Private Sub cmdFind_Click() On Error GoTo cmdFindClick_Error Dim dbFunDS As Object Dim rsPayrolls As Object Dim iFilingStatus As Integer Dim rsFilingStatus As Object Dim rsMaritalStatus As Object Dim iMaritalStatus As Integer Set dbFunDS = CurrentDb If IsNull(txtPayrollNumber) Or IsEmpty(txtPayrollNumber) Then MsgBox "You must specify the payroll number to display.", _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Fun Department Store" Exit Sub Else Set rsPayrolls = dbFunDS.OpenRecordset("SELECT PayrollNumber, EmployeeNumber, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeLastName, EmployeeAddress, EmployeeCity, " & _ " EmployeeCounty, EmployeeState, EmployeeZIPCode, EmployeeMaritalStatus, EmployeeExemptions, " & _ " EmployeeHourlySalary, EmployeeFilingStatus, TimeSheetNumber, TimeSheetStartDate, TimeSheetWeek1Monday, " & _ " TimeSheetWeek1Tuesday, TimeSheetWeek1Wednesday, TimeSheetWeek1Thursday, TimeSheetWeek1Friday, " & _ " TimeSheetWeek1Saturday, TimeSheetWeek1Sunday, TimeSheetWeek2Monday, TimeSheetWeek2Tuesday, " & _ " TimeSheetWeek2Wednesday, TimeSheetWeek2Thursday, TimeSheetWeek2Friday, TimeSheetWeek2Saturday, TimeSheetWeek2Sunday, " & _ " RegularTime, Overtime, RegularPay, OvertimePay, GrossSalary, TaxableGrossWagesCurrent, AllowancesCurrent, FederalIncomeTaxCurrent, " & _ " SocialSecurityTaxCurrent, MedicareTaxCurrent, StateIncomeTaxCurrent, " & _ " TaxableGrossWagesYTD, AllowancesYTD, FederalIncomeTaxYTD, " & _ " SocialSecurityTaxYTD, MedicareTaxYTD, StateIncomeTaxYTD " & _ "FROM PayrollSystem " & _ "WHERE PayrollNumber = " & CLng(txtPayrollNumber) & ";") With rsPayrolls If .RecordCount > 0 Then txtTimeSheetNumber = .Fields("TimeSheetNumber").Value txtStartDate = .Fields("TimeSheetStartDate").Value txtEmployeeNumber = .Fields("EmployeeNumber").Value txtFirstName = .Fields("EmployeeFirstName").Value txtLastName = .Fields("EmployeeLastName").Value txtAddress = .Fields("EmployeeAddress").Value txtCity = .Fields("EmployeeCity").Value txtCounty = .Fields("EmployeeCounty").Value txtState = .Fields("EmployeeState").Value txtZIPCode = .Fields("EmployeeZIPCode").Value iMaritalStatus = .Fields("EmployeeMaritalStatus").Value txtExemptions = .Fields("EmployeeExemptions").Value txtHourlySalary = .Fields("EmployeeHourlySalary").Value iFilingStatus = .Fields("EmployeeFilingStatus") txtWeek1Monday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Monday").Value txtWeek1Tuesday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Tuesday").Value txtWeek1Wednesday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Wednesday").Value txtWeek1Thursday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Thursday").Value txtWeek1Friday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Friday").Value txtWeek1Saturday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Saturday").Value txtWeek1Sunday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Sunday").Value txtWeek2Monday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Monday").Value txtWeek2Tuesday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Tuesday").Value txtWeek2Wednesday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Wednesday").Value txtWeek2Thursday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Thursday").Value txtWeek2Friday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Friday").Value txtWeek2Saturday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Saturday").Value txtWeek2Sunday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Sunday").Value txtWeek1Monday = .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Monday").Value txtRegularTime = .Fields("TimeSheetRegularTime").Value txtOvertime = .Fields("Overtime").Value txtRegularPay = .Fields("RegularPay").Value txtOvertimePay = .Fields("OvertimePay").Value txtGrossSalary = .Fields("GrossSalary").Value txtTaxableGrossWagesCurrent = .Fields("TaxableGrossWagesCurrent").Value txtAllowancesCurrent = .Fields("AllowancesCurrent").Value txtFederalIncomeTaxCurrent = .Fields("FederalIncomeTaxCurrent").Value txtSocialSecurityTaxCurrent = .Fields("SocialSecurityTaxCurrent").Value txtMedicareTaxCurrent = .Fields("MedicareTaxCurrent").Value txtStateIncomeTaxCurrent = .Fields("StateIncomeTaxCurrent").Value txtTaxableGrossWagesYTD = .Fields("TaxableGrossWagesYTD").Value txtAllowancesYTD = .Fields("AllowancesYTD").Value txtFederalIncomeTaxYTD = .Fields("FederalIncomeTaxYTD").Value txtSocialSecurityTaxYTD = .Fields("SocialSecurityTaxYTD").Value txtMedicareTaxYTD = .Fields("MedicareTaxYTD").Value txtStateIncomeTaxYTD = .Fields("StateIncomeTaxYTD").Value txtStartDate_LostFocus Set rsMaritalStatus = dbFunDS.OpenRecordset("SELECT MaritalStatusID, MaritalStatus " & _ "FROM MaritalsStatus " & _ "WHERE MaritalStatusID = " & iMaritalStatus & ";") txtMaritalStatus = rsMaritalStatus("MaritalStatusID") & " - " & rsMaritalStatus("MaritalStatus") Set rsFilingStatus = dbFunDS.OpenRecordset("SELECT FilingStatusID, FilingStatus " & _ "FROM FilingsStatus " & _ "WHERE FilingStatusID = " & iFilingStatus & ";") txtFilingStatus = rsFilingStatus("FilingStatusID") & " - " & rsFilingStatus("FilingStatus") CalculateWeek1Monday CalculateWeek1Tuesday CalculateWeek1Wednesday CalculateWeek1Thursday CalculateWeek1Friday CalculateWeek1Saturday CalculateWeek1Sunday CalculateWeek2Monday CalculateWeek2Tuesday CalculateWeek2Wednesday CalculateWeek2Thursday CalculateWeek2Friday CalculateWeek2Saturday CalculateWeek2Sunday txtWeek1TotalTimeWorked = CDbl(txtWeek1Monday) + CDbl(txtWeek1Tuesday) + CDbl(txtWeek1Wednesday) + CDbl(txtWeek1Thursday) + CDbl(txtWeek1Friday) + CDbl(txtWeek1Saturday) + CDbl(txtWeek1Sunday) txtWeek1TotalRegularTime = CDbl(txtWk1MonRegularTime) + CDbl(txtWk1TueRegularTime) + CDbl(txtWk1WedRegularTime) + CDbl(txtWk1ThuRegularTime) + CDbl(txtWk1FriRegularTime) + CDbl(txtWk1SatRegularTime) + CDbl(txtWk1SunRegularTime) txtWeek1TotalOvertime = CDbl(txtWk1MonOvertime) + CDbl(txtWk1TueOvertime) + CDbl(txtWk1WedOvertime) + CDbl(txtWk1ThuOvertime) + CDbl(txtWk1FriOvertime) + CDbl(txtWk1SatOvertime) + CDbl(txtWk1SunOvertime) txtWeek1TotalRegularPay = CDbl(txtWk1MonRegularPay) + CDbl(txtWk1TueRegularPay) + CDbl(txtWk1WedRegularPay) + CDbl(txtWk1ThuRegularPay) + CDbl(txtWk1FriRegularPay) + CDbl(txtWk1SatRegularPay) + CDbl(txtWk1SunRegularPay) txtWeek1TotalOvertimePay = CDbl(txtWk1MonOvertimePay) + CDbl(txtWk1TueOvertimePay) + CDbl(txtWk1WedOvertimePay) + CDbl(txtWk1ThuOvertimePay) + CDbl(txtWk1FriOvertimePay) + CDbl(txtWk1SatOvertimePay) + CDbl(txtWk1SunOvertimePay) txtWeek2TotalTimeWorked = CDbl(txtWeek2Monday) + CDbl(txtWeek2Tuesday) + CDbl(txtWeek2Wednesday) + CDbl(txtWeek2Thursday) + CDbl(txtWeek2Friday) + CDbl(txtWeek2Saturday) + CDbl(txtWeek2Sunday) txtWeek2TotalRegularTime = CDbl(txtWk2MonRegularTime) + CDbl(txtWk2TueRegularTime) + CDbl(txtWk2WedRegularTime) + CDbl(txtWk2ThuRegularTime) + CDbl(txtWk2FriRegularTime) + CDbl(txtWk2SatRegularTime) + CDbl(txtWk2SunRegularTime) txtWeek2TotalOvertime = CDbl(txtWk2MonOvertime) + CDbl(txtWk2TueOvertime) + CDbl(txtWk2WedOvertime) + CDbl(txtWk2ThuOvertime) + CDbl(txtWk2FriOvertime) + CDbl(txtWk2SatOvertime) + CDbl(txtWk2SunOvertime) txtWeek2TotalRegularPay = CDbl(txtWk2MonRegularPay) + CDbl(txtWk2TueRegularPay) + CDbl(txtWk2WedRegularPay) + CDbl(txtWk2ThuRegularPay) + CDbl(txtWk2FriRegularPay) + CDbl(txtWk2SatRegularPay) + CDbl(txtWk2SunRegularPay) txtWeek2TotalOvertimePay = CDbl(txtWk2MonOvertimePay) + CDbl(txtWk2TueOvertimePay) + CDbl(txtWk2WedOvertimePay) + CDbl(txtWk2ThuOvertimePay) + CDbl(txtWk2FriOvertimePay) + CDbl(txtWk2SatOvertimePay) + CDbl(txtWk2SunOvertimePay) Else MsgBox "There is no existing payroll with that number.", _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Fun Department Store" txtTimeSheetNumber.Visible = False ResetForm txtStartDate = "" txtEndDate = "" End If End With Set dbFunDS = Nothing Set rsPayrolls = Nothing Exit Sub End If cmdFindClick_Error: If Err.Number = 3021 Then MsgBox "Invalid operation: A problem occurred when trying to submit the payroll." & vbCrLf & _ "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Fun Department Store" ResetForm Exit Sub Else End If Resume Next End Sub
Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click() On Error GoTo cmdSubmitClick_Error Dim dbFunDS As Object Dim rsPayrolls As Object Set dbFunDS = CurrentDb If IsNull(txtStartDate) Or IsEmpty(txtStartDate) Or IsNull(txtEmployeeNumber) Or IsEmpty(txtEmployeeNumber) Then MsgBox "You must specify the time sheet start date and the employee number." Exit Sub Else ' We need to find out whether the user is creating a new payroll record or she is updating an existing time sheet Set rsPayrolls = dbFunDS.OpenRecordset("SELECT PayrollNumber, EmployeeNumber, EmployeeFirstName, " & _ " EmployeeLastName, EmployeeAddress, EmployeeCity, " & _ " EmployeeCounty, EmployeeState, EmployeeZIPCode, " & _ " EmployeeMaritalStatus, EmployeeExemptions, " & _ " EmployeeHourlySalary, EmployeeFilingStatus, " & _ " TimeSheetNumber, TimeSheetStartDate, TimeSheetWeek1Monday, " & _ " TimeSheetWeek1Tuesday, TimeSheetWeek1Wednesday, " & _ " TimeSheetWeek1Thursday, TimeSheetWeek1Friday, " & _ " TimeSheetWeek1Saturday, TimeSheetWeek1Sunday, " & _ " TimeSheetWeek2Monday, TimeSheetWeek2Tuesday, " & _ " TimeSheetWeek2Wednesday, TimeSheetWeek2Thursday, " & _ " TimeSheetWeek2Friday, TimeSheetWeek2Saturday, TimeSheetWeek2Sunday, " & _ " RegularTime, Overtime, RegularPay, OvertimePay, GrossSalary, " & _ " TaxableGrossWagesCurrent, AllowancesCurrent, FederalIncomeTaxCurrent, " & _ " SocialSecurityTaxCurrent, MedicareTaxCurrent, StateIncomeTaxCurrent, " & _ " TaxableGrossWagesYTD, AllowancesYTD, FederalIncomeTaxYTD, " & _ " SocialSecurityTaxYTD, MedicareTaxYTD, StateIncomeTaxYTD " & _ "FROM PayrollSystem " & _ "WHERE PayrollNumber = " & iPayrollNumber & ";") With rsPayrolls If .RecordCount > 0 Then ' If a record was found with the current employee number ' and the specified start date, the employee probably simply wants to update her time sheet .Edit .Fields("EmployeeFirstName").Value = txtFirstName .Fields("EmployeeLastName").Value = txtLastName .Fields("EmployeeAddress").Value = txtAddress .Fields("EmployeeCity").Value = txtCity .Fields("EmployeeCounty").Value = txtCounty .Fields("EmployeeState").Value = txtState .Fields("EmployeeZIPCode").Value = txtZIPCode .Fields("EmployeeMaritalStatus").Value = Left(txtMaritalStatus, 1) .Fields("EmployeeExemptions").Value = txtExemptions .Fields("EmployeeHourlySalary").Value = txtHourlySalary .Fields("EmployeeFilingStatus").Value = Left(txtFilingStatus, 1) .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Monday").Value = txtWeek1Monday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Tuesday").Value = txtWeek1Tuesday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Wednesday").Value = txtWeek1Wednesday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Thursday").Value = txtWeek1Thursday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Friday").Value = txtWeek1Friday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Saturday").Value = txtWeek1Saturday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Sunday").Value = txtWeek1Sunday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Monday").Value = txtWeek2Monday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Tuesday").Value = txtWeek2Tuesday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Wednesday").Value = txtWeek2Wednesday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Thursday").Value = txtWeek2Thursday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Friday").Value = txtWeek2Friday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Saturday").Value = txtWeek2Saturday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Sunday").Value = txtWeek2Sunday .Fields("RegularTime").Value = txtRegularTime .Fields("Overtime").Value = txtOvertime .Fields("RegularPay").Value = txtRegularPay .Fields("OvertimePay").Value = txtOvertimePay .Fields("GrossSalary").Value = txtGrossSalary .Fields("TaxableGrossWagesCurrent").Value = txtTaxableGrossWagesCurrent .Fields("AllowancesCurrent").Value = txtAllowancesCurrent .Fields("FederalIncomeTaxCurrent").Value = txtFederalIncomeTaxCurrent .Fields("SocialSecurityTaxCurrent").Value = txtSocialSecurityTaxCurrent .Fields("MedicareTaxCurrent").Value = txtMedicareTaxCurrent .Fields("StateIncomeTaxCurrent").Value = txtStateIncomeTaxCurrent .Fields("TaxableGrossWagesYTD").Value = txtTaxableGrossWagesYTD .Fields("AllowancesYTD").Value = txtAllowancesYTD .Fields("FederalIncomeTaxYTD").Value = txtFederalIncomeTaxYTD .Fields("SocialSecurityTaxYTD").Value = txtSocialSecurityTaxYTD .Fields("MedicareTaxYTD").Value = txtMedicareTaxYTD .Fields("StateIncomeTaxYTD").Value = txtStateIncomeTaxYTD .Update MsgBox "The payroll has been updated.", _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Fun Department Store" Else ' If no payroll record was found with the current employee number ' and the specified start date, let's generate a new payroll .AddNew .Fields("EmployeeNumber").Value = txtEmployeeNumber .Fields("EmployeeFirstName").Value = txtFirstName .Fields("EmployeeLastName").Value = txtLastName .Fields("EmployeeAddress").Value = txtAddress .Fields("EmployeeCity").Value = txtCity .Fields("EmployeeCounty").Value = txtCounty .Fields("EmployeeState").Value = txtState .Fields("EmployeeZIPCode").Value = txtZIPCode .Fields("EmployeeMaritalStatus").Value = Left(txtMaritalStatus, 1) .Fields("EmployeeExemptions").Value = txtExemptions .Fields("EmployeeHourlySalary").Value = txtHourlySalary .Fields("EmployeeFilingStatus").Value = Left(txtFilingStatus, 1) .Fields("TimeSheetNumber").Value = txtTimeSheetNumber .Fields("TimeSheetStartDate").Value = txtStartDate .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Monday").Value = txtWeek1Monday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Tuesday").Value = txtWeek1Tuesday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Wednesday").Value = txtWeek1Wednesday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Thursday").Value = txtWeek1Thursday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Friday").Value = txtWeek1Friday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Saturday").Value = txtWeek1Saturday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek1Sunday").Value = txtWeek1Sunday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Monday").Value = txtWeek2Monday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Tuesday").Value = txtWeek2Tuesday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Wednesday").Value = txtWeek2Wednesday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Thursday").Value = txtWeek2Thursday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Friday").Value = txtWeek2Friday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Saturday").Value = txtWeek2Saturday .Fields("TimeSheetWeek2Sunday").Value = txtWeek2Sunday .Fields("RegularTime").Value = txtRegularTime .Fields("Overtime").Value = txtOvertime .Fields("RegularPay").Value = txtRegularPay .Fields("OvertimePay").Value = txtOvertimePay .Fields("GrossSalary").Value = txtGrossSalary .Fields("TaxableGrossWagesCurrent").Value = txtTaxableGrossWagesCurrent .Fields("AllowancesCurrent").Value = txtAllowancesCurrent .Fields("FederalIncomeTaxCurrent").Value = txtFederalIncomeTaxCurrent .Fields("SocialSecurityTaxCurrent").Value = txtSocialSecurityTaxCurrent .Fields("MedicareTaxCurrent").Value = txtMedicareTaxCurrent .Fields("StateIncomeTaxCurrent").Value = txtStateIncomeTaxCurrent .Fields("TaxableGrossWagesYTD").Value = txtTaxableGrossWagesYTD .Fields("AllowancesYTD").Value = txtAllowancesYTD .Fields("FederalIncomeTaxYTD").Value = txtFederalIncomeTaxYTD .Fields("SocialSecurityTaxYTD").Value = txtSocialSecurityTaxYTD .Fields("MedicareTaxYTD").Value = txtMedicareTaxYTD .Fields("StateIncomeTaxYTD").Value = txtStateIncomeTaxYTD .Update MsgBox "A new payroll has been created.", _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Fun Department Store" End If End With ' After creating a new time sheet or updating ' an existing one, reset the form txtTimeSheetNumber.Visible = False ResetForm txtStartDate = "" txtEndDate = "" Set dbFunDS = Nothing Set rsPayrolls = Nothing Exit Sub End If cmdSubmitClick_Error: If Err.Number = 3021 Then MsgBox "Invalid operation: A problem occurred when trying to submit the payroll." & vbCrLf & _ "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, "Fun Department Store" ResetForm Exit Sub Else End If Resume Next EEnd Sub
Private Sub txtLoanNumber_LostFocus() Dim rsPayments As Recordset Dim dbWattsALoan As Database Dim rsLoansAllocations As Recordset If IsNull(txtLoanNumber) Then Exit Sub End If Set dbWattsALoan = CurrentDb Set rsPayments = dbWattsALoan.OpenRecordset("SELECT Balance " & _ "FROM Payments " & _ "WHERE LoanNumber = " & CLng(Nz(txtLoanNumber)) & ";") Set rsLoansAllocations = dbWattsALoan.OpenRecordset("SELECT CustomerFirstName, " & _ " CustomerLastName, " & _ " LoanAmount, " & _ " MonthlyPayment, " & _ " FutureValue " & _ "FROM LoansAllocations " & _ "WHERE LoanNumber = " & CLng(Nz(txtLoanNumber)) & ";") If rsLoansAllocations.RecordCount > 0 Then txtLoanDetails = "Loan granted to " & rsLoansAllocations!CustomerFirstName & ", " & _ rsLoansAllocations!CustomerLastName & " for " & _ rsLoansAllocations!loanAmount & " paid at " & rsLoansAllocations!MonthlyPayment & "/Month" If rsPayments.RecordCount = 0 Then ' If this is the first payment, the balance starts with the future value of the loan txtBalanceBeforePayment = FormatNumber(rsLoansAllocations.Fields("FutureValue").Value) Else ' If at one payment was already made on the loan, get its balance txtBalanceBeforePayment = FormatNumber(rsPayments.Fields("Balance").Value) End If txtAmountPaid = rsLoansAllocations.Fields("MonthlyPayment").Value txtBalanceAfterPayment = FormatNumber(CDbl(Nz(txtBalanceBeforePayment)) - CDbl(Nz(txtAmountPaid))) End If rsLoansAllocations.Close dbWattsALoan.Close End Sub
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